Chapter 10

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Shadow was still walking to the Red Kingdom. He was toying a bit with the scarf he was wearing. But as he was walking, he noticed something on a flower. There were several flowers on the path he was following. He knelt down near the flower he saw something on. Something was crawling on the flower. Then he noticed it was a ladybug. He gasped when he saw it. Shadow looked at himself and then back at the ladybug. He sighs. "Haven't seen one in a long time." He says. But then another ladybug crawled over on the flower. It was a yellow one though. Shadow gasps. He had never seen a Yellow ladybug before. "I don't understand." He says. But then he gasps and remembers the Yellow Steves he met in the other world. He remembers how they treated him with kindness and respect and didn't attack him once. He also remembered before they left the village they lived in, one of them stopped him and gave him a flower and Shadow put it on his hoodie to remember them by. Shadow looked at his chest. "I guess that explains why I have a flower on my hoodie when people look at me through the glass." He says. Shadow looks back at the ladybugs. They seemed to be looking at him. Shadow thought. "Ladybug duo..." He muttered. He looked back down at them. He put his hands near the flower and the ladybugs crawled on his hands. Shadow looked at them closer. But then he started having flashbacks of the other world. He sighed and put the ladybugs back on the flower before standing up and continuing to walk to the Red Kingdom.

Shadow then made it to the kingdom and went to Professor Red's lab. He looked around at all the Red Steves. But then, a vision flashed in his mind of the Red Kingdom in the old world being destroyed. Shadow gasped and almost collapsed but a few Red Steves ran over to him and caught him before he fell. Shadow was hyperventilating some. "Are you okay?" One of the Red Steves asked him. Shadow cleared his throat. "I don't know." He said. The Red Steves helped him stand up straight. "I need to get to the lab." Shadow says. "Are you sure you don't need some rest or anything?" One of the other Red Steves asks. "No, I'm okay." He replies. Shadow tried to walk but he almost collapsed again. One of the Red Steves held him up. Shadow looked up for a moment. "Why can't I walk right?" He thought. But then he looked up and saw someone. It was Sabre. Shadow gasped. But then he noticed something, Sabre was all white like he was the Light version of Sabre. "What?" Shadow says in a whisper. But when he blinked, the light version of Sabre disappeared. Shadow looked on confused. But then he groaned and rubbed his head. "Are you okay?" One of the Red Steves asked. Shadow stood up straight. "I'm okay." He says.

Shadow continued walking to Professor Red's lab. He winced everytime he took a step though. He then made it to the lab. Shadow entered and looked around. "Professor Red!" He shouted. But then he groaned and fell against the table in that room. His eyes were becoming dark. Assistant Steve then entered the room. "Shadow?" He said. He walked over and grabbed Shadow trying to help him stand back up. Shadow looked up. "Assistant Steve?" He said. "What's going on with you?" Assistant Steve asks. "I don't know. I can barely walk." Shadow says. Assistant Steve held him back up. "What happened to you?" He asked. "I don't know." Shadow says. Professor Red came upstairs too. "Shadow? Are you okay?" He asks. Shadow coughed. "I don't know. I can barely walk right and I keep seeing hallucinations." He says. Professor Red walked over to him. "Do you feel sick or anything?" Shadow shook his head. "I just... I don't know what's going on with me." He says. Professor Red felt his forehead. "You aren't running a fever." He says. Shadow sighed and sat down on the table. Professor Red thought for a moment. "I think I have something that might help you." He says. Professor Red walked into a different room and grabbed something off a shelf. It was a potion. Professor Red walked back into the room with Shadow and Assistant Steve and gave Shadow the potion. "That should help." Professor Red says. Shadow then drank it. "Uhh Professor, isn't that the potion that-" Professor Red shushed Assistant Steve before he could finish his sentence. Shadow finished drinking the potion and put the bottle on the table. "Thanks Professor." He said. Professor Red nodded. "Okay. So you came at a right time. Everyone else is here." He says. Shadow sighs of relief. Professor Red helped him stand. Shadow and Assistant Steve followed him down to the core.

