Chapter 31/Rainbow Baby

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Only sixteen? I'm shocked, but at the same time, not. I expected him to be younger, but not that young. Compared to me, being seventeen, sixteen isn't that young. However, comparing his looks, I thought he would be eighteen at least.

"When did you turn sixteen?" I asked because this means he hasn't been driving for long.

"Last November." He answered.

"Bellatrix and Roxy told me you have been racing for awhile." I mentioned.

"Well...just because I didn't have my license then doesn't mean I didn't race." I rose an eyebrow at him.

"When did you start?" I found myself becoming more and more curious in him by the minute. I don't know if it's because I know his age now or if it's because he said he wants to pursue me. It could also be because I want to keep the conversation off of me and on to him.

"About fourteen or fifteen." Frostee replied then finished his coffee, "Rock is actually who taught me how to drive."

"Yeah Flora told me you all use to be close." I sipped my coffee some more.

"You asked Flora about me?" I looked into Frostee's green eyes and noticed they sparkled with intent. I glanced side to side before answering. Does he like me that much? He seems so surprised that I had been thinking about him.

"Of course." I replied sweetly. "Just because I didn't talk to you for a few days doesn't mean I didn't think about you Blue." I maintained eye contact, but he broke it grinning while looking down at his empty coffee cup. I stared at his ears that turned a light red.

"You're making it hard to not ask to be exclusive Red." Frostee bit his lip.


Once we both finished our coffee's, we walked around the area and talked for a bit longer than I thought. Frostee told me about his school, he went to a private school closer to the beach, barely outside the valley. He also told me about his family. He is an only child and he has a mom and dad, although his dad is a pilot so he is not home very often.

"Do you want to be a pilot too?"

"I want to talk about you Scar." He stopped answering my questions.

"I told you there is nothing to know." I shrugged.

"Well what about your family?" I took a deep breath.

"It's my mom and I. My dad died about a year ago."

"Any brothers or sisters?"

"No. My mom and dad had a hard time having me, I'm known as their rainbow baby." I explained to him.

"I'm sorry about your dad Red." He snatched my hand and squeezed it.

"Thank you." I mumbled. He let go after letting off the pressure and I wasn't sure why. It's not like that was our first intimate interaction.

"Now we know we have more than just our cars in common. We are both an only child." The corners of my lips pointed up and I nodded.

I looked ahead as I had been doing while we talked until Frostee stopped walking in step with me. He was looking down at his phone and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"What is it?" He didn't answer. "Blue?"

"Huh," His head darted up and he turned his attention back to his phone. "Oh uh nothing, I just got to get going."

"Oh, okay." Something urgent must had come up and I didn't want to stall him.

"When can we hang out again?" Frostee asked.

"Uh...I'll text you." I wasn't sure how my week was going to look including Rock insisted on changing the destination of our study session.

"Okay I'll see you later then." Frostee lingered and I wasn't quite sure what he wanted. Yet he was easier to read than Rock though.

"Is it Jefe?" Frostee pressed his lips into a thin line and swallowed. Frostee stepped closer to me.

"Like I said Scar," He cupped my cheek with his large hand. "It's not a big deal. I'm okay." Frostee then kissed my cheek and walked back down the sidewalk.

I held my breath until he was out of view. I let it out then stared down at my All-Star chucks. Before moving I waited for my heart to steady. I need to sort out my feelings...this is getting ridiculous. I know the reason he only kissed my cheek is because we aren't exclusive. Even though Frostee's actions are making it seem like he won't be okay with that for long. Is the reason he hasn't asked to be exclusive is because he isn't out of Black Velvet? Is he waiting to get closer to me till after he leaves Black Velvet so I don't get anywhere near it? I wish Rock acted the same. I know we are just lab partners and I am so called 'friends' with Flora now. However, I wish he felt the same way about keeping me away from it. He has seen me at one of my all time lows. Not the lowest, but a low. Did that mean nothing to him? Maybe he comforts girls all the time. Not that I want him to remember, because that was utterly embarrassing. Getting caught having a panic attack, crying because I saw my mom and his dad engaging in an...intimate moment. Rock wants me to stay away and at some point so did I. I just need to remind myself of that.

Arriving back home, I made my way to my bedroom and thankfully my mother didn't stop me. It was already two P.M and I was more than grateful that the day was more than halfway over. Since I didn't have any other plans for the night and I was completely drained in every way possible I planned to be lazy and just focus on myself. Possibly figure out my feelings for Frostee while I'm at it. I went straight for the bathroom and drew myself a bath. I sprinkled in some bath salts to relax my muscles from the hard workout I accomplished this morning. I submerged my whole body into the water with the tops of my shoulders and my head exposed. I let out a long exhale and closed my eyes. The warm water reminded me of last night in the tub with the girls. I recalled the moment when we mentioned Calvin and Flora's reaction to his name. I wouldn't be surprised if they dated, he seems like her type.  Going over the events of the night I held my breath and shut my eyes tight, letting the water completely engulf me.

Rock, Frostee, Rock, Frostee, Rock, Frostee.

Black Velvet, Jefe. Black Velvet, Jefe. Black Velvet, Jefe.

The Shop, Santiago. The Shop, Santiago. The Shop, Santiago.

The East Coast.

I shot out of the water like a torpedo and started to gasp for air as the water in the bath tub splashed around like a tsunami.

Rock, Frostee, Santiago, Jefe, the shop, The East Coast, Black Velvet.

"Holy shit."


Don't forget to...





Love you beautiful!



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