Chapter 22

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The Great One had Aiden in his arms. Aiden had fallen asleep. The Great One carried him to a bedroom and set him on the bed. He covered Aiden with a blanket and stepped back. Aiden stayed asleep. The Great One sighed of relief and left the room.

Twisted Rainbow, Hypno and Assistant Steve were downstairs. The Great One came downstairs as well. It was night now at the world. "He's asleep." The Great One says. Twisted Rainbow sighed of relief. "Good. Then he won't panic. Come on guys." He says. The Great One nods. They all walked out of the house. Assistant Steve went with them this time as well.

They all snuck out of the village and were walking to the warehouse. They stopped once they got there. Twisted Rainbow looks around nervously. Hypno looks at him. "You okay?" He asks. Twisted Rainbow looked at him scared. "Something just doesn't feel right." He says. "How so?" Hypno asks. "Nothing. It's just... Something doesn't feel right here. I don't know what it is though." Twisted Rainbow says. Hypno touches his shoulder. "It's alright Twisted." He says. Twisted looked at them all. "Look, we're all going into this together so we will figure things out." Hypno says. "We have each others backs." The Great One says. They all nod. Twisted Rainbow takes a deep breath. "Let's go." He says. They all enter the warehouse.

They look around the warehouse. They all had their flashlights out too. The warehouse was almost pitch black as it was night. The Great One pointed his flashlight around the warehouse. They all then heard a noise. "What was that?" Hypno asks. The Great One shushes him. "We need to split up." He says. "Is that a good idea?" Hypno asks. The Great One nods. "Meet back here in about half an hour." He says. They all nod. The Great One, Hypno and Assistant went different directions. Twisted Rainbow stayed out for a second. He sighed. He gulped and went off somewhere.

Twisted Rainbow walked into another room but then he saw Sabre down the hallway. Twisted Rainbow looked at him angrily. "Sabre!" He says. Sabre turns around to face him. Twisted Rainbow walks closer to him. "What are you doing here?" He asks. Sabre chuckles. "I could ask you the same thing. Seems that Shadow hasn't returned yet huh?" He says. "He will. I know he and M will." Twisted Rainbow says. Sabre rolls his eyes and scoffs. "Sure they will." He says sarcastically. Twisted Rainbow looks at him. "Do you even care at all about what you did?" He asks. "Why do you ask?" Sabre asks. "I really just want to know. Answer the question!" Twisted Rainbow exclaims. Sabre laughs some. "No. I didn't care at all about destroying you and your... friends home. Why would you think I did?" Sabre asks. Twisted Rainbow sighs. "You're so ruthless." He says. He began leaving. "You are too Twisted. Whatever happened to the old Twisted Rainbow? Wanting to corrupt people with the Twisted and wanting to kill me?" Sabre asks. Twisted Rainbow stopped in his tracks upon hearing that. "The old Twisted Rainbow is gone." He says. Sabre scoffs and laughs a lot. "No way I'm believing that." He says. Twisted Rainbow looked back at him angrily. "Do you really think you're a good person Twisted? Do you REALLY think that?" Sabre asks. Twisted Rainbow sighs. "I wasn't given a chance to be a good person, I know. But that's only because I was always seen as a monster. The Twisted which is me wasn't ever given a chance. Not once. But now that I'm in a different world, I have gotten a better chance." Twisted Rainbow says. Sabre sighed and shook his head. "You're only being redeemed with help Twisted. There were three reasons on why you weren't ever a good person in the old world. One, you never even wanted to change. Two, you're right. You weren't given a chance and three, you never had anyone to guide you." Sabre says.

