Chapter 46/First Impression

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"Rock?" I looked at him my eyes wide.

"Buzz, what are you doing here?"

"I'm picking my dress up..." I trailed off.

"Were you just-"

"I was just-"

We cut each other off. Rock smirked and stepped to the side to allow me to walk out first.

"Thanks." I said awkwardly as the door closed behind us. "You looked out of place in there." I spoke without filtering my thoughts...again.

"Really? I thought the pastels fit me well." He said sarcastically and I giggled lightly.

I noticed him holding a black box like mine tucked under his arm. It was significantly bigger and there was no silky bow tied around it.

"Is that your suit?" I asked pointing to it. Rock only stared at me as if he was in a different world. "Rock."

"This? Yeah." He answered quickly. Was he dazing? He held up the box. "I just needed it...resized." He said vaguely.

I don't know what it was, but he was acting differently. Antsy? No, burdened? No. Indifferent.

"Are you-" I started, but Rock's phone started to ring and I looked down at where it was coming from. He pulled it out and checked the caller ID.

"It's my mom. I should get this. I'll see you at the gala." He answered the call. "Hey, mom."

"Okay bye...asshat." I mumbled. I stayed where I was standing as he turned to cross the street.

"Look it has nothing to do with that." He said over the phone. He walked across the street and was now out of earshot.

Sounds like he is in trouble.

I felt a bit let down that our conversation had been cut short, but he didn't seem to mind at all. Like usual. 

I let my eyes linger on him longer than I should have, but I don't think he noticed. However, he probably did. Every time I try to...enjoy the sight of him he always catches me. He says I have a habit of staring. Well, he has a habit of being too damn hot. I rolled my eyes as I thought about his handsome features. 'Eyes are the windows to the soul', that is how I make my first impressions on people, but his hazel eyes change constantly same as his emotions. So how can I make a first impression on him? I hardly ever know what he is thinking or feeling.

The rest of my drive home was stupidly filled with thoughts of Rock Chase and I demanded him to leave my head as I marched up the stairs.

I hung up my dress and unzipped the bag letting the dress breathe. The corners of my lips curved up as I admired it. The dress was blue, very blue. Royal blue in fact. It was the same shade as Frostee's car. From top to bottom: Strapless with a deep sweetheart neckline. The top is decorated with white pearls that are scattered across the top portion, but not covering the fabric completely. The top is fitted and flares out right above the waistline. The bottom is a big fluff of layered tulle. However, it's not fluffy to the point where I won't be able to fit through a doorway. The tulle is sparkly, but not blinding. Along with the top, the pearls dispersed down the dress less and less until it reached the end of the dress.

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