Chapter 9/Ghirardelli

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"My god let's go already." I shook my head. Exiting the car I told to myself, 'You own it'. If you don't act like it, you don't give off the confidence that other people will feel. I closed my car door and locked it after I heard all the doors shut. "Are we sitting on the bleachers?" I asked once we were all out and standing at the rear of my car, I scanned the entire area taking in all my surroundings.

"Usually do." Trix mumbled.

"Let's stand next to them." I suggested. When they didn't respond I took that as a 'yes'. As we started to walk closer it was as if we did own the place we all walked in sync side by side. Roxy, Bellatrix, and me at the end. It didn't matter the order. Never does. It matters who radiates the most energy, and I had to tell mine to calm as to not take away from Roxy's. She needs it more than I do. We were about two yards away from Roxy's ex-boyfriend whose name I learned was Enrique. He was standing behind a truck as the bed was opened. Enrique took a long drag of a cigarette then blew out a huge cloud making you think it was a box mod vape he just inhaled. The other guys that were standing around him started to look our way making him look as well. I glanced at Roxy out of the corner of my eye and saw her lift her chin slightly. That's it Rox. I see Enrique smirk as he gives his cigarette to the guy standing next to him he takes a few steps and waits for us to walk the rest of the way. He bites his lip for a split second then he wets them once more.

"Mamacita, I didn't think I'd see you tonight." I noticed his accent and it was a bit thicker than I imagined. He had black hair that was wavy almost curly. Instead of it being a bushy mess it was styled nicely telling everyone he knew how to handle his hair. He was taller than all of us, but definitely not to the point where we had to break our necks to make eye contact. He was average in height. Being Mexican his skin was darker. It was about the shade of a Ghirardelli milk chocolate square. Not super dark, but dark enough to make him sexy. He looked over Trix and I could tell she was ready to bite his head off.

"Why wouldn't I be here." It was a rhetorical question. "I come every Friday." She answered him instead of staying silent. I'm glad she didn't. He switched his eyes to her as she spoke and stared into her blue eyes with his golden brown ones. He was challenging her with his eyes. He definitely was one of the easiest people I have been able to read in a while. Feeling my eyes he turns his head towards me and stares. I stare with a blank expression. 'Nothing', nothing is in my head. He glanced once more at Roxy, back to stare at me again.

"Who is the new chica?" He scanned me over.

"I'm Scarlett." I told him.

"Escarlata." He smiled at me. I glanced at Roxy as she rolled her eyes at his response. Before the bland conversation could continue a girl with red wavy hair-go figure-long legs came walking up stopping next to Enrique. Enrique naturally wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close. "Hasta luego bellas." He smirked at us all and walked away with his new girl hanging on him like a doll. We walked past most trucks and a couple more groups of people and made it to the bleachers. Roxy immediately leaned against the cold metal of the bleacher wall. She scoffed and folded her arms across her chest.

"He's very attractive." I put my lips in a thin line in a way to say 'sorry'.

"Yeah, I fucking know." She closed her eyes as she said it.

"The girl is not a long-term one. You can just tell. She is going to be gone in a few weeks probably even less." Bellatrix told Roxy.

"Next up Frostee and Charge!" A man's voice yelled out from a megaphone.

"Oh, here we go first run." Trix looked towards the drag strip. Following her eyes I see a yellow charger and a blue Mustang. A girl wearing red and black stood in between them with a flag in her hand. The engines roared as she raised her hands and the moment her arms fell behind her, they were off in a flash. As fast as they went, they stopped just as fast. The blue Mustang hits a faster mark than the charger. It wasn't a surprise as I knew the Mustang would win.

"Yes! He won!" Trix yelled with fists.

"Who is he?" I asked no one in particular.

"Frostee." Roxy explained like I was supposed to know.

"Rox she doesn't know who that is." Bellatrix looked at her with a roll of her eyes.

"Right." Roxy laughed.

"He is kind of the best one here." Trix explained. "Almost everyone roots for him."

"Unless someone you like is racing against him then, you don't." Roxy's eyes watched as the cars drove off the drag strip for the next set to race. I waited to see Frostee get out of his Mustang as I was curious to see the owner of my car's other half. A guy with long hair-for a guy-, short curtain bangs. The blonde pigmented hair framed his face. His skin was quite fair, about the tone of porcelain. I noticed he had a mullet type of cut and it didn't look that bad. Almost no one can pull that off. He was tall and his broad chest complemented his strong figure. As I looked closer I saw a small silver earring looped on one ear lobe.

"He's hot, huh?" Trix nudged my elbow. I shoved her away because he was.

"I like his car." I told them.

"Of course you do Scar. You have the same one in red." Trix pointed out.

"Why is his name Frostee?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Besides his chill cool demeanor and his blue car. I don't know." Roxy smirked at me.

"His real name is Thomas Lee. Frostee is just his street racing name even though it might as well be his birth name now." Bellatrix told me. Frostee closed the door to his car and friends came to greet him one handed him a beer and I watched as he put a hand up refusing the drink. My eyebrow arched naturally as I was surprised. He took in his surroundings and I saw his eyes land on my car.

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