Chapter 16

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Twisted Rainbow and Hypno were still looking around for the others. Twisted Rainbow was still bleeding a lot. He didn't have much chance of survival at the moment. "Where could they be?" Twisted Rainbow asks. "I don't know." Hypno Steve says. Twisted Rainbow looked exhausted too. "We got to get you back to Lucian fast." Hypno says. Twisted Rainbow nods. Hypno looked at him. "Twisted, are you starting to become braver?" He asks. Twisted Rainbow looked at him and shook his head. "I doubt it." He said. Hypno sighed. "Guys! Where are you?" Someone then shouted. They both look up. The Great One and Lucian then ran into the room. "Guys!" Hypno shouted. The Great One and Lucian looked over then they began running over. Hypno sighed of relief. But then out of nowhere, Sabre and The First Curse appear and grab Twisted Rainbow and Hypno by the throat.

The Great One and Lucian skid to a stop. Sabre laughed. "Seems you guys have finally got back together in this world. So good for you." He said. The Great One looked at Twisted Rainbow and Hypno. "Put them both down!" He exclaimed. The First Curse laughed. "Oh and why do you care about them?" He asks. The Great One glared at him. "Just put them down!" He repeated. "You know, I've never seen this side to you Great One. Never expected I would too. Have you looked at yourself now?" Sabre asks. The Great One didn't respond. Lucian was staring at The Great One in shock. "Well?" The First Curse said. "I don't care about them! Just put them down!" The Great One exclaimed. "No no no. You do. I can tell. You just won't admit it." Sabre said. The Great One clenched his fists. "You're pathetic! We all see it!" The First Curse taunted. The Great One was growling angrily at this point. Sabre laughed. But then, The Great One rushed at the four and pushed both Sabre and The First Curse away. Twisted Rainbow and Hypno fell to the ground.

Sabre stood up and laughed. The First Curse stood up too. "I'm seeing a brand new side to you Great One! A more heroic side!" Sabre exclaimed. The Great One growled at him. "Shut up!" He exclaimed. He ran towards Sabre but then, Sabre grabbed him by the head stopping him. "How pathetic. But I'm really curious Great One. What was your past like?" Sabre asks. The Great One growls again. "That's not important!" He exclaims. Lucian looks at him confused. Sabre chuckled. "But I want to see your past." He said. The Great One starts thrashing. "Let me go!" He shouts. Sabre chuckles again. "If you won't tell me your past, I'll just have to see for myself." He says. The Great One gasps. "No!" He yells. Sabre forced The Great One to look back at his past. Sabre saw it all. The Great One didn't know exactly what he was nor who he was back then. He wanted to find help but everyone saw him as a monster and pushed him away. After figuring out he had the powers of the darkness, The Great One took control of the darkness and took revenge on everyone who pushed him away and that's how the darkness began in the old world.

"No! Stop!" The Great One exclaims at Sabre. Sabre laughed. "Oh! I see! You were trying to find help too! Like I was! But I see everyone pushed you away! Saw you as a monster!" He exclaimed. "Just get out of my head!" The Great One exclaimed. Sabre laughed. "Oh! And you killed someone who actually trusted you before!" He says. The Great One gasps. Sabre laughs and pushed The Great One to the ground. The Great One slowly sat up feeling awful after seeing his past again. Sabre chuckled. "I see why you care about them now because you've never had any friends Great One." He says. Lucian ran over and helped The Great One back up. "I wasn't expecting to see that from you." Sabre says. The Great One glared at him angrily. "Especially not from everything else I've already seen." Sabre says. "SHUT UP SABRE! JUST SHUT UP!" The Great One yelled. Lucian, Twisted Rainbow and Hypno looked at him shocked. The First Curse walked over to Sabre. Sabre smirked at The Great One. "Does this place seem familiar to you?" He asks. The Great One looked around confused. "It doesn't. Where did you send us?" He asks. Sabre laughs and slams his fist into the ground. The ground shook. The Great One slowly looked over but then he gasped. He saw him and the rest of The Last Ones on the ground beside them. "What?" He said silently. Twisted Rainbow and Hypno stared shocked too. "You think you were just sent to this world?" Sabre asks. The Great One looked at him shocked. Lucian shook his head. "That's enough!" He exclaimed. He grabbed The Great One, Hypno and Twisted Rainbow by the arms and quickly teleported them all out of there. 

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