Chapter 52/Salty Tears

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I decided to leave everything at home, but that didn't include my phone. I stuffed my phone into my dress where it disappeared. I chose to wear my mom's sapphire earrings and the diamond-sapphire necklace to match. My dad got these for my mom on their fifth anniversary. Well, technically he got her the earrings on their fourth anniversary then got the matching necklace a year later. I touched the jewel that dropped around my collarbone. I stepped in front of the mirror to make sure I didn't forget anything. Flora insisted on putting my hair in an updo because she said, 'Your collar bones are sexy AF.' So of course, I agreed. She put it in a clean curly bun that sat on the back of my head but off my neck. Flora pulled out my front hairs and curled them loosely so they would frame my face. Fake lashes weren't something I usually do. However, I did put on a few individual lashes. I did dark shimmery gold and a subtle red on my eyelid which brought out the red paint on my lips. Usually, I do a bronze on my cheeks, but I kept with the red theme and lightly brushed with red powder. I thought all the red would clash with my blue dress and I would have to redo my lipstick but it all tied together beautifully. I would have been able to get away with wearing my chucks since my dress would cover my feet, but I didn't want to be towered over by Frostee all night. I more than just regretted putting my heels on after my gown. They were silver bejeweled pioneer platform heels and I knew my feet would be bruised by the morning but as my mother says 'beauty is pain'.

I slipped the white gloves on when the doorbell rang. My heart nearly jumped out of my didn't slow down.

"Hey." I said as I opened the door. Frostee stood at the door wearing a black tux, but dark blue for his bow tie and vest although his black coat jacket hid half of it. His blonde hair was combed away from his face, I don't know exactly what he did but it looked different than when he usually has it styled. I breathed out as his green eyes raked over my entire body.

"You...You wore blue." Frostee's lips parted.

'Blue. Wear Blue.' Rock's words raced through my head. I made eye contact with Frostee to focus on him better and push Rock out of my head.

"Is that a good thing?" I asked more than likely knowing the answer. I stepped out onto the porch closing the door behind me.

"Scarlett you look beautiful." He breathed and I realized he hadn't taken his eyes off of me since I had opened the door.

"Thank you, Blue." I smiled. "You don't look too bad yourse-" I had barely finished my sentence before he pressed his lips to mine. My eyes were still wide open when he pulled away.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't wait." He took his hands off my shoulders and shoved them into his pockets. A blush grew on my cheeks. "We can go now." He turned around to walk to his car.

"Wait, I need one more thing." I said and Frostee turned back around. I quickly placed a kiss on his cheek. "There. Now we can go." I smirked. It was his turn to blush, but I walked past him to the car. If I stayed standing there any longer I knew he would have kissed me again and we probably would've never made it to the gala. Frostee opened the door for me like usual and we took off down the road. The event was a far and long drive, enough for us to make chit-chat.

"By the way, my dad is going to be there." Frostee mentioned.

"Really?" I said masking my nervousness from him. I've met his Mom, but not his Dad. I wonder what he's like. Based on his mom I assume he'd be the opposite; stern and strict.

"Yeah. He got home yesterday morning, but he has to go back later tonight. I think he has to leave early." I think I just saw Frostee's body droop.

"Oh...that's too bad." I thought over my question before asking. "Do you miss him a lot when he's gone?" Frostee looked at me for a long moment. The pain in his eyes reminded me of myself.

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