Chapter 49/My Life is Falling Apart

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"Um... no offense Scarlett...but you're not really my type."

Oh. My. God. Kill me. Just kill me now. Where was that meteorite that I asked for earlier. I'm ready to go. Take me out. Now.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Speak Scarlett. Speak.

"I'm...I'm not offended Calvin. In fact I am actually...surprised that you'd think I would flirt with you." I pressed my lips into a thin line." I stood on my tippy toes holding onto his arm firmly for balance and whispered more into his shoulder than his ear, "I would never do this unless my friends were in need of a...rescue." He leaned back to look into my face and his eyes were wide. "Be a little more subtle...Harvard." I winked. He blushed and looked very embarrassed. I let go and stepped back.

I glanced at Frostee who still looked somewhat confused, but calmer. I took a peek at Rock who looked angry at me. I stared at him longer and it almost seemed like he was giving me his own warning. Did I do something wrong? I was just protecting my friend. More like protecting all of our friends. We do not need a fight to break out.

"Can I speak with you Scarlett?" Rock asked teeth clenched. He's mad?


"Why?" I snapped my head to Frostee who answered for me.

Oh no.

"I asked Scarlett not you." Rock barely gave Frostee a glance. Frostee took a few steps towards Rock in a way to make him look and they finally locked eyes.

"Wait." I said quickly. "Frostee," I pushed him back my hand on his toned chest and I tingled at the feeling. He only looked at Rock with fiery. I gazed back at Rock who looked at Frostee then down at me. "Do you need to talk to me now?" I asked him seriously. He only gazed over each and everyone of my face details, my lips more than he should've.

"It will only be a moment." He said to Frostee instead of talking to me.

"Fine." Sighing, I answered this time. Rock walked away so we would be able to speak without listening ears. I turned to Frostee and he still looked at Rock. "Frostee it's just a talk. Come on, I thought you would trust me." He finally looked at me.

"Be careful with him." My eyes immediately changed to bewilderment. What do I need to be careful about?

"Yes, I will." I nodded firmly. I took my hand off his chest not realizing it was still there.

I stepped away then made my way to Rock. He looked impatient and annoyed. He ran a hand through his hair and then his thumb across his bottom lip. Why does that little habit of his have to be so damn sexy?


"Stop." I put a hand up to his face. "Before you even start I need you to know something." I put my hand down and he nodded respectfully. "The way you two treated me back there was not okay. I am a person. You need to speak to me, speak to me not Frostee." I said clearly pointing at myself.

"Frostee was the one-"

"You still looked at him when you answered me." I cut him off putting a hand up again. I was giving him attitude, but I didn't care. "Frostee is not my mom or dad. I speak for myself." I pointed towards Frostee and then to myself.

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