Chapter 59/Shit. Fuck.

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I made my way back up the stairs in heavy steps to my mom's room. I stole a pair of sweats and a loose baggy T-shirt. I almost moaned at the feeling of finally getting out of this dumb dress.

"Never again." I mumbled to myself. I walked down the hall and peeked through my door with the crack that was left open. 

Why am I doing this? This thought shouldn't have even crossed my mind. I came back from the kitchen with a tall glass of water and not two, not three, but four aspirins. I opened the door slowly and walked to the bedside table. He laid on his side back to me. His black dress shirt strained in the back from his broad shoulders. His collar was unbuttoned, his red bow tie loosened, and his suspenders off his shoulders hanging down next to his pants. He had a throw blanket that Flora had put on him before she left but it barely covered his body.

"Here." I mumbled as I set down the water and four aspirins. "Drink this and take the medicine before you fall asleep." I shouldn't have said that. He might be asleep already anyway. I'm wasting time, energy, and breath on him. I turned around and as I stepped away I felt a warm hand wrap around my wrist.

"Wait." My heart skipped a beat. His voice was deep and raspy. I didn't answer him and I didn't turn around either...but I didn't shake his hand off me. I didn't leave. "I didn't want this either." I stayed silent.

I knew what he was talking about without him voicing it, but I don't believe him. I turned around to see his expression. He wasn't looking at me. He leaned on his forearm as his other arm reached out to me his hand still wrapped around my wrist. It was firm as if he was ready to pull me towards him if I tried to run. He looked down his messy dark hair shading his eyes. He slowly rose his head feeling my movement. His eyes were painted a chocolate brown. Pain was written all over him. He's hurt.

When did I become so narrow-minded? When did I forget this isn't just about Frostee, it definitely isn't about me. Even through all of this Frostee is still Rock's younger cousin. He still cares about him. Rock was the one who convinced Jefe to lessen his sentence. He didn't 'do nothing'. Not like I originally thought. He tried...This hurt him a hell of a lot more than it had hurt me. I can't believe how selfish I have been.

"I should have acknowledged that I wasn't the only one affected by this. Frostee is still your cousin."

Rock's grip loosened and I slowly pulled my arm towards myself so his hand slid down to fold into mine. I looked at our hands and hesitated before moving my thumb back and forth on the back of his hand. There was almost no pressure as I rubbed very lightly. However, there was friction and when there is friction there is heat. I moved my blue eyes up to his face. He wasn't looking at our hands. He stared at me watching every move I was making. My cheeks warmed and I stared into his honey-kissed eyes. It was hard to see his face in the dim light, but it must have been the alcohol that put the blush on his cheeks. I dazed at him as the feeling of my hatred for him left my body and was replaced by a different I didn't recognize.


I peeled my eyes open as the sleep from them had almost sealed them shut. I rolled over and lifted my arm but realized it was pinned down by a different arm, one that was definitely not mine. A very strong one with defined veins: a sexy arm. I followed the arm up to the broad shoulder and the face.

All at once screams filled the room.

"Oh my god." I choked out practically yelling.

"Oh uh..." Rock stumbled over his words.

We spoke simultaneously looking at each other in disbelief.

We were now out of the bed on opposite sides of the room the bed giving the much-needed space between us. We went silent and just stared at each other in shock which was now our permanent expression. It felt like forever before Rock decided to speak again.

"I'm going to uh..." He stopped put a hand over his mouth then removed it. He coughed and cleared his throat. "Go home." He finished.

"Yep. Okay." I nodded and hummed yes sounds over and over again just to fill the void.

"Okay, I'll just see myself out." Rock stumbled and tripped as he gathered his shoes quickly. He turned around as he walked to my bedroom door. "Bye." He glanced back raising his hand giving an awkward wave but ran into the door frame "Shit. Fuck."

Hearing the front door close, I released the breath I was holding and started gasping for air like I had just swam across a pool all in one breath. How did I end up in bed with Rock? What happened after we talked? Why can't I remember it either? Maybe I passed out due to exhaustion. I was practically up all night besides the short nap I took at Frostee's.

Oh my god. I slept with two guys in one night. Two guys. Well not sleep with, we just fell asleep in the same bed. Nothing happened. Granted Frostee and I did kiss a little, but his busted lips were swollen and needed to heal. Kissing would have made them worse although he did say it would be worth it, but I refused telling him they needed to heal. And for Rock...nothing...nothing happened. What happened last night...I realized we were all emotionally affected by what had happened with Frostee and that led to Rock and I...comforting each other. I do have to say I am relieved that Rock and I came to an understanding so we can continue to work together at school. I was prepared to start doing the worksheets by myself for the rest of the semester which would have been horrific.

I found my phone abandoned in my mom's room and checked to see if I missed any messages.

One missed call from Frostee.

Shit, I forgot to text him. I checked the time to see how late it was. I didn't want my mom to come home and overhear my conversation with boyfriend. My cheeks grew red and I smiled ear to ear.

Frostee is my boyfriend.


Here is an extra chapter in honor of my birthday which was last week! Hope you enjoyed it!

Don't forget to...





Love you my beautiful!



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