Chapter 5/Damn You're Cute

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Scarlett walked in with Roxy and Trix late once again to Mr. Clark's  first period. Just seeing Mr. C made Scarlett internally groan.

"Okay we will head out to the lab today." Clark stated as he grabbed a clip board and opened the door to his classroom. "Jacob will you lead the way, I need to lock up the classroom." Mr. Clark said to a boy sitting in the front row.

"Sure thing Mr. C," A boy with short black hair with a letterman jacket on said walking out of the classroom while the class followed.

"Oh and make sure to sit with your partners!" Clark shouted before the entire class was out of earshot. Scarlett saw Mr. Clark grab a few more papers before he snatched his keys off a hook by his computer. Scarlett quickly looked away before Clark could see her. She walked out of the classroom where Roxy and Bellatrix were waiting.

"So who do you have?" Trix asked Roxy as they started walking as they noticed Scarlett arrived.

"Carter." Roxy said sighing. "Carter is the most brain dead jock I have ever met." Roxy said as they neared the lab room.

"I got Eliot." Trix smirked.

"Ugh! Your kidding!" Roxy whined. "That means you won't have to do anything!" Roxy added.

"Eliot is the smartest kid in our class. Number one not to mention, he will be without a doubt valedictorian." Trix told me. "Who'd you get Scar?" Trix asked as they noticed the students entering a new classroom.

"Uh..Rock Chase." Scarlett said recalling the memory of her opening the piece of paper. Roxy and Trix eyes went wide.

"We had to see this coming, sooner or later." Roxy said looking over at Bellatrix.

"I was hoping it was going to be later rather than sooner." Trix said still staring at me.

"What are you two talking about?" Scarlett asked as they entered the lab.

"Should we tell her? I don't think we should tell her." Roxy said quickly.

"We are telling her." Trix said looking at Roxy. "Okay Rock-"

"Ladies! Come on please take your seats!" Mr. Clark said.

Scarlett watched Roxy take her seat next to her brain dead jock, Carter and Bellatrix take her seat next to Eliot the nerd. Scarlett looked around the room and saw the last seat left next to the emergency exit. He was familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Scarlett strolled towards the last open seat. She sat down on the lab stool and turned towards Mr. C waiting for him to instruct directions. Scarlett could see out of the corner of her eye the guy next to her staring at her, but she couldn't quite make out his expression.

While Clark spoke she didn't see him look away once. She finally faced him and noticed who it was. She finally understood what Trix and Roxy were talking about. It's the same asshat from yesterday in the lunch room.

"Fuck." Scarlett cursed under her breath.

"That disappointed baby girl?" Asshat said smirking.

"No just wondering why you can't drop that stupid nickname." Scarlett said still clearly annoyed of the name he has given her in place of her real name.

"Well I have nothing else to call you since you refuse to tell me your name." Rock said writing down something that Mr. Clark said onto his lab paper. Too busy arguing with Asshat, Scarlett didn't bother listening anymore or caring about her stupid lab worksheet.

"Or you could just not talk to me." Scarlett said in return.

"That's going to be a little difficult considering we are lab partners." Rock countered.

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