Chapter 13

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TW: Blood and gore warning

The Great One woke up somewhere. He slowly looked up. He groaned and slowly sat up. He cried out in pain from his arm but he didn't care. He slowly stood up. He coughs and spat out darkness blood. He sighed and began walking around the area. "Hello?!" He shouts, "Guys?!" No response. He sighed and went to look for the others. But then he began hearing something. "Where-" But then The First Curse hits the ground knocking The Great One away. The Great One got back up. "Oh shoot." He says. The First Curse laughs. Then he rushes towards The Great One to attack. The Great One backed away. Then he punched The First Curse back. But the problem was, The Great One accidentally used his arm that was broken. The Great One screamed when he did that. The First Curse got back up. "I shouldn't have done that." The Great One says. The First Curse then grabs The Great One by the throat. The Great One threw up some more darkness blood. The First Curse laughed and grabbed The Great One's arm that was broken. The Great One winced. The First Curse then ripped some of the skin off of The Great One's arm. The Great One cried out in pain. The First Curse scratched him in the chest. The Great One kicked him away and fell to the ground. The First Curse took out a knife and began stabbing The Great One in his other arm. The Great One screamed in pain. "Stop!" He cried out. The Great One threw up more darkness blood.  The First Curse continued on. The Great One was barely hanging onto life. "Please.. Please stop…" The Great One said. The First Curse laughed. "No! This is too fun!" He exclaims. He continues stabbing The Great One. The Great One roared out in pain before kicking The First Curse away. The Great One lifted himself up and got back up. He then ran away from The First Curse. He got away from The First Curse and fell against the wall. He spat out some more darkness blood. He was breathing heavily. The Great One had stab wounds all over his body and most of the flesh on his broken arm has been ripped off.  He was barely holding it together. "This can't be happening..." He muttered. He sighed and slowly got up. "I got to find the others." He says. He slowly walked away to find the others. But then out of nowhere, The First Curse grabs The Great One by his horn stopping him. "Run." He said. The Great One kicked The First Curse away and quickly began running. The First Curse chased after him. But then The Great One realized Sabre wasn't with The First Curse. He skid to a stop and turned to face him. "Where is Sabre?!" He exclaims. "Oh, he's around." The First Curse says. The Great One gasps. "Oh no!" He exclaims. The First Curse grabs The Great One's neck and tries to break his neck but The Great One knocks him away. "That's enough!" He exclaims. He quickly ran off before The First Curse could stop him.

Twisted Rainbow then woke up. He slowly sat up. "Ow. What happened?" He said. He looked around confused. He slowly got back up. Part of his armor was torn. He began walking around the area. "Guys! Where are you?!" He shouts. No response. He sighs. He looks around confused. "What just happened?" He says. Twisted Rainbow sighs. "Hypno! Great One! Lucian! Where did you guys go?!" He shouts. But then he heard a laugh. He turned around and Sabre was back. Twisted Rainbow gasped. Sabre ran towards him and pushed him to the ground. Twisted Rainbow hit the ground hard. He groaned. Sabre holds him down. Twisted Rainbow tried to get away from him but he couldn't. Sabre then took out a knife. Twisted Rainbow gasped. Sabre raised the knife and stabbed Twisted Rainbow in the stomach. Twisted Rainbow screamed. Sabre continued stabbing him several times. Twisted Rainbow then punched Sabre in the face knocking him away. Twisted Rainbow held his arm over his stomach and tried to get up. Sabre grabbed his knife and stabbed Twisted Rainbow in the back. Twisted Rainbow screamed and kicked Sabre in the ankle. Twisted Rainbow got on his knees holding his arm over his stomach trying to not bleed out. Sabre stood back up. "I'm not letting you get out of here alive." He said. Twisted Rainbow could barely breathe. Mostly because he was scared. Sabre grabbed Twisted Rainbow by the throat and held him up to his face. Sabre laughed and was about to stab Twisted Rainbow but then, Twisted Rainbow growled. His eyes began glowing and he punched Sabre in the face. Sabre stepped back and Twisted Rainbow fell to the ground. He got back up but he knew he had to get out of there immediately. Twisted Rainbow turned around and ran still holding his arm over his stomach.

Twisted Rainbow entered another room and shut the door immediately. Sabre laughed as he got up. "I will find you Twisted Rainbow. Don't even try to hide." He said. Twisted Rainbow ran over to another part of the room he was in and fell against the wall. He was shaking in fear and from the pain. "No. No! Not this again!" He says. Twisted Rainbow started having a panic attack. Sabre continued to look for him. Twisted Rainbow freaked out and fell onto his side freaking out about what is happening. Twisted Rainbow has always been afraid of Sabre ever since Sabre has tortured him the first time. He didn't ever want to go through that torture at all even though he has been since Sabre's return. Twisted Rainbow continued to freak out and was rapidly breathing. But then he began crying. He had freaked out so much, he couldn't hold back his tears anymore. He stayed on the floor crying and also hyperventilating some. But then he felt a sharp pain on the side of his forehead. He looked up and saw Sabre standing above him. "What a crybaby." He said. Then he slashed Twisted Rainbow again with his knife, this time in his arm. Sabre kept slashing him several times with his knife. But then, Sabre is grabbed by the shoulders and thrown to the side. Hypno was there. Sabre laughed again. Hypno growled and went to attack Sabre but he teleported. Hypno looked around first but didn't see him. He sighed and looked at Twisted Rainbow. "Oh my god Twisted!" He exclaimed. Hypno ran over to him. Twisted Rainbow was trying to lift himself up. Hypno knelt down in front of him. "Are you okay?" He asked. Twisted Rainbow stared at him for a second and then turned away shaking his head. "Hey, what's wrong?" Hypno asks. Twisted Rainbow started crying again.  "I don't know. I don't know anything anymore." He said. Twisted Rainbow continued to sob. Hypno sighed. "Like, why does this have to happen? Why? WHY?!" Twisted Rainbow screamed. He continued crying. Hypno stared at him sadly. But then he hugged him. Twisted Rainbow gasped when he did. He had never been hugged before and it was quite shocking. Since everybody hated Twisted Rainbow, he was shocked by somebody actually caring about him. Twisted Rainbow sighed and started to calm down. Hypno let go and stood up reaching down to help Twisted Rainbow up. Twisted Rainbow took his hand and stood up. Twisted Rainbow winced. "Come on. Let's get back to the others." Hypno says. Twisted Rainbow nods.

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