Chapter 34/Offended

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"Rockwell?!" I heard a woman's voice call out. She was far maybe down the stairs, I think it was Mrs. Chase, but I still wasn't familiar enough with her voice to be sure.

"Fuck." Rock cursed. He hopped out of bed and I followed, confused as to why he was so worried."Um..." He glanced around the room. "Hide." He pushed me towards his bathroom.

"What? Why?" I looked at him completely puzzled "Why the hell do I have to hide?" I said a bit loudly and the offense in my voice wasn't masked well. He shushed me putting a finger over my lips. My lips tingled all over.

"I don't want my mom to particularly know that," he removed his rough finger, "...I 'befriended' you." He explained referring to what his mom said at dinner on Friday.

"Okay..." I watched him suspiciously.

"Just...quiet." He cracked the door leaving me in his bathroom. It looked the same as Flora's without the huge vanity area. A double sink -for some reason even though he is one person- with a huge mirror. A giant crystal white bathtub in the far left corner and in the right corner a shower. Flat tiled floor with glass door and walls, and an oversized shower head. A hamper was placed behind the door as I peeked through the crack Rock left. I couldn't see much except a little sliver of Rock's backside. 


"Hey, mom." I listened, out of view of the sliver left from the door staying hidden like Rock said.

"What are you doing home it's only nine-thirty you should be in class?"

"Oh well, there was a lab explosion in chemistry this morning so they had to dismiss the whole school because of the fumes." He was very quick on his feet, no wonder he always gets the last word during our bickering.

"Oh, are you okay darling?" I could practically imagine Mrs. Chase standing in front of her son holding his face with her small hands and I suppressed a smile and giggle at the image I conjured up.

"Yeah, I'm okay mama." He sighed.

"Wait, where is Flora's car?" She questioned.

"She went to brunch with Clancy and Charlotte." Rock lied.

"Oh alright." I heard heels clack then stop abruptly. "Who's shoes were by the door?"

Ah, shit.

"Shoes?" Rock questioned and I covered my mouth to not make a sound.

"Yes, there was some black converse by the garage door." Wenna explained.

"They must be Flora's." Rock said quickly. Too quickly. 

"You and I both know Flora would not be caught dead in shoes that worn out. And why would she take them off in the first place."

It was silent and I didn't know what Rock was planning, but I didn't want to meet up with Mrs. Chase hiding in her son's bathroom and I also didn't want her to think I was hiding from her because we were romantically involved. The silence was now deafening.

"Well since we finished I should probably get going. Thanks for letting me use your bath-" I stopped the fake sentence that I made up for the sake of the situation. I stared straight at Mrs. Chase and she looked surprised, but not shocked. Is this not the first time? "Mrs. Chase. I'm sorry I didn't know you were home." I curled my sock-covered toes awkwardly as she stared at my feet.

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