Chapter 3/Call Me Brandon

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I loved my home besides the moving around a lot, but even I could find joy in that. I have always lived comfortably. My father was in the military for many years, until he was stationed in Afghanistan. That's when he died. I was in denial for a very long time until we moved to Crescent Valley. That is when it all came crashing down. I wouldn't come out of her room, I wouldn't eat, and I definitely didn't communicate with anyone. After I accepted the fact that my dad died and I need to move on I made a pact with myself to live my life to the fullest and to not care about anyone else because you only have one life. You are put on this big ball of cruelty once and you need to live it how you want to live it because it goes by fast and I now know that. 

"Scarlett is that you?" I heard my mom yell.

"Yeah." I replied lazily dropping her bag by the door.

"Could you help me with some of these boxes?" My mother yelled again. I walked through the house trying to figure out where my mom's voice is coming from.

"Hey mom." I said with a little wave strolling into our new dinning room. The new dinning room consists of a long dark oak table with matching chairs and a small cushion provided on each chair. There is a huge chandelier place on the ceiling hanging right above the table. In each corner there is boxes piled on top of each other and in the farthest left corner I spot my mother looking inside a box.

"Hello hun, how was your first day." She asked turning around. When she turned around she gave her that look of 'of goodness wasn't expecting that'. "Well I am very who is it you are meant to be this time?" She asked tapping her index finger right below her bottom lip.

"Is it really that hard to tell?" I asked giving her a slow spin and arched an eyebrow at her.

My mom knew my little routine I did every time we moved. My mom pretty much let me be who I wanted to and that didn't bother either of them. I assumed my mom wasn't bothered by my charade I did every time we moved because she always seemed like my mom took joy in it. However, my mom could never guess who I was which surprised me every time. I always wondered why she couldn't figure out who I was or at least guess.

"Come on. Seriously mom it is not that hard to figure out." I stared at her mother for a minute, but she just stared back with a blank expression. She just furrowed her eyebrows together looking at me.

"Why don't you just tell me already." She said.

"No way." Scarlett stated.

"What do you mean 'no way'?" She questioned me.

"This is my last year, last time to do this. Time for you to figure it out."

"Okay that is fair, but your still helping me." My mother said gesturing to all the card board boxes.


After hours of labor my mother and I finished unpacking, the dining room and the kitchen.

"You go take a break honey I am going to order in. Would you like Chinese or pizza?" My mom asked before I could have a chance to dash upstairs.

"Chinese please!" I yelled after her mother. Suddenly the front door rang as I walked by.

"Would you get that honey!" My mom asked. I did as I was told, but not before letting out a sigh. I stopped at the door to open it before running upstairs.

"May I help you?" I asked in an annoyed voice.

An older man probably in his mid-forties was tall and had dark brown hair styled very nicely. He looked like he just got off work considering he is wearing a navy blue slacks with a white button up shirt paired with a navy blue coat. I took the time to noticed the bright silver cufflinks on each wrist. I smirked at the observation I made.

"Hello, I live across the street," he said gesturing to a gorgeous white house directly across the street, "and I would just like to welcome you to the neighborhood." He said and I was about to shut the door in his face, but my mother came scrabbling towards the door.

"Wait!" She shouted before I could close the door. "Who is this?" My mom asked fixing her hair.

"My name is Brandon Chase. I live across the street." The man said to my mother with a sweet smile.

"Oh why it is very nice to meet you Mr. Chase. I am Blair Buzzby." Her mother said fluttering her eyelashes wiping her hands on her apron then holds her right hand to shake.

"Please call me Brandon."He said smirking while shaking her hand and placing the second one on top of his.

"And you may call me Blair." Blair said with a small pinkish shade arising on her cheeks.

"Well I am going to go upstairs while you guys keep on flirting." I stated eyeing my mother before continuing to her bedroom.

Even though my mom's husband died a few months ago. It feels like my mom wasn't that connected with my dad. I think if he was with Blair more often they would be able to spend time alone. Although that was tough with him coming home for a week or two then leaving for six months. Most of the time they talked about finances and me, but they never took time for each other. I feel guilt for that as much as I hate to admit it I do. I'm trying to move past it, but it is harder when the person is dead and you can't fix it anymore. My father, James kept on leaving and the more he left and came the less Blair felt love for him soon he was just coming home for me and not for me and Blair anymore. When he died it was the worst thing that ever happened to me, my mother cried and mourned over his death, however not as much as I had to. Sometimes I wished I could've never met my father.


Don't forget to...





Love you beautifuls!


Pink Kitty

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