Chapter 8/Redwood

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Rock and I finished our packets in class so thankfully we would not have to meet after school or during the weekend. Bellatrix and Roxy were supposed to meet me by my car after school so we could hang out at my place before the drag race tonight, but I ended up leaning on my driver door waiting to see them. Scanning the crowd once more I crossed my arms. I spotted Goldilocks from chemistry class she was walking arm and arm with a red head on her left and a brunette on her right. She locked eyes with me then murmured something to her friends. They took off towards a bright white Range Rover. She kept eye contact and stared intently standing in the same spot. She had long blonde hair that was wavy, but not messy. She had a white corset on under a cropped cream colored sweater paired with a beige green pegged pants. She wore white block heeled sandals and a green Prada purse hanging in her right hand. She walked over to me and I held my groan in.

"Hey." She smiled and her voice didn't sound like a tiny fairy from a princess movie. "I'm Goldilocks from your chem class." I didn't say anything and just looked at her keeping my arms crossed leaning against my car. "Well my name isn't Goldilocks, I'm actually Flora." She introduced herself. "I just wanted to thank you for letting me copy off you this morning." She said.

"No problem." I replied cautiously. Why the hell is she talking to me?

"Well bye bye Red-Riding-Hood." She held a hand up waving. I squinted surprised she called me another fairytale name that corresponded with my appearance-the red top I had on-. Her heels clicked as she walked towards the same white Range Rover her friends retreated to earlier.

"Flora!" I called after her. She turned around her blonde hair flying. "It's Scarlett." She smiled with her mouth closed.

"I was close." She grinned and I watched her climb into the driver seat of the car. I didn't take my eyes off the car with the strange girl driving until it was out of view. I went to see if Trix and Roxy had made it out to the parking lot, I saw Trix and Roxy hugging by picnic tables which were abandoned along with the rest of the front of the school. I studied their body language wondering if this had to do with Roxy's distraction lately. I slipped into my car noting they will be walking over here soon and I don't want them to know I saw their embrace.


Thankfully my mom had a work dinner to attend to so I didn't have to do any of the lame introductions that usually happen between your friends and the parents.

"Your room is quite plain Scar." Bellatrix noted as she looked at my white vanity.

"Well, when you move a lot you learn not to get hooked on interior design." I mentioned.

Only exterior.

"I think the calming tones of the colors are quite relaxing actually." Roxy laid on her back her head hanging off my bed seeing the world in an upside-down view. We had been making normal chitchat and conversations for the last three hours. We ate at a pizza place after school which killed about an hour and a half. Now we are just waiting till 8:30 to head to the drag strip. Crescent Valley doesn't have one, but that doesn't stop the the delinquents in this town.

"So what usually goes down at the tracks?" I asked casually.

"You know the usual. Drinking, subtle amount of weed, and of course racing." Trix said sitting crisscross in my vanity chair.

"Just drag racing?" I asked.

"We also do some some circuit racing on the turf behind the drag strip." Roxy mentioned.

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