Chapter 11/Snowflake

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I turned and see the owner of the blue mustang.

"You must be the owner of the red mustang then?" Frostee completely ignored Rock after that very brief greeting.

"And you are the owner of the blue." I looked him up and down. He wore a basic dark blue V-neck T-shirt and white washed skinny jeans.

"I'm Frostee." He introduced himself.

"Scarlett." I slightly smiled. He was hot. His green eyes glowed against his blonde hair.

"Do you race her?" He asked.

"It was heartbreaking enough to bring her out onto the dirt." I told him honestly.

"That's fair." He said with a small chuckle. Unexpectedly, I feel a strong hand grasp my wrist and pull me backwards. Stumbling at the sudden action I end up leaning against Rock's chest. His arm then slings around my shoulders. I look up at him completely confused. His face was indecipherable. His eyes were not on me, he was definitely staring daggers at Frostee, that much I knew. I couldn't tell what it was exactly, but it was without a doubt that he did not like Frostee. I know Bellatrix said they had a rivalry, but this was a much stronger vibe than just rivalry. Refusing myself to get caught in between their cross fire I pulled Rock's arm off me. However, before I could get away I feel him lock me in by the waist. About to tell him to knock it off and let go of me, he drags me away keeping me locked in walking beside him against my own will. He finally let go of me once we got back behind the bleachers.

"God let go already." I pushed him off and he finally budged. "What the hell was that?" I brushed my clothes off like he was covered in dirt.

"He liked you so I gave off the impression that you were mine." Rock said nonchalantly like he does that everyday.

"First of all, I am no one's property. Secondly, he did not like me. We just have the same car asshat."

"I didn't call you my property. I called you 'mine' very big difference. Second, yes he does, Frostee likes everyone." Rock replied looking in the direction we just came from.

"What do you mean big difference? And no he doesn't." I argued.

Rock looked back at me making intense eye contact before speaking,"Property; possession. Mine; you belong to me."

"That sound's like the exact same thing." I exclaimed.

"You belong to me, but you are not a possession. You are not an object." Rock grabbed my hand holding it in his. He held it up in front of us making sure I saw, but I didn't look at it. I stared at him he looked into my blue eyes with his suddenly dark brown. I didn't know if I had a look of disgust or shock, but I was feeling both. He let go and stepped back. "Get it?" Not able to answer I was too curious on why he was so hell bent on being right about this.

"Whatever. Don't do that again." I turned to go see if Roxy followed through with the plan and if Bellatrix was drunk yet. "I do have a question." I announced and turned back around on my heel of my black high top chucks. They were so worn I could feel every single pebble and curve of the ground under my shoe. Rock only stared at me waiting for me to continue. "So what if he likes me..." I paused, "He's hot...maybe I like him too." Rock furrowed his eyebrows.

"What is your question?" He asked.

"Why can't he like me?" I wasn't asking because I didn't think I was pretty enough or confident enough to date someone like him. I was very attractive and damn confident and I didn't need anyone telling me so, but I wanted to know why Frostee isn't allowed to like me. Specifically, me.

"Because," Rock stopped and ran a hand through his already messy hair, "He can't always get everything he wants."


Rock left me behind the bleachers without another word. I stayed for awhile after I realizing their rivalry had to run deeper then just racing. I was leaning on the side of the bleachers with my arms folded, next to Trix as she finished her third bottle of beer. I watched Roxy as she sat on top of a hood with Calvin leaning on it. Roxy's feet hung off the hood dangling, but Calvin's legs extended so far ahead of the car, showing off the cute extensive difference of their height. Roxy laughed as Calvin's shoulder shook as he chuckled. I quickly looked towards Enrique to see his expression. The red head was kissing his cheek, jaw line, and neck seductively and he was staring at Roxy and Calvin with jealously burning in his darkened eyes. I smirked not the least bit stunned my plan worked. Enrique pushed the girl away from him and he stomped in the opposite direction of Roxy and Calvin's flirtatious conversation. I moved my eyes back to Roxy, not even seeing her glance in Enrique's direction. Oh my god. She likes him. She got so lost in the game she forgot where the goal was. I took a deep breath wondering if I should save her or let her self get lost in him for a little while...I'll let her forget Enrique for tonight. I smiled at her as I could tell she was happy.

"Roxy looks like she is having fun." I said to Bellatrix, but she wasn't there.

"Which one is Roxy?" I looked where Trix was standing a few minutes ago and saw the man that got our conversation cut short before.

"Where did Trix go?" I asked Frostee.

"I told her where to find more beer as long as she left me alone with you." I found Bellatrix across the grounds winking at me. I shook my head then turned my attention back to Frostee.

"We are alone." I told him putting on my best siren eyes.

"Its Scarlett right." He asked and I nodded. "besides cars what else do you like Scarlett?" What do I like?

"Reading." Lame, but that is the only other thing I can think of that isn't completely girly or gives off too much of my personality.

"You like to read?" He smiled and his cheeks got a shade darker. "I write."

"You do?" I said a bit surprised.

"Yeah just a little bit." He said vaguely like it was no big deal.

"Well what do you write?" I asked quite interested.

"Mostly short stories and poems." He shrugged.

"Oh well I would love to read some of your work." My lips curved up slightly.

"Well if you give me your number I sure can." He smirked. I stopped and stared at him then squinted my eyes.

"Oh I see," I rolled my eyes as I pulled my phone out,"You don't write at all." I shook my head handing it over to him. "Good one."

"I use to write then realized it was shit so I stopped." He shrugged his shoulders as he typed on my phone. He gave it back to me and I glanced at the saved contact. He added a snowflake next to his name which made my lips curve up again. "but I'd like to talk more. If that's okay?" He asked and at first I was confused then remember he saw Rock take me away.

"It's okay." I told him clearly.

"Great. See you later Scarlett." He waved as he walked backwards then soon enough he was by his car again chatting with his friends.


Don't forget to...





Love you beautifuls!


Pink Kitty

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