Chapter 73/Pineapple

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Thankfully, Frostee found me with Rock so I didn't say another word. I feel like he has siren eyes and can pull out my thoughts against my will. Beautiful hazel eyes that make me lose myself.

"What did you an Enrique talk about?" I asked Frostee as he walked me to the door.

"Mostly about the tracks. We discovered that it would be better to hide that chatter in a gallery which led us to speak in Spanish." Frostee explained. "And I could tell he was more comfortable in Spanish than English." Frostee added.

"Why does it seem like everyone knows Spanish?" I asked genuinely.

"Everyone?" Frostee questioned.

"It's no secret that Rock and Flora speak it." I said nonchalantly hoping the mention of Rock's name wouldn't stir him.

"We had nannies that were Mexican. We grew up speaking it." My mouth changed to an O shape quickly.

"Yeah. It's not rare." Frostee nodded as we walked up the steps. "I mean unless you don't have the money for a nanny." Frostee looked up slowly with a playful smirk. I rolled my eyes at him with a smile as he flaunted his family's money.

It was no secret that the Chase's and Lee's are wealthy. Being the district state attorney must pay well. I don't know what pilot's make but according to Frostee's house and the fact he goes to a private school doesn't give me the impression they are in poverty.

"I had a good time tonight. Going to Bellatrix's showing was a good call." Frostee added and I forced a smile.

"Yeah, it was fun." I blink lightly. Frostee stepped closer and gently cupped my cheek. His hand was so big compared to my face his fingers tangled into my hair.

"Why did I have to wait all night for this moment." He whispered onto my lips before connecting them. His eyes were closed before they made contact, but I waited to close my eyes after. He kissed me aggressively and it quickly turned it into a French kiss. Our breathing quickened and became sloppy, but it was neither of our fault. We are horny young adults...what do you expect. Suddenly the front door swung open and we disconnected but Frostee's arm stayed around my waist.

"I think you should come inside, Scarlett." My mother said staring at me sternly. Frostee's hand dropped and he stepped away.

What the actual hell? Was she spying on us?

"Good evening Ms. Buzzby. I'm Thomas Lee." My mother gave him a short smile.

"I think it's better if we have a formal greeting under different circumstances," Blair said seriously. "Drive safe Thomas."

My mouth dropped open and I didn't dare to look back at him. What the fuck is happening?

"Uh-oh. Yes ma'am." Frostee stumbled to find words. "Night Scarlett."

"Bye Thomas." I mumbled as I made my way inside.

Once I heard my mother shut the door I turned around to face her.

"What was that?" I asked loudly voicing my anger. 

"I stopped you from giving the entire neighborhood a show."

"We were kissing Mom are you kidding?" I shook my head scoffing at her.

"You are twenty-one and who knows how old this 'boyfriend' of yours is." My mother explained.

I laughed at how ridiculous she was being. However, Frostee's mature looks could fool anyone.

"Frostee is only two years younger than me, he's a freshman in college."

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