Twisted Rainbow gasps realizing he was right. "But really, you shouldn't be getting help. No one should even care about you right now. Especially not someone like Shadow." Sabre says. "Who said Shadow cared about me?" Twisted Rainbow asks. "He does. I know he does now at least. He cares about all of you. He shouldn't care about you though." Sabre says. "Would you shut up now?" Twisted Rainbow says. "Face it Twisted! You're not a good person!" Sabre says. Twisted Rainbow stared at him full of rage. "You're not a good person!" Sabre repeats. "SHUT UP!" Twisted Rainbow exclaimed. Tears were in his eyes. "Just please! Stop!" He exclaims. Sabre sighs. "You're not off the hook Twisted. I destroyed the old world but it was your fault for urging me to do so because of how you betrayed me!" Sabre exclaims. "Oh will you give that up already?! Seriously?! Ever since we all were sent here, everybody's been throwing that in my face! I know what I did and I regret it now! But for so many years now, I've always been reminded that I'm not a good person and you're right! I'm not! But of course, there's always time for redemption." Twisted Rainbow exclaims. Sabre rolls his eyes. "Redemption doesn't change anything Twisted." Sabre began walking towards him, "You're still going to be a bad person." He says. He tries to punch Twisted Rainbow but Twisted Rainbow grabs his fist. "I don't care anymore about what you say! I know, I messed up! But that doesn't mean I can't fix my mistakes!" He exclaims. Sabre stares at him angrily for a moment before pulling his fist away. "Fine. You have your fantasy. But you know, that your past never leaves you. You don't forget your misdeeds at all." Sabre says. He then left. Twisted Rainbow stared angrily for a moment before sighing and falling to his knees. He covered his face with his hands and sat there thinking about everything Sabre said. "No." He says. He growled. "NO!" He screamed. Twisted Rainbow punched the floor with his fist before screaming.

The Great One stopped in his tracks after hearing Twisted Rainbow scream. He went to go find him.
Twisted Rainbow was still on the ground. He kept punching the floor until his knuckles were bruised. He then punched himself in the head. "You're so stupid! Why did you do all this?" He asks himself. The Great One then made it to where he was. "Uhh, Twisted?" He says. Twisted Rainbow gasps and looks back at where The Great One is. "What?" He says. "Are you okay?" The Great One asks. Twisted Rainbow sighs. "No. I'm not okay." He says standing up. "What happened?" The Great One asks. Twisted Rainbow sighs. "I don't want to talk about it." He says. The Great One sighs. "It's about Sabre isn't it?" He asks. Twisted Rainbow nods. "Yeah. Thought so." The Great One says. "I wasn't ever given a chance to be a good guy but to be fair. I never really wanted to anyway." Twisted Rainbow says. The Great One sighs. "You always need to actually want to if you're going to be redeemed. At least now you do. Which will be helpful anyway." He says. "Why do you care anyway? It's not like you weren't given a chance." Twisted Rainbow says.  The Great One gasps. He then turned to Twisted Rainbow angrily. "You really think you were the only one who was never given a chance to be a good person, Twisted?" He asks. Twisted Rainbow looks at him confused. "What about me? I was created as darkness! This was my form to begin with! I was always seen as a monster and treated as a monster! Not once was I given an option to be a good guy!" The Great One exclaims. Twisted Rainbow stared at him shocked. "You were never the only one Twisted! You don't even know what being good fully requires!" The Great One exclaims.

"Shut up!" Twisted Rainbow exclaims. The Great One began walking towards him. "You know Twisted, we were the same to begin with! A person being seen as a monster and treated as such!" The Great One exclaims. "I said shut up!" Twisted Rainbow exclaims, "I was given a better chance than you. At least I wasn't created as a monster like you were." The Great One then lost it. "NO! YOU WERE CREATED AS A MONSTER TOO! YOU WEREN'T GIVEN A CHANCE EITHER! THIS IS WHY SABRE DESTROYED OUR HOME IN THE FIRST PLACE!" The Great One screams. Twisted Rainbow gasps. He froze. The Great One stared at him angrily. Twisted Rainbow sighs. "You're right. It was my fault. But it wasn't just mine. The darkness and the twisted tricked Sabre. It was Shadow who did but you're at fault as well. In fact, we all are." Twisted Rainbow says. The Great One sighed and looked away. Twisted Rainbow sighs. "But it's never too late to fix our mistakes and redeem ourselves for what we did. While we are at fault for what all happened, we have a chance to show we can be good guys even if the world doesn't see us as them." He says. The Great One looks at him again. Twisted Rainbow sighs. "I know you may not believe that. But you've already shown some kindness to Aiden. Who's a Red Steve first of all and you just need to know how effective small acts of kindness can be." He says walking away. The Great One sighs. He couldn't argue with Twisted Rainbow. He was right. They all were at fault but there was time to fix their mistakes and prove themselves and others they can become good people.

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