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***   Bernard POV    ***

Shutting the door behind him I walk around the car and settle in the driver seat. The car is still parked outside of the house but I have been noticing that Tony looks like he is about to slit his wrists at any moment.

"Talk to me."

"Are we going to get rid of him or not?" He looks at me with a glare. "Akali spent the night in his little building and-"

Stopping him. "Don't jump to conclusions. There is no possible way for Akali to go that far with someone she just met, the first time the two of you met you hit it off instantly and it never went too far until later."

He visibly calms down after I point out some logic. "I can't lose her."

"You won't." I express. Starting the engine I drive us somewhere. "Ahri is making sure that he keeps his distance after I made sure she does get in the middle of it every chance she gets. We just need to rely on him slipping up."

With a nod. "What are we going to do?"

"What do you want to do?" I ask him. "The problem here is that you are the only one not getting along with Akali and we need to seal that little wound in the relationship and we have a couple of options."



"We don't have time to wait around till that fucker is killed."

I counter. "But the nostalgia can come in handy when you start to act as if you can easily move on from her, she might wonder what happened for you to suddenly lose all interest... maybe even think that you matured quite a bit and that could get her wet for you all over again."

"And the other option?"

I stare forward. "The easiest way to do it is to drug the feelings back into her. Some drugs that manipulate a certain emotion and force it out... we have been working closely with some freak that has been trying to get his little 'love potions' working."

"Very last resort," he whispers.

"Nothing will happen to her, it won't hurt her in any way. We already ran a lot of tests to make sure it won't harm anyone we care about and if they ever start to drift then we can keep them locked onto us forever."

"Is it hard to do?"

"Not at all," I state. "The only thing that might happen is to make her submissive to you, but I think you'd just get a kick out of it seeing her do anything for you at a whim. Right?"

I see him finally crack a smile. "Beats being yelled at."

"We just need to take care of chuckle nuts."


"Brought in someone to kill him." I express. "He already accepted the contract and says to expect it to be done within a week. He asked us to make as much commotion as possible to get things underway."


"You just need to keep your anger in tone. He might be on good terms with Akali but just imagine the moment he sees you fuck her right in front of him... we know this kid. We killed him once we can do it again."

***   Normal POV   ***

I am making a move on Pathos tonight.

I already informed Evelynn that I won't be here tonight and I have someone to stand in place for me... just keep everyone away from her because she doesn't want to talk to anyone and if anyone fucks with her there is a good chance they will get shot.

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