Chapter 61/Tell Us

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I still felt like I could have used fifty more hours of sleep, but here I was. I beeped my horn sitting outside of Trix's house. It had been a while since I picked her up, but she said she no longer needed to come so early for her art project since it was basically finished. She said she desperately needed the extra sleep. I don't know much about Bellatrix's personal life. Still from what I do know, I'm sure taking care of your little sister alone every night while your mother works and your father being nothing, but an exploiter...that has to be hard.

The noise of my car door opening woke me from my thoughts.

"Hey." She greeted lazily.

"Morning." I said then sped off.

Enrique was still Roxy's chauffeur which meant it was straight to school.

"How did your date go with Frostee?" Trix asked, but she was timid. Why? I glanced at her before answering.

"I'll tell you when we meet up with Roxy." I turned my attention back to the road.

"Roxy is way too love-struck to care about anyone else's love life." Bellatrix rolled her eyes and slouched in the seat. I grinned at her reaction.

"How are things with Alexis? You haven't mentioned her since the drag strip." I noted.

"Good...I think she might be playing hard to get..." Trix trailed off.

"Is she coming to your art show?"

"Hells no." She widened her eyes and shook her head aggressively.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"Just because..." She stopped.

"Is it because of that 'real love' Roxy mentioned before?" I raised one eyebrow and looked at her swiftly before putting my eyes back on the road. Trix groaned and stared out the window.

"Maybe..." She mumbled frustratingly.

"Why don't you invite them? Whoever it is." I shrugged.

"I could never. I don't even talk to them enough to have the chance." Bellatrix sighed. I glanced at her as she seemed really torn between the two of them and distraught about the whole situation. I kept my mouth shut knowing I should stop talking about it.

"Fine, I'll tell you about my date." I gripped the steering wheel tighter but loosened it quickly. Maybe this will help keep her mind off the dilemma. I heard her sit up swiftly and I stifled a laugh. "He was very nice the entire time. A gentleman. The gala was...entertaining at the most." I winced at the remembrance of the events. "We got food after and...went back to his place." I skipped all the uglies. She doesn't need to know and I don't want her to either. Even besides that, it's not my story to tell.

"What happened?" She interrupted before I could continue.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend." I said vaguely as we drove into the parking lot.

"Oh my god. What did you say?" I think Trix was bouncing in her seat by now.

"Yes, of course." I gave her a teasing look as I parked the car and cut the engine.

"Wow. What a date." She sighed happily as we got out of the car shutting the doors. I spotted Roxy waiting for us at the doors. I lifted my head giving her a silent greeting, but she didn't react. She isn't looking at us. I frowned confused then spotted a familiar blonde approaching her. "Holy fuck. Is that Calvin?" I stopped in my tracks.

"What is he doing here?" I asked aloud. He came to see her at school. What if Enrique saw? They are 'friends' or so they say. As I watched their interaction about to start I saw Bellatrix walk ahead of me. "Stop." I grabbed her bicep.

"Why? I need to go shew him away!" She exclaimed as her dark eyes shot into mine.

"I want to do the same exact thing." I switched my eyes back to them, "But they are their own person...they can speak for themselves."


"Why was Mr. Harvard here today?" Trix asked using my nickname that had clearly caught on.

It was lunch and we were in the very back of the library instead of the cafeteria. It got too cold to sit outside at our regular table so this was our new spot for winter and the other colder days. We were next to a window in some very comfortable cushioned seats placed by a bookshelf that conveniently kept us away from the view of the librarians.

"I could fall asleep here." Roxy moaned sinking deeper into the seat while ignoring Trix.

"Hello!" Trix said too loudly.

"Nothing." Roxy cried pushing her slightly.

"Calvin came straight to our school just to see you. That is not nothing. Tell us." Trix demanded.

"Fine. Fine." She sat back up but avoided eye contact. Her fingers danced on the arm of the couch before starting. "He just wanted to chat."

"About?" Trix stared at Roxy intensely.

"We agreed to be friends." Roxy lifted her hands in a shrugging motion. "What's wrong with us chatting?" Roxy frowned.

"Friends don't come to each other's schools to chat..." Bellatrix nodded as I spoke, "You also have a boyfriend. Does Enrique even know?" I finished voicing my question gently. 

"No." Roxy looked down with shame. "I like Calvin. As a friend." She added quickly. "Enrique would not let me be friends with someone more handsome and older than him."

"Oh my god!" We widened our eyes at Trix's shouting again. She smiled apologetically before explaining her outburst. "You think he's handsome. More handsome." Trix emphasized 'more'. Roxy groaned annoyed she got caught.

"Look I love Enrique." She admitted speaking secretly. "But...Calvin. He is really kind and funny. He is also really smart and yes handsome Trix." She rolled her eyes at Bellatrix. "I didn't ask him to come here that was all him." Roxy raised her hands to her chest as if defending herself. "I like him." She looked down and the shame returned.

"Roxy, you need to decide if you will keep him around or cut him off. If you do love Enrique you won't string him along." I told her.

"But if I truly love Enrique why am I feeling this way about someone else?"

She is right.

If I care about Frostee why do I feel the way I do around Rock?


Speak of the devil.


Why can't I update on time...

Don't forget to...





Love you my beautiful readers!



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