Chapter 2/Two Sidekicks

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When the class finally ended I took my sweet time getting to my next class. As I lazily walked out of the classroom apparently I caught someone or multiple someone's eyes.

"Are you Scarlett?" A black haired girl asked me.

"Yeah." I replied.

"I am Bellatrix but you can call me Trix. This is Roxy." The girl said referring to the blonde standing next to her.

"What's up?" I said giving Roxy a nod as in a way to greet her.

Bellatrix was wearing white washed blue ripped shorts and a black belt with a black tank top with a dark red knotted headband set in her hair. She wore black heeled boots and a red bandanna wrapped around her wrist. The blonde girl who supposedly is called Roxy wore something a little more laid back she had on skin tight black leather pants on which she paired with a white shirt with some sort of black writing across the front of it. She put a blue and black flannel on that and had a black leather backpack thrown over her shoulders.

"We thought how you smack talked Mr. Clark back there was pretty rad." Trix said impressed.

"Yeah no one has ever done that before. It was clearly over due." Roxy stated.

"I'll say." Trix commented.

"Surprised I had to be the first one to do it. He's an ass." I said.

"I like you Scar." Trix said pointing a finger at me "You wanna sit with us at lunch?"

"Sure." I replied.

"Great see you then." Trix smiled.

"See you." I said my goodbye as they disappeared down the corridor.


"Scar over here!" Trix shouted waving her arms gesturing me over. After the first five periods of the school day I was deeply relieved to have a break from the boring teachers and annoying students. The cafeteria was packed with students some standing in a lunch line, others heading outside to eat their lunch in the quad, most of them stayed inside of cafeteria though to eat at the cheap plastic tables. I strolled towards them eyes on me since my name had been yelled.

"Good your here." Roxy said. "Did you check in with the Dean about the school's rules?"

"No, not a reason to." I stood next to the table as Roxy leaned on it and Trix sat up top.

"Why is that?" Trix asked titling her had at me and black hair falling next to her.

"I don't follow rules. No rules." I stated and Trix and Roxy slowly stole glances, "It is only one year how hard is it to survive in one high school."

"That's true," Trix shrugged her shoulders, " I guess we should agree." Trix said to Roxy.

"I guess so." Roxy answered.

"Good," I said, "Because we don't follow any rules, we don't take any shit from anyone." I raised one eyebrow.

Roxy and Trix smiled. I smiled looking at the two friends I already made. This is good. This is just what I had planned last night. I have my posey. Bellatrix the more outgoing one and Roxy the quiet one. Then there's me, I have my own personality with the hint of leadership, and that is how it goes. Perfect, I thought to myself.

"Good, now let's go kick some ass." I said and we were ready to wander the school to find our first victim.

"You're cute." A males voice said. I turned around and saw an extremely tall guy-compared to my short 5'4 height-with brown hair that was attractively messy. He was muscular not to mention hot. He was wearing black jeans and a white shirt which he paired with a black leather jacket. The guy looked behind me and nodded at Bellatrix and Roxy greeting them briefly. Silently telling me they were a little bit more than just acquaintances.

"So are you," I said sarcastically, "now if you could get out of my way that would be great." I tried to walk past him, but like lightning he was in front of me again. I looked up at him frowning.

"Where do you think you are going princess?" He said putting a hand in front of me.

"First of all never call me that again, second of all none of your damn business." I snapped at him. He smirked and bit his bottom lip staring at me.

"What's your name princess?" He asked curiously.

"No way in hell am I telling you my name." I said furrowing my eyebrows. "Now if you don't mind I actually have a life I need to get back to so..."

"You're right I should let you get back to that," he said moving out of the way for my friends and I to leave, "I hope you get to kick someone's ass today!" The boy shouted after us. I turned around walking backwards.

"Bye asshat!" I did a sarcastic wave and spun back around.

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