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***   Elmar POV   ***

Cuddling with Sera I spot Tony through the corner of my eye gesturing for me to come to talk with him. I roll my eyes so far behind my back I could almost see my brain for a moment there. I pat her waist as I tell her:

"Gotta go real quick. Watch without me."

"Is something wrong?"

I shake my head. "Just need to talk with someone about work, you can watch without me-"

"But you... okay."

"Sorry." I try to muster a smile as I stomp towards him.

I catch up to him in the hallway, grabbing him by the collar and pushing him into wall. "What the fuck do you think you are doing!?" I scream at him in a whisper. "Getting in the way of-"

"He knows."

I freeze. Grinding my teeth together, I nod slowly as I ask. "What does he know?"

"That we poisoned the water and drinks-"

"You did. We didn't."

He furrows his brow. "You can't just leave it on me. You gave it to me-"

I nod. "I know I did so you better find a way to unfuck this situation before it gets worse. You better hope that those assassins get to him before he gets to you because you are pulling all of us down with you."

He furrows his brow. "I just wanted her... I never wanted it to get this fucked up."

I calm myself, take a deep breath, and then pat him on the shoulders. "I'll talk to Bernard about it and see what we can do. How is Akali... warming up to you?" I ask the important question, to see if we should just toss him under the bus already.

"Yeah." He nods. "Took forever but I think the two of us are getting back on track, she said that she is going to work through it to make it work again."

I breathe a sigh of relief. "So you aren't a total idiot."

"I guess not."

You are. You just are lucky you have good friends that are putting their necks on the line for you.

***   Normal POV   ***

I haven't accounted for the fact that she is still a pop star. The amount of people surrounding us the moment we went to pick up the order is annoying and I hate the fact that I can't look around to see if someone was stalking us.


She looks at me with a furrowed brow, whispering, "Sorry. It is pretty busy here."

"This is my job. Nothing be sorry for." But that doesn't stop me from hating the job, why protect? I am a killer.

I hate the Agency. The least they could do is make sure that no bounties are listed in my name but now I am going to have to fight against my own people just because I fucked with the people that took my life away.

"Thank you." She reaches for the food, I present my hands to take the bags from her and she hands it over to me with a wide smile.

Heading to the car I put them on the back seat and handed over her bag only to see her snack on the chips pretty much the moment I gave her the bag. I am going to have to keep an extra observant eye on her.

Because, if it blows up in Tony's face. He might do something that can hurt Akali.

"How did you become an Agent?"

"My dad," I answer truthfully.


I nod. "He was one, then when he found my mom he walked away from the Agency to start a family and the Agency forgot about him and erased his existence entirely to keep anyone from ever finding out who he was."

"They can do that?"

I nod. "We can do a lot of things."

"So you can walk out if you wanted to?"

I nod. "If I find a reason to walk out."

"The same reason as your dad?"

I nod. "More than likely."

"But... that doesn't explain why you became one... I mean if they made sure nobody found out."

I answer. "Something happened to me when I grew up, I had people that wanted to hurt me that made me scared of ever wanting to go to school. I was terrified and always came home with bruises and death threats."

She furrows her brow. "They will get what is coming to them."

I nod. "Yeah... I think they will." I smile at her. "I have a feeling they will."

"It wouldn't be fair..." She sighs. "But the world doesn't work that way, right?" Then with a scoff. "Well, maybe you are better off the way you are now. I mean... I don't" She groans. "I am trying to say I think you are cool."

I look at her and then back to the road. "I think you are pretty easy to get along with."

"You didn't need to return the compliment." She grumbles.

I then add. "You are the first person to call it cool." There is silence, and I then explain it to her. "A lot of people see it as scary, wicked, distant, monstrous. Nothing is ever good. All I did was try to survive, to learn how to win the next battle and the one after that one."

"But in reality, they are probably right."

She says. "Maybe they are right. But it is what we make of it right?"


She nods. "I never wanted to be an assassin like my family. But I never saw them as monsters even though they could kill without batting an eye... they'd do anything to do what they need to do, what they thought was right."

I nod cracking a slight smile. "Valuable insight."

"I am trying my best." Then I hear her hands rumble in the bag. "Want a fry?"

"No thanks."

"Okie." She then proceeds to continue eating her fries.

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