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*** Years Ago ***

My feet are knocked out of me with a single sweep and before I felt the hard stone ground below me someone's knee connects with my stomach throwing me backwards into a roll. I finally settle to the ground before someone laughs at the scene.

"Fuck, kids rolling around are funny."

The person I am 'fighting' walks towards me. "You used to rolling over, kid? There is not even a shred of fight left in you."

"Dad wanted him to be better than him," the other laughs again, "though if he were to ask any of us, this kid does not come from the same blood as that man."

"He can take a beating better than most." He drops himself to a crouched position near me while I struggle to get myself on my feet. "Most of the recruits we get don't survive getting tossed around like him."

"Good for him, he will die slowly when it comes to graduation."

I glance at the blonde guy sitting on one of the crates, he has been making fun of me ever since I have been here. His words are cold but I hardly feel his remarks, I think it would work better if he was kicking me on the ground.

"Been hard on the kid all week he's been here. Cut him some slack-"

"Why?" He scoffs. "The people kids that all come in here have something wrong with them, this one just rolls over and takes it like a fucking champion. The others fight back, they got some screws loose where you are beating the crap out of a kid that comes from a world that would scream at the things we do."

"I know." He offers me a hand. "But we all need to lose ourselves a little bit to find ourselves."

Helping me to my feet, the blonde guy walks towards me with his hands dug into his pockets.


I look at him with a glare, but I don't speak to him.

"That's a pretty pathetic stare you've gotten there," he chuckles, "you look like someone that got taught by his parents that the best thing to do is tuck your head and roll over because it will all be over."

"Dad sent you here because he doesn't know how to teach you that the world isn't black and white. Truth is that it is just a murky black pool of shit with a few people that come around to prove that they are useful and that is that."

I stay quiet.

My trainer then adds. "He is trying to convey that just like with animals there is a food chain. We are the wolves, they are dogs. Right now you are in the sweet spot of growing and you have the potential to grow into two things."

"A pedigree that takes what is given that never takes," he crosses his arms with a narrow stare, "or become like us, wolves that hunt their keep. There is one thing that will determine if you will make it, obviously, but if I had to place money on it I'd say you can be better than your dad."

He walks away. "We'll continue this tomorrow."

The blond speaks again with a cold tone, "All monsters are human. You know that already, can see it in your face, you think I am no better than the people that lead you to this place."

I keep quiet.

"Our order believes that there is only one common denominator among our clients, Excess." He smirks at me. "But here? One more child to lead alone into the void, figure out what you are going to do it for because your father did it for love."

"Hate..." I mutter under my breahte.

"You aren't above your emotions, you aren't above their whims. If you were, would you have been here in the first place?" He chuckles at my expression. "Don't look at me like that, blame someone else."

***   Present time   ***

I open my eyes slowly, my fatigue caught up to me and visions of a dead child slip into my head to remind me what I was and what brought me here.

Those words stuck with me for a long time.

Blame someone else.

Those weeks were cruel to me, the way they treated me, all of that to kill the person I was so that it could make space for the person I am now. I wish you could see me now, Dad, because I have no idea if you'd be proud of me.

I want to hear your words, Mom hates me and said that I became a monster. It might be true, but it didn't stop me from hurting me because this is what I became.

Someone that will always ensure that every battle I step into will be won and they will never have the chance to take that away from me.

"(Y/N)?" I hear Akali's soft whisper in the darkness surrounding us.

I only now notice her snuggling against me. "Did I wake you?"

"Hm mhm," I see her shaking her head in the darkness, "I was... trying to fall asleep but it felt impossible, I am not nearly as tired as I thought I'd be."

"The adrenaline must still be kicking."

"Probably," she sighs. "Are you okay?"

"Surviving," I admit, "making use of this brief moment of solace to gather myself before I end this forever."



"The things they did to you, do you still remember it?"

I stare at the ceiling above. "Are you asking to learn if my hatred is guiding me, or are you scared that all I am is a revenant with the sole purpose of putting those men in the ground?"

"I don't want this to be the last time I see you because all you want to do is protect us and do what you want to do because of them," she sniffles, "I worry that... for you this all ends when they meet their end."

I clench my jaw for a brief moment before shutting my eyes. "My hatred for them didn't bring me this far, I knew that I would find them eventually. I don't know, it feels like a promise that I made to myself a long time ago..."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me-"

"Then why ask?"

Akali lifts herself over me, her hands resting on my shoulder I can see her eyes reflecting the moonlight from the window beside us. "Because I need you to... I just want you to come back."

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