Chapter 47

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I'm going to delay the rest of the story for a while. This is the last chapter for a while.

Shadow and the others went outside the warehouse to look around for Sabre and The First Curse. "Should we check the roof?" Twisted Rainbow asks. "Usually they're up there. We should check." Hypno says. Sam sighs. "Well, I got to take Blue with me back to where Axel is hiding. I'll come find you guys later though." He says. Shadow nods. "Alright." He says. Sam grabs Blue's arm and drags her away. The others head up to the roof to look around.

Shadow sighed. "What do you think those Steves were earlier?" He asks. M shrugs. "There were a couple in there. But why did they look like that?" Twisted Rainbow asks. Shadow shrugs. "Let's hope we can figure it out." He says. He sighs. Hypno gasps. "What was that?" He asks. "What was what?" The Great One asks. "I heard something." Hypno says. Shadow was staring at the ground. Twisted Rainbow looked up. "Shadow?" He said. Shadow turned around but then out of nowhere, Shadow is stabbed in the heart by The First Curse. M gasped. The First Curse ripped the sword out of Shadow's chest. Shadow backed away holding his hand over the wound. M quickly ran towards Shadow. Shadow saw him and quickly pushed him back before he could make it to him. M looked up staring at Shadow sadly. He shook his head. Shadow sighed. He looked at his hand. Blood was all over his hand. He looked at The First Curse. Despite the fact Shadow was bleeding out, he still looked ready to fight. The First Curse laughed. Shadow stared at him angrily. But then, The First Curse slashed Shadow across the face and this caused Shadow's blindfold to fall off of him. Shadow gasps and covers his eyes. "No! Don't look at me!" He exclaims. M stood up. Shadow was still covering his eyes. M touched his shoulder. But then Shadow punched his arm. M backed up. The Great One walked over. "Shadow, wha-" "DON'T LOOK AT ME!" Shadow screamed at him. The Great One grabbed his wrists and pulled them away from his eyes. Shadow tried to pull away. The Great One gasped when he saw Shadow's eyes. One was red and the other was completely black. Shadow quickly reached down and grabbed his blindfold and covered his eyes again. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!" He screamed at The First Curse. The First Curse smiled. Shadow just looked broken.

The First Curse went to attack again. But before he could attack Shadow, M pushed him away. The First Curse growls and punches M in the head. M fell to the ground unconscious. Shadow gasped. "M!" He exclaims. He ran over and grabbed him. The First Curse tried to attack them both but The Great One grabbed him and threw him to the ground. The First Curse roars and stabs The Great One in the chest. The Great One screams and staggers back. Twisted Rainbow gasps. He ran over and tried to attack The First Curse. The First Curse growls angrily. But then, he roars and stabs Twisted Rainbow through the chest. Everyone gasps. Twisted Rainbow fell to the ground unconscious. Hypno gasps. "Twisted!" He exclaims. The First Curse looked at Hypno and shot a projectile at him. Hypno hit the wall of the warehouse and fell unconscious as well. Shadow gasped. Assistant Steve looked up at The First Curse shocked. The First Curse looked at him and punched him in the head knocking him out as well. The Great One rushed towards The First Curse. "Great One! No!" Shadow exclaimed. The First Curse grabbed The Great One and pushed him to the ground before stomping on the injury in his chest. Shadow gasped. The Great One cried out in pain. He passed out. Shadow looked up at The First Curse. The First Curse smiled and grabbed him by the throat. "You don't seem to understand still Shadow. Do you really get what you even are? You aren't just a monster but you are also a mistake." He said. Shadow looked at him. "When you were created as well as everyone else and that world, you were all mistakes. That world and everything in it was a mistake which is why Sabre decided to get rid of it. I was quite shocked to learn you and five others were still alive." The First Curse said. Shadow struggled against The First Curse's grip. M woke up and looked up at them. "So maybe it's time for you and the other last ones to be destroyed for good." The First Curse says. M gasped. The First Curse was about to destroy Shadow but then M grabbed The First Curse and threw him to the ground. Shadow fell to the ground. He slowly sat up. The First Curse was fighting with M. Before Shadow could figure out what was happening, The First Curse grabbed M by the arm and ripped some of the skin off of it. M pulled away and collapsed to the ground. Shadow looked up and gasped when he saw what The First Curse did to M. The First Curse grabbed M by the throat and lifted him up to his face. Shadow tried to get up but The First Curse pushed him back. The First Curse looked at M again. But then he summoned a sword and sliced open M's stomach. The First Curse laughed and threw M to the side. Shadow gasped and ran towards M. Shadow knelt down beside M and grabbed him. The First Curse stared at them. Shadow didn't glance at him. He just stared at M. The First Curse growled at Shadow. Then he grabbed Shadow by the throat and threw him to another part of the warehouse roof. Shadow looked back up. The Great One then woke up finally and looked over at Shadow. He gasped when he saw him. The First Curse walked over to Shadow and began punching him several times in the face. M slowly looked up at them. The Great One stared in shock. "S-Shadow?" He said. The First Curse kept punching Shadow until he passed out. The First Curse grabbed Shadow and threw him at M causing him to pass out too. The Great One stared at Shadow shocked. The First Curse looked at him and walked over to him. The Great One tried to fight The First Curse but was pushed back. The Great One looked up at The First Curse. "Lights out." The First Curse said. Then he punched The Great One knocking him out.

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