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One rabbit hole into another.

I breathe out at as I watch a small group walk towards the hideout. I am shadowing them from the rooftop observing everything carefully. It just looks like they are heading straight for it, they picked up their pace after they turned the corner ensuring nobody can see their urgency.

Finally reaching a door, I pull out my silenced weapon and start scaling down to the alleyway.

The three of them walk into the door, I rush as silently as possible and stick my gun between the door to keep it from slamming shut. I push through it quickly and let it shut by itself. The inside is that of a storage unit with boxes piled near the door.

"Heard that something was up."

"Yeah. Boss wants us to check on the stock down here to make sure nobody is playing with our money and then get some of the vials back to him because someone is interested in drugging up someone."

"Nasty business."

"Not our problem. The people that are fucked in the heads pay well and I can easily just ignore what they are going to do if I never see it again."

The other laughs. "As if we have a guilty conscience."

The three of them cackle as they move through the building. I peek past the boxes to see what looks more like a chem lab... you'd mistake it for a drug operation if you didn't know any better. The three of them disappear into the room furthest from me.

I place a tracker under one of the tables and another near the boxes to keep track of them travelling. If they decide to move shop after I kicked the nest then I know where to look next, and keeping this place on the map will help me mobilize the police towards it.

Another two come from the same room. "Yeah, just let him walk down there."

"He is safe down there. Only one way to get in and besides I don't like the smell of that place, it is like a walking aphrodisiac."

"Makes me wonder if the guys standing guard down there don't die from all the blood rushing to their cocks."

"Beats me."

"Or maybe they just beat themselves." The two of them laugh as I sit in a crouched position waiting for the two of them to come closer to me.

After the first one passes I slam my elbow into his ear knocking him to the side and taking a shot into the other's chest and following it up with another shot in his face to stop his screams. The other guy groans as I underestimated the force I needed to knock him out.

I grab him by the hair and slam the side of his face into the metal table's sharp edge. His body drops to the ground. 

Rushing towards the room I hear someone climb up the steps leading to what looks like a basement. "You two fuckers running away from your job?! Get back down here!" He stomps up the steps.

"Bunch of lazy assholes."

I hear three sets of steps. As soon as one person's head is visible, I take the shot and jump down onto the steps landing with my knees into the second's body while I fire three rounds into the other guy's chest.

My knees resting on his back, I use the last guy as a skateboard down the steps and the moment we stop I snap his neck. I glance back to see the one I shot in the chest has stumbled into the wall leaving a smear of blood.

He is still alive, clutching at the air to breathe before his hands finally drop to his lap. His head falls to the side staring right at me.

Even the wicked may rest one day.

I reload my weapon before lifting myself and moving to the doorway leading deeper into the basement. Peeking into it I notice transparent blinds you'd use in a hospital to quarantine off certain sections.

Between the blinds, I see a number of people walking up and down with masks attached to their faces. I can taste the air, it is bitter and it is making me feel rather light-headed. I scan around to see a gas mask with filters scattered around the floor.

I opt for the chemical masks hoping that they will at least do something for now.

"Turn on ventilation. This place has enough chemicals in the air to turn you into a fucking husk."

"Got it." The other walks to the side and turns on giant fans that make a racket just starting up with constant rattling. "Fucking things need fixing."

"I'll take the batch down to our latest test subjects, and see if it sparks a reaction. Tell the doctor that Pathos is expecting a batch soon and he hopes that this is actually the real deal for a change."

"Love Potion is going to sell a lot."

"I mean drugging the shit out of girls is boring if they don't even react. This shit is just something else."

I cock my head, wondering it would just be easier to burn them in there. Though I don't know if the chemicals are flammable and I don't know if the people they are keeping here are going to be in any danger.

I crouch up to the guy reading his samples and the door shuts behind the other guy. I put my gun away and hold him in a headlock.


"Hey." I tighten my hold.

He chokes as he gasps for air. "What- I don't-"

I ease my grip a little bit, allowing air to flow through his throat. "Who is the doctor?"

"A freak that Pathos picked up on the streets cooking drugs that made people addicted to it like shit. I don't know much more than that-"

"Where is Pathos?"

"Nobody knows where Pathos is." He lifts his hands trying to pull my arm away from his throat.

I didn't even need to get him to talk. Makes it easier when they squeal before you gut them open, I tighten my hold choking the life out of him. He desperately starts kicking and trying to tear me away from him before I finally strangle him to death.

As soon as he drops to the floor the other person walks in and I instantly pull out my weapon and shoot him in the back before he could shut the door behind him.

"Agh fuck!" He stumbles into the door, I walk towards him and kick his side to get him to roll over. "Please man-"

I shoot him in the throat and leave him to choke on his own blood.

Major Crimes (K/DA Harem x Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now