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Driving towards their outpost. I have a pistol in my hand placed against his pelvis while I watch the road in front of us, we are running out of daylight quickly and I need to get back to the mansion before this gets out of hand.

"How far?" I ask.

"N-not far. Small outpost right outside of town, we were called in two days ago and activated a couple of hours ago to get rid of you."

I nod. "Did they tell you who I was?"

He shakes his head. "We-we assumed that it was an HVT but not someone that could stand against PMCs."

I nod slowly in response. I see a small outpost come into view, the type of metal structures you could quickly put together at a moment's notice but it doesn't explain how they got the stone slab walls ready.

Must be an outpost that existed and they just took it up because nobody was using it, the perimeter is pretty tight. Getting in through the gates is going to be easy but not dying at the centre of it all is going to be harder.

"Drive up."

He slows down at the gate, and a PMC wearing full kevlar walks up towards us with a radio in his hands. I hear him talk as he approaches us, "We have another transport back at base, I'll radio forward if we need medical-"

The moment he walks up to the window, I transfer the pistol to his face and pull the trigger. Popping his skull open the driver beside me freaks out.

"You killed him!"

I don't look at him as I transfer the gun towards his head, pushing his head towards the glass. "No wait-" I take on a shot before hopping out of the car with the rifle still over my shoulder.

Should have stayed quiet. Would have been alive.

I shut the door behind me and hear the radio go off. "Sitrep? Do we need medical?"

I walk past the corpse and towards the gate. I transfer the pistol to my holster and opt for the rifle, I push the gate open only to be met by a trio of PMCs wearing nothing but combat overalls.

"Hey, why didn't you radio in?"

"What are you wearing-"

I lift the rifle and gun the three of them down. Out of the metal buildings a few peek to see what is the commotion, I kill two people in the doorways before the rest realised they were under attack. In an instant, the siren goes off.

I swap out the mag, seeing a muzzle flash from one of the windows as a bullet hits the dirt. I drill through the plating of the metal building until the bullet pierces it where I saw him shoot me from.

I head to the main building during the initial commotion, pushing through the door I lift the gun slamming the but of the weapon into the first guard's nose. And then pulled my sidearm from my holster and shoot the other guard in quick succession.

Putting it away, I pop a bullet into his gut to let him bleed out on the floor. Moving to the next room it was surprisingly empty but filled with storage crates that were labelled with paint, from rations, ammo, and heavy ordinance.

Makes me think they did know who they were after, they just didn't tell the grunts.

I push past the crates only for someone to tackle me to the ground from behind the crates, knocking my weapon out of my hands I grab his wrists keeping his knife from piercing my chest. He leans forward with all his weight.

"Die. Fucker," his spit falls on my face.

In the struggle, I move my legs around, managing to get my knee between his legs. I lift it into his thigh but I can't get further than that. I quickly transfer my hand from his wrist to the blade pushing it outward.

I bite down on the inside of my cheek as I cut open the palm of my hand pushing it outward. The knife slips from his fingers and goes upward through his lips and scraping his lips away.

Letting out a bloodcurdling scream, I push him off me. Grabbing the knife I slam it into his back. Before he could roll over I grab one of the crates and pull it off of the stack and let it crash into him.

"Agh! Please... someone help me!" he sobs.

I got a glimpse of it, most of the skin on his face from his lips to his cheeks got caught in that. I walk away and let him bleed out. I grab the rifle on the way and instantly lower myself behind cover as the door I just came through bursts open.

"He is in here!"

I push myself out of cover, the moment I look down the hallway I unload the entire mag down the corridor killing everyone that was coming to respond. I stumble to the side resting against the crates while I pace my breathing.

Pulling the mag out of the gun, I grab the last one on my person and slam it in.

"To my health," I smirk to myself.

I push myself away and continue to walk through the building. How long can I push before I don't have any more to give? That doesn't matter, the question that really matters is how much are they willing to do to kill me?

Because it will never be enough.

Major Crimes (K/DA Harem x Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now