Chapter 38/Aura

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"Mr. Clark is such a snitch." I grumbled then turned on my heel to head to the office.

When I entered the office the receptionist immediately stood and took me down the hall to the principal's office. She did not enjoy my presence and she didn't do anything to cover up her distaste for me. Entering I spotted Rock already sitting in the far chair leaving the one closest to the door for me. Once the door closed behind me Rock looked my way. His damaged face hurt my heart, although I don't know why.

"Clark?" I questioned.

"That's what I'm guessing." Rock responded. He looked me up and down as if I had changed clothes from this morning. I did my best to ignore his stare and took the seat next to him. It was silent as we waited for the man who ruled the school to take his seat in front of us.

"Thanks for the ride." I murmured trying to fill the silence.

"No problem Buzz." He said tiredly. It was silent again, the air was heavy, and I didn't know why, but I needed to.

"So does this happen every time Jefe gets mad?" I asked a bit loudly.

"Why does it matter for you to know?" Rock asked with a low voice indicating I should keep mine quiet as well. He didn't make eye contact. However, I don't think he was trying to avoid my eyes.

"I-well, I guess it doesn't." I folded my arms and looked away. The second bell rang signifying second period had begun.

"I'll make sure to let you know next time it happens." I turned to Rock and his face was so close to mine that my breath hitched. "So next time," his golden eyes raked over my face, "you can take care of me." Although his concentration on me was intense, his appearance was relaxed. My blue eyes widened slightly as he only stared. If he was waiting for a response...he wasn't going to get one.

"Sophie, hush now!" A man's voice called out and the door opened. He closed the door and turned, his blue eyes drilled holes into our heads. 

He was tall and slim. His hair was a black salt and pepper same as his stubbled beard. He was silent as he took a long look at us. I tried to not shift in my seat as a man of such age stared at teenage kids with a powerful aura. He wasn't old, but he wasn't young maybe a few years older than my mother. He walked behind his desk and took a seat. He did give off an intimating feeling, but since I am the rebel I don't dare to show any emotion. As if we had disappeared the moment his sight was taken off of us, he continued to scan the papers placed in the center of his desk. I stayed silent but peeked at Rock with my peripheral vision as he seemed bored.

"I would like to say 'good to see you again Mr. Chase', but I would be lying." He slowly raised his eyes to meet Rock's.

"That makes two of us Rivera." Rock was gifted a glare in response. I could tell just from that one interaction this happens often for both of them.

"Although I am surprised to meet you, Miss. Buzzby." Principal Rivera turned to me, folding his hands into one another, and placing them on top of his desk.

I didn't respond because I assumed the same reason he was surprised I was here was the same reason Mr. C had high expectations for me: my grades. He stared at me waiting for me to answer his statement, but I didn't have anything to say and I wasn't going to speak just to please him.

"Well then," He let out a breath leaning back in his swivel chair, "usually skipping school entices me to order three days of in-school suspension or one day of out-of-school suspension." Rivera looked at the paper that he was once staring at. "However, you both have excellent grades so instead of twiddling your thumbs with a suspension, I will task you with tutoring." I scoffed lightly. "Is that going to be a problem Miss. Buzzby?" His tone was serious and my preconceived notions of him before vanished. I met his eyes with eyebrows stitched together angrily. He looked back at me his blue eyes dark. We challenged each other with our stares.

"That is the-"

"We will do it." Rock cut me off and I whipped my head towards him with more infuriation than confusion. He only kept his eyes on Principal Rivera.

"Great. Here are the assigned students and the time for tutoring." Rivera handed each of us a piece of paper. We looked down at the papers for a moment then back up at him. "Now get the hell out of here." He shooed us with his hand and we left. It took everything in me to not jump across his desk, tackle, and strangle him.


The fuck.

Once we exited the office into the empty lobby of the school, I grabbed Rock's jacket sleeve roughly and pulled him towards me. Surprised by my strength, he stumbled forward and I stumbled backward into the wall to avoid bumping into him. The sudden loud clang of the lockers I slammed against made me shut my eyes for a moment. I opened them and was met with a chest and a great set of shoulders. I raised my head and saw Rock's hazel eyes glow against my blue pools. His left hand rested by my head as he leaned against the lockers holding his weight, but it always trapped me against the wall. His incredible height towered over me. I felt a shade of pink kiss my cheeks and my body froze. Although I couldn't escape from this position we were stuck in. His smell of cedarwood and citrus invaded my nose. My breathing quickened as his natural scent intoxicated me. My pulse raced as he stared down at me. I scanned his face and stopped seeing his full pink lips. My lips parted slightly and the smallest amount of breath escaped from them. I blinked back up at his eyes and noticed he wasn't staring into my eyes he was also looking at my lips. Breaking out of his trance I unglued myself from the lockers and pushed him back with both hands, but feeling his toned chest only made my pounding heartbeat deeper. I brought my forearm up to my lips covering the bottom half of my face and the light tint on my cheeks as if I were naked.

"When did you become so strong Buzz?" He asked. His voice was so deep as if he had just woken up after a long slumber. 

"When did you become so weak Asshat?" I bit back. He raised his eyebrows momentarily as if he agreed with me.

"I didn't want to do the stupid tutoring I would have rather taken the suspension." I glared at him harshly.

"If you refused then he would have given us both suspension and that's the last thing I want my Dad to lecture me about." He explained. "Rivera wouldn't have given me the tutoring task unless you took it too." I only glared at him in response. I turned away from him but didn't leave. I'm too angry to go back to class. "It won't be that bad Scarlett." He said softly and I felt him get closer. I stepped forward before turning around creating the distance he tried to delete. I can't be too close to his body. Not right now. 

"It's not that. I'm sick of being a number." Fuck did I just say that out loud. God I'm too angry, it caused me to word vomit.

"Makes two of us." He let out a breath and looked out across the lobby. I gazed back at him surprised he answered my regretfully honest comment. 

Is he talking about his dad? He has to be. His reaction at dinner when his dad announced what colleges he was applying to. He has to be referring to that. Brandon was too proud and Rock seemed tired of hearing about it. Even though Brandon says he's applying, did he? He is so deep into Black Velvet, is college even something he thinks about? Or even something he can consider?


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Love you beautiful!



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