Down in the core area, several Steves were there including Light Steve and the leaders. "Oh, hey Shadow." Light Steve said. Shadow waved at him. He still felt pretty bad even after drinking the potion. He walked over to the barrier around the core and leaned on it. He was starting to feel nauseous. Light Steve walked over to him. "Are you okay, Shadow?" He asks. Shadow shook his head. His stomach was starting to hurt too and he was sweating too. He didn't know what this pain was. Light Steve put his hand on Shadow's shoulder. "Are you sick? You're sweating." He says. Shadow tried to take a step away from his touch. "I'm fine, Light." He whispers. Light Steve shakes his head. "No, you look like you have a fever." Shadow shook his head. "I'll be fine Light." He says. He walked over to the controls and sat down for a moment. Shadow felt like he was going to throw up. He started to feel worse after drinking the potion. "Professor!" Shadow shouted. Professor Red walked over to him. "Yeah?" He asks. "What did you give me?" Shadow asks. Professor Red noticed that Shadow was sweating and looked sick. "Uhh... Not important." He says. Assistant Steve facepalmed. "I feel worse Professor. Is this side effects of the potion?" Shadow asks. "Uhh... Yes! Yes! The effects should wear off soon." He says. He then walked off. Shadow put his head down. But then he coughed. Everyone turned to look at him. Professor Red gasped. "Uh oh." He said. M looked at him. "What did you give him?" He asks. "Umm..." Professor Red said. Light Steve ran over to Shadow. "Are you okay, Shadow?" He asks. Shadow coughs again. "I just feel really dizzy." He says. Light Steve felt his forehead. "Did you take any medicine?" He asks. Shadow nods and pointed to Professor Red. Light Steve looked at him. "Professor, what exactly did you give him?" He asks. "Uhh, just an unexperimented potion." Professor Red said smiling. "What?" Shadow says. Light Steve rolls his eyes. "Why would you give him that?" He asks. Shadow grabbed his own throat. "It was the only thing I could think of! He was already feeling sick before! These are probably just side effects." Professor Red said. Shadow cleared his throat. "I should be fine." He says. "Are you sure?" Light Steve asks him. Shadow nodded. "Alright. We need to get to work on opening the portal." Professor Red says. "We have a plan for it." Assistant Steve says. Shadow looked at his hands. He still felt pretty uneasy but was trying to ignore it. "You sure you have the energy to do this, Shadow?" M asks. Shadow nods. Light Steve sighed. "Alright. Then let's all get ready." He says. Shadow took a deep breath. "Ready Shadow?" M asks. Shadow nods. He then started to power himself up then he shot the magic out of his hands at the core starting to open the portal. Professor Red waited a few seconds before giving a signal to Assistant Steve. Assistant Steve nodded and pulled a lever on the controls and the core powered up and it helped Shadow open the portal as well. Professor Red sent a signal to the leaders. They all began using their powers too to help open the portal. Light Steve joined in as well. Shadow was having a hard time keeping himself awake though. He still felt awful. He could still stand but the amout of energy he was using was tiring him. Shadow was about to lose control but then, all of a sudden, someone touched Shadow's shoulder. Shadow gasped. But then he started to feel better than he was. He started to gain more energy and was able to keep himself steady. Shadow also felt something spark in his body. "I don't know how much longer we can keep this up, Professor!" Assistant Steve shouted. Professor Red sighed. But then he looked at Shadow and gasped. Shadow shot a final projectile at where the portal was being made and the portal finally opened. The leaders and Light Steve looked very tired but Shadow didn't look tired at all. In fact, he looked much better. "Shadow! Are you alright?" Light Steve asks. Shadow nods. "That was a lot. But at least we did it." M says. "I guess it's time for me to go." Shadow says. He looked at the portal and sighed. He walked towards it but before entering it, he turned back to everyone. "I just wanted to say, thank you for helping me. I definitely wouldn't have made it without your guy's help." He says. Light Steve smiled. Shadow sighed. "I would say I'd see you later but I don't know if that's true." He says, "So, goodbye guys." "Shadow wait!" Light Steve exclaimed. Shadow looked back at him. Light Steve sighed. But then he rushed over and hugged Shadow. Shadow gasped. Light Steve pulled away after a moment and backed away from the portal. He waved goodbye to Shadow. Shadow sighed and entered the portal leaving that world behind.

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