Chapter 1

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Hey y'all! It's out! Just know that this chapter contains sudden fainting which the scene it's in is actually based off a true story. It happened in my life twice not too long ago so if you're not okay with that sort of stuff, I wouldn't read it. Also if I got a few things inaccurate, I apologize. It's been quite a while since I've watched Rainbow Quest.

Shadow Sabre fell against the side of a house. He thought for a bit wondering what's going on. He kept hearing this voice in his head ever since he entered the new world. Shadow had a huge problem. He had to go back to the world his friends were in. Shadow had been staying at the Steve Village where Sabre used to live in that world. He had just woken up that morning so he was still pretty tired. He stood up and began walking to the Village Leaders. "Oh. Morning Shadow." The Yellow Village Leader said. "Good morning village leaders." Shadow says. "Are you doing alright?" The Violet Village leader asked. "I'm doing fine. Just a bit tired." Shadow says. "Light Steve told us earlier that he's going to talk to Professor Red and Assistant Steve today. You might want to go talk to them today as well." The Yellow Village Leader says. Shadow gasps. He thought about that Assistant Steve and Professor Red were also in his world and was worried about what they may think of him. "Don't worry Shadow, we explained to the other leaders about you being here and that you're sane. I'd still be a bit careful though." The Violet Village Leader says. Shadow sighs of relief. But then he groans and touches his head. "Are you okay, Shadow?" The Yellow Village Leader asks. "Sorry. My head just hurts a bit. A bit loopy. I should be fine though." Shadow says. The leaders look at each other a bit concerned. Shadow then leaves.

He had been given directions before he did. He then makes it to the Red Kingdom. Shadow was a bit nervous about walking around the Red Kingdom. Some Red Steves had turned to look but pretty much ignored him. Shadow's head kept hurting and he felt pretty dizzy. He brushed that off and continued looking for the lab. He then found where it was.

Shadow stopped before entering though. He thought for a moment worried what Professor Red and Assistant Steve might think of him. Since he heard the Steves weren't fond with the other version of him, he's worried on what might happen. Shadow sighs and decides to go ahead and enter. He enters the lab. "Professor! Assistant!" Shadow shouts. Professor Red and Assistant Steve were downstairs working on some things. They hadn't heard Shadow calling for them yet. Shadow called for them again. This time, Assistant Steve does hear him. "Professor. I think someone is here." He says. "Oh. Who?" Professor Red asks. Assistant Steve walks up there. Shadow had walked into the room Assistant Steve entered. "Oh. Wait, you aren't Sabre." Assistant Steve says. "Oh. Right, you're a robot. Anyway, no, I'm not Sabre. I'm, well, Shadow Sabre." Shadow says. "Professor!" Assistant Steve shouts. Professor Red runs up the stairs. "Oh. It's you. Aren't you the person Light Steve told us about earlier?" He asks Shadow. "I think so." Shadow says. "Ah. Good. Good. So you say, you need a portal to the multiverse?" Professor Red asks. "Yes. My friends are in danger and I have to get to them, otherwise, they're all doomed." Shadow says. "I see. Well, Assistant, let's show him the core. It could possibly have some energy available to open a portal to the multiverse." Professor Red says. Assistant Steve nods. They walk past him. "The core?" Shadow says. He shrugged and followed them.

They lead him to the core, trying their best not to have any Red Steves get suspicious of Shadow. They take the elevator down into the core. "This is the core." Professor Red says pointing to it. Shadow recognized the core and the room. Assistant Steve went over to the controls, working on a few things. "I see. So this might have enough energy to create a portal?" Shadow asks. "I believe so. We're all trying to find things with enough power to open at least one portal. After we did some research, we learn a portal to the multiverse would take a lot of energy to open. That's why we're using some power from the core." Professor Red says. "Makes sense." Shadow says. "I calculated a way to use the core's energy for opening a portal. It would take a little bit to do but it would possibly still work." Assistant Steve says. "Professor!" Someone shouts. They all look. M enters the room. "What is it, M?" Professor Red asks. "M?" Shadow says quietly. "I wanted to make sure everything was alright here. Some Red Steves told me about Shadow so I wanted to make sure everything was okay." M explains. "Everything is fine, leader." Assistant Steve says. "Good deal. Shadow, you alright?" M asks. Shadow doesn't respond. He was beginning to lose his vision. "Shadow? Are you okay?" M asks. But then, Shadow collapses to the ground, passing out. "Shadow!" M exclaims. They all rush towards him. "What happened?" Professor Red asks. "He passed out." M says. "Why?" Professor Red asks. "I don't know." M says.

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