Chapter 65/Tutees

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Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault 18+

Kayla gave it to me.


"You are on house arrest?" I asked as Kayla led me into her room. She plopped onto her bed with a huff sound and hugged her pink throw pillow.

"Yes, but I don't think my parents understand that being grounded also means no friends over." She rolled her eyes. I raised my eyebrows momentarily and sat crisscrossed on the end of her bed.

"You have to tell me what happened before the cops interrupted us." I ordered her. Kayla sighed a shaky breath.

"Okay..." She sucked in another breath. "It all started on Columbia's campus. I was touring it with Derek. This was when we were still together." She added quickly, "My parents were able to set up a meeting with the dean and a couple of other important professors. My mom and dad said to use my charm. Make myself...unforgettable." She stopped and stared down in her lap and her hands shook as she pulled on a loose string from the throw pillow. "Well we all met together in a conference room and Derek met with some friends for lunch during my meeting. Everything was going great they praised my grades, extracurricular activities, and my family background. I used my charms to make sure that I would stand out. You know my smile, my bubbly personality, and of course, I did my signature hair flick...I guess...they took it the wrong way." I shook my head not understanding where this was going. "They..." Kayla stopped, "They told me to lift my dress." My heart dropped. "I thought I heard him wrong...but I didn't. They said that if I wanted a secure spot I needed to give in. So I did." Kayla let out another breath and breathed in again.

"But that was it right?" I asked my eyes widening in concern searching hers for the answer. She swallowed thickly then shook her head. I put a hand over my mouth. How could there be more?

"Once I put my dress back down...They told me to take the whole thing off."

"Oh my god K." A lump formed in my throat.

"I told them I couldn't reach the zipper. But they didn't take that excuse. So I told them I didn't think I should. They didn't care...then they...just...took it off me."  I couldn't breathe. Tears formed in my eyes quickly and they overflowed. Kayla still looked down in her lap, but I saw wetness drip onto the pillow. "I remember saying 'please please please' I guess they also took that the wrong way...O-once I was left in my underwear t-they took pictures." Kayla breathed in deeply. "They said with this they secured a spot for me...b-but, I can't go S. I can't go knowing those men will be there. B-but my parents won't let me go anywhere else. They said that it was too late and that no one else would take me. The dean and professors said the same when I left. No one wants me."

***End of Flashback***

"Oh my god are you wearing pink?" Trix's eyes widened as she looked me up and down as if my entire outfit was pink.

"No. I mean yeah, but it's just a cardigan." I rolled my eyes avoiding hers. We were on our way to school. She stared silently when she got in the car and only now stated the obvious.

"A cardigan?" She looked at me like I was insane. "Who are you?" She shook her head in disbelief. We arrived and I parked my car.

"Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes again as we got out of the car. Roxy met us in the parking lot this time and walked up to us as I locked my car.

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