Chapter 55/You Go Home

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Frostee chose a greasy burger joint so I felt a little silly walking in with a ball gown on and the stares we got were more than obvious. The location was a bit sketchy and we parked a block away, but Frostee said it was worth it.

"This looks amazing." I said a moment before we sunk our teeth into the deliciousness. We chewed in silence which was an unspoken way to say we were hungry and fine with silence. Frostee had given me his jacket and it started to slip off my shoulders as I ate, but I didn't care the food was too good to pause for even a moment.

After we finished we stepped out into the chilly air and I adjusted Frostee's jacket to cover my shoulders a bit better.

"That hit the spot." Frostee threw his arm over my shoulder.

"Definitely." I agreed glancing up at him as we walked side by side. I stopped myself from patting my stomach in satisfaction, I was afraid he'd remove his arm if I lifted mine, and I didn't want him to.

"You want to hang out at my house before I take you back home?" Frostee asked as we made our way towards his car.

"That sounds nice." My cheeks grew hot.

"You are so-"


"Have you gone completely insane Kayla?!" Her mother yelled at her. Kayla's mom turned around rubbing her temples.

"Yes, I have!" She shouted back to her mom.

"I'm freezing all of your accounts!" His father shouted at her with a serious finger pointing at her.

"Do it!" Kayla shouted back.

I stood to the side next to the police wondering if Mr. And Mrs. Eden would pay them off enough so they wouldn't notify my parents of this. I knew they were going to pay them off enough to pretend this never happened, but at this moment I was only worried about myself. I tried to hide my anxiousness, but it was difficult as this was never part of the plan. None of this was. I was supposed to come to the gala, support Kayla, and take her home when she was drunk and fussy. Stealing a car and going for a joy ride was absolutely not included in the plan.

"I will take care of this. You go home! Straight home Kayla Alexandra."  Her father told her sternly. "You go home too, Scarlett." He looked at me for the first time since the police had brought us to them. "I expected more from you."

***End of Flashback***

Coldness surrounded me and my bare arms. It was smelly, like a boy's locker room, but the mud and rain covered up a good amount making it bearable to breathe through my nose. My lips and the skin around it felt sticky. Is it taped shut? Some type of fabric covered my eyes. Once I processed what kind of situation I was in I immediately went to take off the blindfold and tape until I realized my hands had been tied up. However, they were in front of me and not behind me. 

"Just leave her out of it." That's Frostee. "She has nothing to do with this Jefe."

"She has everything to do with it, pendejo." Jefe spoke, "She was with you, no?" It was a rhetorical question.

Where the hell am I? And what is going on?

"She's up!" Someone announced.

What? How long was I out for?

Before I could process what happened my blindfold was yanked off and I was overloaded trying to take in my surroundings. I could tell my hair was a mess considering the amount of hair that was falling in front of my face. I shook my head attempting to move it out of my eyes. The room we were in was about the size of a master bedroom and the floor was a gray smooth concrete. However, there were cracks in it, and puddles of water scattered across the building. The walls were red busted-up brick but it was a big room and the ceilings were at a normal height. Where are we? An abandoned building? I searched the room and noted how many people were there. Three....five. Seven counting Frostee and I. I focused on Frostee. He was kneeling on the floor with two men on each side of him and Jefe standing in front of him. Frostee looked down at the floor.

"Please just let her go." Frostee pleaded with him. I made muffled noises trying to get anyone's attention. I just need it off Frostee. I was terrified of what was going to happen next. Everyone looked towards me including Jefe.

"Órale," Jefe started, "That is the muñeca from this morning." Jefe nudged the person next to him. My breathing stopped.


My chest tightened and I felt tears well up in my eyes, but I blinked them away before anyone could notice.

"Go on take it off." Jefe ordered. Rock didn't respond but watched me as if he had never met me. I noticed the man who ripped off my blindfold and duct tape was the same one that followed Jefe around in Ebony this morning. "I had no idea you were Frostee's." Jefe knelt in front of me wearing the same suit as he did this morning. He didn't talk to me in a taunting way more like he was genuinely curious. His forearms rested on his thigh and knee as he studied my face. "You know who I am don't you." Fuck, he might be better at reading people than me. Again it was not a question that wanted or needed an answer.

"José Luña." I said to him and looked at him my eyebrows stitched together expressing my anger.

"You told her my real name did you." Jefe smirked and glanced back at Frostee only for a moment then locked his eyes back on me. Little did he know that it was his trusty sidekick who told me everything. José looked over me much more than he did this morning. "You should have waited before you started fucking someone who isn't a Velvet." He licked his lips wetting them. I doubt he knows all of his people, but can he tell with a mere glance that I am not one of them? I peeked at Rock again. He was still in his clothes from the gala but removed his jacket revealing suspenders...they matched his red bowtie. "Why do you keep looking at him?" José noticed my continuous glances.

"I recognize him." I said simply not taking my eyes off of Rock. It wasn't a lie so it was easier to say without shaking or stuttering. Rock turned looking away but in a manner like he was bored or annoyed.

"Yes, he was also at Ebony this morning muñcea." He smirked but this time he looked evil. "Let me untie you Escarletta." My eyebrows furrowed wondering what his game is here. He stood and helped me up by holding my wrists. He didn't touch me inappropriately but his hands were cold and dry. I did not like them. I felt the rope become loose, but I didn't move. Jefe put the stray hairs behind my ears. I looked into his eyes feeling mine become dry because I stopped blinking. He didn't look at me he only continued to place my hair away from my face fixing it "Much better. Now I can see my muñcea's beautiful face better."

"I am not your anything." I spit at him.

"You were behaving so well." Jefe clicked his tongue at me. "Guess I'll have Julián hold you." José said quickly and before I could react or resist the short man grabbed my arms holding me.

I want to strangle him and scratch his eyes out. How dare he call me his...whatever.

"Let's get this over with."


Don't forget to...





Love you my beautiful!



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