Chapter 57/Three Months Ago

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I scrunched my brows as the incessant buzzing wouldn't stop. I grabbed it from wherever it was creating noise and scrunched my eyes as I looked at the caller ID. Flora. I glanced at the time and it read 4:03 A.M. Why the hell would Flora be calling me at four in the morning? The ringing stopped and three texts from her followed.

4:03 A.M

Flora- SOS

Flora- CALL ME

Flora- NOW

Looking around I remembered where I was. Frostee's bedroom. He laid his arm draped over me but the blankets were untouched. We had laid on top of the bed. My dress was heavy as I slid off his bed. Thankfully, he didn't stir in his sleep as I assumed he must be a heavy sleeper or more likely exhausted from the events of last night. I grabbed my heels as they dangled in my hand and I tip-toed into the hall closing Frostee's door behind me. I called Flora back and she answered before the first ring finished.

"Scarlett? Thank fluffing god." Flora's tone was different and I didn't understand what that meant.

"Flora, what is going on? Is everything okay?" I brushed my hair out of my eyes as I could tell it had completely fallen out feeling the curls run down my back.

"I need you to get to East Coast as soon as possible I will explain everything when you get here." The call ended abruptly and I wished I had listened in on the background noise more so I had somewhat of a clue to what was going on but I was still too sleepy to be that attentive. I had to leave Frostee and felt horrible but planned to call him later. He will understand.

"Sleep trouble?" I froze.

"Ah uh...Mrs. Lee." I addressed her formally even tho she begged me to call her Mabel. I assumed now was not the time to do that. "I was just leaving." I went to walk past her to the staircase.

"Just tell Frostee to let me know next time. You can use the guest bedroom." Mabel said calmly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Lee."

"I told you to call me Mabel."

"Goodbye Mabel."

"See you next time Scarlett."

I hope I don't see you next time.

Rock said Frostee was not the one who committed the adultery it was Brandon and Mabel. I can still be with Frostee, but hate his mother for the 'crime' she has committed. I can't tell Frostee how he should feel about his mother and uncle's actions. Even so, he doesn't know that I know about their adultery. That is a big discussion for another time.

Since I didn't have a car I had to call for a rideshare.

"Sneaking out?" The driver asked as I slid into the back seat.

"Something like that." I mumbled.

"Well looks like you had a good night." He replied with humor.

I'm not sure if he was referring to my dress or the fact that my hair looked like I just got the sex of a lifetime. I hope he means the dress because the result of my hair looking like this is because I had been kidnapped. The rest of the ride was silent and I tipped him as I got out. The lights on the balcony were out and the entire lot was almost empty. I spotted Flora's car and went to the front door. Still open. Interesting. There were about two employees, but all they did was glance at me and go back to their duties which looked like cleaning.

"Flora!?" I called out. One woman looked at me and then pointed at the stairs.

"Gracias." I replied.

What the hell is going on?

I picked up my dress to avoid tripping on it as I made my way across the room and up the staircase.

Why would Flora be at East Coast? When I brought it up in the hot tub a week ago she sounded like she hated the place.

"Flora?" I asked again not feeling the need to shout. There was no music and the lights were on instead of dim lighting and strobe lights like I pictured it would look like up here at night.

"Over here!" She groaned. I looked to my left and saw Flora struggling to pick a man up. "Help a girl out!" She hollered.



"Is that-"

"My dumbbutt brother, yes now come and help me!" She yelled at me.

I-I can't.

I took a closer look and saw the table in front of them. It was trashed with beer and shot glasses. An empty bottle of tequil and a half-empty pitcher of beer.

"What happened?" I asked even though it was quite clear. Flora pushed her brother off her shoulder as it was no use without someone else's help. He fell onto the booth cushion with a soft thud. I heard him mumble something inaudible as Flora came closer to me.

"I have no idea. He has never drank like this. At least not for a long time. I think the last time was like three months ago and I still don't know why he did it back then so your guess is as good as mine."

"Is he passed out?" I asked.

"No, but he wants to act like it." She rolled her eyes. Flora was in sweatpants and a hoodie making it clear she had been woken up from this just like I was. Although I'm betting she didn't have a secret rendezvous like me. "They called me about forty-five minutes ago saying he wouldn't leave or call an Uber." Flora shook her head and did a facepalm.

"What do you mean act like it?" I asked as I went to peek at his face, but stopped immediately not knowing how I'd feel seeing him again. I wouldn't be able to see it anyway. He's lying in the booth and the table is blocking my view.

"He gets sleepy when he drinks this much like anyone else, but he always acts like he is helpless. Such a baby." She looked back at him but then clapped her hands together suddenly. "Come and help your bestie. Let's get him in my car." Flora went back to the booth and helped sit him up straight. His head bobbed back and his Adam's apple was more than noticeable. His head bobbed back forward and his brown hair fell into his eyes.

Why would he drink like this? After all these months. Was the last time he did when he found out his dad was having an affair. I don't know how he found out, but the way he told me about it made it seem like Frostee knew about the affair first. What made him drink now though? Was it because of Frostee's punishment? It couldn't have been. The day of Frostee's first beating Rock took me to The East Coast and later that day he came back from it sober as a Judge. He could have sobered up before he came home. If that was the case why didn't he do the same tonight?

Rock mumbled something to Flora as she struggled to hold him up while his huge arm was slung over her tiny shoulders.

"Yes, I know." She talked to him as if he was a toddler. "Scarlett is going to help."

I looked at them my fists clenched. I turned my gaze to the right looking at the wall. I bit down on my lip, hard. I released my bunched fists and the bruise my teeth had made on my bottom lip. I changed my direction back to them closing my blue eyes before I stepped forward.

Fuck my life.


I will be posting an extra chapter because it was my birthday on the 25th!

Don't forget to...





Love you my beautiful reader!



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