Chapter 40/Love-Hate

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Trigger Warning: Eating Disorder 18+

The rest of the shopping trip was filled with Flora squealing over every dress I tried on. However, we finally picked one out of all the others. While I tried on the dresses she mentioned how she and Rock had nannies when they were young. Till they were about eleven. They were raised speaking both English and Spanish because their nannies were Mexican and they didn't speak English very well. Learning that new amount of information helped me understand why Rock (and Flora) could speak Spanish so well. Flora also talked about when she was fourteen the employees at Luxe Level tried to convince her to have a quinceañera, (a Latino celebration of a girl's fifteenth birthday and her transition from childhood to womanhood, typically involving a mass followed by a party.) but Flora refused. Although she was raised by a Mexican nanny and spoke Spanish she had no Latino blood in her and it did not seem appropriate.

Today was about the best time I had gone shopping even compared to shopping with Kayla. She was always a bit negative when it came to something she didn't care for. Spoiled...They are keeping the dress I picked for alterations and I will pick it up Friday which is cutting it a little bit close...however I trust that it will all turn out okay, the employees seemed very trustworthy. Considering Flora is their boss they will most likely have my dress as their top priority.

Once I got home around six not expecting to see my mother. I went straight to the fridge starved. Flora said she was keeping her figure for the gala and cheer so she couldn't have dinner. I don't know if starving yourself is the best way to do that...although Kayla always found an alternative.


The sounds of Kayla's coughs were faint as I stood outside the girls' bathroom.

"What are you doing?" A random other student girl asked.

"This bathroom is closed, sorry." I said putting my hands up and standing in her way. The girl scoffed and walked away. The toilet flushed and I entered the bathroom. Kayla was now at the sink brushing her teeth.

"Every time K?" I looked at her with an annoyed expression.

"Shut up! You have a perfect body and can eat whatever you want. Not everyone gets that type of luxury." She snapped at me. I turned away because it was insensitive of me. Even though I acted to be annoyed I really was just worried about her. She was small. Short and super skinny. She didn't need to lose any weight...I think she will get sick if she tries to lose anymore. It was silent after she wiped her mouth and put her toothbrush and paste away.

"What are you down to now?" I asked with worry clouding my words.

"92." She spoke under a whisper. She held onto the edges of the sink and her bony arms shook.

A few girls entered the bathroom with giggles. Kayla immediately stood up straight moved her hair away from her eyes with a flick of her perfectly manicured fingers and glared at the girls behind her through the mirror. They went silent seeing us. They know us. It's no surprise everyone knows us. K and S. Best friends. Although some of them use the term bitches instead. The girls hurried into their stalls and Kayla looked up at me through the mirror with the same glare. It turned into a smile and she turned around. She came up to me and unexpectedly wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm okay don't worry about me." She whispered into my brown hair.

"I do though." I admitted.

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