Chapter 67/The First Page

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The biggest and stupidest smile smeared across my face. I didn't care if I looked like an idiot. It's Frostee. I missed you. I wanted to run up to him and let him hug me, but that would be ridiculously dramatic. Frostee scanned the room until his gorgeous green eyes landed on me. His hair was naturally wavy and quite cute, unlike when he styles it every other time we have met. It made him look more like a puppy than usual. I wanted to pat his head and ruffle his hair. He wore a school uniform that consisted of a dark navy dress coat with a school logo patch on the right side. The colors featured were dark purple and yellow-brown which he paired nicely with a white dress shirt and brown dress pants. His tie was striped in the same colors, loosened and the top few buttons of his shirt were undone. His hands rested in his pants pockets. He looked so handsome and intelligent in his school attire. I want him to tutor me next. He tilted his head and smiled at me.

"Hey, baby." He smirked and I swiftly walked up to him hugging him tightly. "I missed you." He whispered into my hair as my arms wrapped around his back and I stood on my tippy toes.

"I missed you too puppy." I mumbled into his chest while his arms squeezed me in. "What are you doing here?" I asked as we released our more than friendly embrace.

"I wanted to surprise you." Frostee held onto my hand squeezing it.

"I am surprised." I let out a humorous breath.

"I thought there was no way you could be completely booked three days in a row."

"She is." Rock's deep voice sounded deadly. He answered before I could even open my mouth.

Dammit to hell.

"You are?" Frostee only glanced at Rock but looked right back at me. Frostee seemed unbothered by Rock but I closed my eyes tight annoyed Rock had already spoiled the mood. Frostee looked down at me with wide worried eyes.

"Yes. I mean no. I mean-" I stopped and glanced back at Rock with a death glare and he gave me one in return. Why is he mad? I'm the only one who has the right to be pissed off.  "It's fine. I can do the packet on my own it's no big deal." I waved a hand in front of my face.

"You seemed to be struggling so much you couldn't even finish the first page." Rock ratted me out. I looked back at him again and gave him a 'what the hell' face.

"If she said she can do it, she can do it." Frostee took a step towards Rock.

"I'm the one that is with her. Every. Day. I would know more than you." Rock took a step towards him closing the distance.

"Doesn't seem to affect her since she is with me." Frostee basically pushed me behind him as if to keep my distance as far away from Rock as possible. Or was it because he didn't want me to be standing in between the two of them in case this concluded in violence?

"None of that matters." Neither of them broke eye contact. "You wouldn't jeopardize Scarlett's education just for a little rendezvous." Rock paused. "Would you?" Rock rose and dropped his eyebrows quickly challenging Frostee. I could feel the anger radiating off of Frostee. However, just in this moment, Rock kept his expression blank giving me no indication of what could possibly be running through his mind.

"Frostee..." I spoke timidly.

"I'm not going to come between you and your schoolwork." Frostee stopped me before I could continue. He answered me but said it to Rock's face then he turned back at me his eyes soft.

"I'll see you at my house Buzz." Rock announced, beelined it's for the door, and it slammed shut. I put my thumb and middle finger to my temples but didn't rub them.

"You study at his house?" Frostee questioned and I kept my face hidden.

"It's across the street. It seemed like the best option at the time." I grumbled.

I toughened up and finally uncovered my face to see him. His hands were on his hips and he was turned away from me as I watched his body rise and fall in deep breaths.

"So not only are you partners you hang out at his house daily." Frostee stated what he now believed was a fact.

"No no no. Frostee." I walked to him and grabbed his hand, "All we do is work on the packet. We both try to finish it at school so we don't have to meet up after." I explained quickly. I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. I feel like I just got caught cheating and that is the last thing I would ever want to do to Frostee. Hurt him.

"Rock probably doesn't give a shit to finish it at school." Frostee finally turned to face me.

"Rock is an asshole don't listen to him." I shook my head with my eyes closed. I stopped and looked into Frostee's eyes. Frostee's frown slowly turned into a smile.

"Come here." In one swift movement, Frostee swept me off my feet and carried me bridal style.

"Frostee!" I squealed as he carried me effortlessly. He held me tightly and close to his chest. He leaned in and kissed me aggressively as if he was punishing me for what had just happened. I draped my arms around his neck and titled into the kiss.

"We are in an empty classroom and nearly an empty school." He whispered on my lips my eyes were still closed as our lips were barely separated. "The things we could do." I closed my parted lips. Is he...Before I could finish my thought Frostee pecked my lips quickly and pulled away. "I'll walk you out." Frostee set me back on my own two feet.

"Y-Yeah let me grab my stuff." I said slowly.

I go to the other side of the room to gather my book and the other schoolwork before leaving with Frostee.

Frostee just insinuated we could do something more than just...kissing.

"Let's go." Frostee took my hand and we walked out.

During our walk to the parking lot, I kept on stealing curious glances at Frostee, but he didn't peek in my direction. Not even once. When we made it outside into the parking lot I noticed he had parked next to me and a smirk tugged on my lips.

Once we got to my driver's door, squished between the two mustangs Frostee grabbed onto my hips and pulled me against him.

"I get you all weekend." He growled at me. I got on my tippytoes and gave him a little peck on the lips.

"You are so bossy today." I squinted my eyes at him while my hands rested on his shoulders.

"I'm your boyfriend...I should be able to have that luxury once in a while." Frostee smirked. I pursed my lips in a quick fake pout.

"Fine." I tried to suppress my smile unsuccessfully.

"Call me?"

"Of course blue" I replied and we kissed each other passionately before our bitter farewell.


You might have noticed my titles are a bit of an Easter egg...comment a 🪺 on the paragraph you find it in...if you find it...

Don't forget to...





Love you mi belleza!



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