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"Ground Zero."

I hear someone call out to me. I glance over my shoulder at him as he approaches me with his hands in the air as if to show that he came here unarmed, but in reality there are probably a number of people hidden somewhere with their sights on me.

I turn around fully. "A place where ghosts go to die."

Stopping a few feet from me, resting his hands behind his back. "Agent."

"I am surprised. I didn't expect you to come alone."

He cocks his head. "If you wanted me dead there are different ways to go about it, if I was feeling unsafe I wouldn't have come here in the first place. The guards may be lacking what is the point of adding more bodies to the same grave if that was really the case."

"Then you know why I asked you here?"

He shuts his eyes tightly. "I am the closest to the brains in charge of the Agency. You are here to ask me about the contract on your head and its sudden freeze."

"Best to get rid of it. Otherwise, you are going to have to find more agents."

He chuckles. "The higher-ups are impressed. I can't say that I don't feel the same way but there is always a need to kill a god."

"No gods among men."

He nods. "Then what is the real reason why you are here?"

"Left my mark. I want to arrange a full extraction of my account, eliminate my name from your data, and then I walk my own way."

He nods. "Sad to hear you want to go."

"You don't sound it."

"Because the truth is you will be back, that's the diffirent between retiring and being dead. You can always come back."

I cross my arms, I glance over my shoulder at the city below us. "If I come back then that means there is someone that deserves to die, or because someone decided that they needed to fuck with me."

"Whatever comes first."

I nod. "Not yet though, I just need you to prepare it."

"Then what should I write in the records?"

The overlook is up high. A little cliff edge with shobby fencing, an overgrown word. A place where'd you go to escape and maybe get someone to come with you to look at the stars if you really wanted to do that.

Funny. How this is where we deal with the dead.


"By whose hand?"

"Keep that unknown. I have someone that will pull the triger on me and then I am dead and gone."

"I pray to see you in the future."

"Pray that you don't."

I turn my back on him and head for the car I drove here. Leaning against the car is a thin woman with her arms crossed over her middle that is watching me with an intense stare. I stop in front of the door, pulling it open as she asks me.

"This is it for us, isn't it?"

I look at her. "I have a favour to ask you, Liz."

"What I won't do for you, you son of a bitch," she groans.

"I am expecting them to make a move on us tonight if you can... maybe get Shin aboard I need to turn that house into a fucking fortress, and the moment we slaughtered every last one of those fuckers I have a blood price to pay."

The corner of her mouth arches upward. "I'll be there to see the deed done."

"And fulfill your part."

"Of course, sad to see you leave like this."

"Shouldn't we be happy that I have something else to do that doesn't involve mindless slaughter?"

She scoffs, "As if the two of us see the faces of the people we kill in our nightmares, our nightmares don't work like that."

I nod. "Fighting, killing... those things don't scare us."

"But we still get scared," she sighs, pushing herself off of the side of the car, "but I always wondered what scares you."

She walks away towards her own car, probably to find Shin to prepare for what is to happen. We have maybe days before they decide to attack the girls but even then... if I leave now they could just move in to kill them.

I am patient. I have been waiting for a bit more than a decade.

I get in my car and drive back. I spot in the mirror a van with a bull bar, it was parked there while I was waiting because it wasn't there when I arrived, I could glance at it for a moment but I have a feeling that they were waiting to pick me off.

What if they already got to the girls?

I come to a halt at the crosswalk. I feel my car nudge forward as something bumps me out from where I was parked and into the middle of the four-way stop. I slam down on the gas and manage to drive far enough for them to crash against the back half of the car rather than into me.

I try to pace myself but I can feel the shock travel through my arms into my neck. I glance at the mirror to see three guys walk out of the van covered with full tactical gear, like some mercenary group.

I slam my elbow into the door, unbuckling my seatbelt I roll out of the driver seat onto all fours. Gripping my stomach to lower their guard.

I glance at one of them, he walks closely with the rifle aimed at my head and I slam the barrel away and close the distance with my gun against his faceplate. I pop a bullet through the eye socket and blood splatters out from behind him as I use the gun in his hand to gun down the two behind him.

The sudden commotion makes people drive spottily, trying to escape the warzone.

I push him aside and lower myself into a crouch while I reach for one of their rifles before rolling over the hood of my car.

"He's killed three of 'em! Call in the rest!"

I crack my neck, pulling out the mag of the HK 416 to check the mag. One still in the chamber, it makes me wonder if they had a lot more than just druggies on their side.

Where the fuck did they get these rifles? Private Militia?

"Echo is inbound. Delta and Zeta are enroute to distrupt police response. Ram the fucker out of his cover!"

I hear one of them on the radio of the body near me. I shut my eyes, reminding myself of the bullet count in the mag. The realization that they don't plan to fight me like the rest, they know I thrive if I have the drop on them.

They are more than just gangbangers.

Causing a scene to be rid of me is much easier than hoping to get rid of me silently. Make it impossible for me to run, to put me in a situation where I will die no matter the outcome, a scenario where they would have the drop on me.

It looks bad.

But... I prefer the chaos.

Major Crimes (K/DA Harem x Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now