Chapter 37/A Little Birdie

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Shit. My car is still at the school. How am I suppose to get to school?

7:30 A.M

Asshat- Let's go Buzz.


"I got a ride. Had to get my oil changed." I lied.

"Okay honey." She said then went back to chugging her black caffeine infused drink.

Stepping outside onto my front porch I see Rock's Camaro roaring next to the sidewalk. I take a deep breath.

"Should've taken that coffee with me." I mumbled to myself as I walked to his car.

Opening the door, I slid into the seat.

"I think I would have preferred riding with Flora." I moved my eyes to his. My voice caught in my throat. "Holy shit Rock." He looked bad. Really, really bad. Worse than my mom, worse than Frostee, and worse than both of them. One black eye, bruises on both cheeks a scrap along his jaw and bruises on his neck as if he had been choked. "What the hell happened?" I lifted my hand to touch him, but put it back down before he could notice.

"Jefe got mad." He grumbled.

"He got mad? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm mad." I said angrily.

"Its nothing let's just go." My eyes were wide and I put my seatbelt on as he put his car in drive and drove away. My breathing was heavy and I couldn't stop the quick pattering of my heart. I was still angry, but his mood made me feel like he rather just pretend everything is normal.

"You look worse than Frostee did." I mentioned.

"Frostee, got treated after." He growled.

"What does that mean?" I said confused.

"It means...another Velvet helped him tend to his wounds." Rock shifted in his seat and avoided my eyes.

" should have tended to your own." I told him annoyed he didn't take care of himself. "It makes me feel like I should have." I whispered to myself.

"Thanks baby girl." I looked towards him surprised he heard me. He wasn't suppose to. Rock smirked and I finally got to see his hazel eyes. I rolled my blue orbs and turned my gaze back out my window.


Thankfully, Enrique has been Roxy's new chauffeur and Bellatrix has been coming early for her art project so I didn't have worry about explaining to them about why I couldn't pick them up.

Finishing up, our packets in chemistry was easier because we didn't have to teach each other the lesson wince Mr. Clark...did his job. We turned them in as did some others, including Trix and her partner Eliot who is supposedly the smartest kid in our grade.

"Hey Scar!" Flora attached herself to my side as I stepped out of the class with the rest of the kids. She looped her arm into mine.

"What's up?" I asked as we walked down the hall together.

"So a little birdie told me you are coming to the gala." She smiled excitedly. 

"A little birdie huh?" I glanced at Rock from a distance as he seemed not to notice us.

"Yes, so I wanted to help you get your dress!" She clapped lightly. "I already have mine, but I thought I should help you get yours since this might be your first gala." She mentioned.

"I've been to one." I closed my mouth quickly. What just happened? I never mention what I have done in the past.

"Oh really? Well it will still be fun to shop together." She said, disconnecting herself from me once we reached the bottom of the stairs entering B hallway. "Today after school? We can leave from my house."

"Sounds good." We waved and saying our goodbyes. As I walked father down the hall I noticed a red head and brunette I had seen before, but I wasn't quite sure where. As I was about to walk by them they stopped me.

"Scarlett is it?" The red head asked.

"Who's asking?"

"I'm Charlotte." She smiled showing off white teeth. She had brown eyes and her skin was very fair as if she had never seen the sun. She was skin and bone, and flat chested. "This is Clancy." She gestured to her brunette friend. The brunette did a little finger wave as she was taller and had a way better body than Charlotte. I stopped and stepped to the side of the hall to not be in the way of other people passing by. I remembered them now, they were with Flora the day she introduced herself to me and their names, Rock mentioned them yesterday with his mom.

"Friends of Flora's I presume?" I asked.

"That's right." Charlotte winked.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked wondering why they needed to approach me.

"Oh right well," Charlotte started, "we just noticed how, you have peeked the interest of both of the Chase twins." I arched my eyebrow wondering where this is going. "And we are very loyal to Flora. The FCC knows everything. The Federal Communications Commission, or Flora, Charlotte, and Clancy. That is the nickname that the other students has given us." She paused, "We just want you to know that since Flora likes you we will help you in anyway we can." I looked at them a little weird.

"We don't have to be friends." Clancy chimed in putting hands up in front of her waving them slightly. "We just know that Flora likes you so we will be helpful if ever needed." Clancy explained.

"Well," I said slowly, "Thanks..." I trailed off and began to take a few steps as in a way to say 'I'm going to go now.'.

"And Scarlett," Charlotte started again I looked towards her, "Rock and Flora care too much about each other to keep secrets. That goes for everything." I nodded then walked away.

Everything? Even Black Velvet. Rock said he didn't want Flora anywhere near this and that she is off limits...does that mean she knows. He gave off the impression that she doesn't know so I always assumed she didn't. I know I can never ask Flora about it because if she didn't know anything and Rock finds out, I'm dead. D-E-A-D. Dead. I guess that is one question that I will never have the answer to.

"Scarlett Buzzby and Rockwell Chase to the principals office. Scarlett Buzzby and Rockwell Chase to the principals office." A women yelled over the intercom.

"Mr. Clark is such a snitch."


Don't forget to...





Love you my beautiful!



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