Chapter 9

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The Great One walked downstairs and noticed Assistant Steve in the corner. He was powered down still. The Great One walked over and knelt down in front of him. He touched his shoulder. "Don't know when Assistant Steve is going to figure out what's going on." He says. But then, Assistant Steve turned on out of nowhere. The Great One jumped back a bit. Assistant Steve looked up at him. The Great One stared at him confused. Assistant Steve stared at him as well. But then he twitched. "D-Darkness entity detected." He says. The Great One backed up a bit. Assistant Steve stood up. But then he gasped and he looked at the door. "Curse detected. Possibly lethal." He says. The Great One gasps. "The First Curse." He says quietly. He looks at Assistant Steve again. He touched his shoulder. "Thanks." He says. Assistant Steve just stared blankly. The Great One sighed and was about to leave the house but then he realized Assistant Steve was following him. "What are you doing?" The Great One asks. Assistant Steve just blinked. The Great One sighs. "If you come with me, you might be destroyed." He says. The Great One tried to leave but Assistant Steve grabbed his arm. "What the." The Great One says. He stared at him confused. "How did you-" He stopped after realizing that chip that Sam put on Assistant Steve. "Oh boy." He says. The Great One sighs and pushes him back. "You can't come with me." He says. Assistant Steve tried to stop him but The Great One growled and pushed him into the wall. Assistant Steve fell and stared at him shocked. "I said, you can't come with me! Stay here, please!" The Great One exclaims. He groans in pain from his back again then leaves the house.

Twisted Rainbow entered the room in the house and saw Assistant Steve staring outside the window. "Assistant? What are you doing?" He asks him. Assistant Steve looked at him then he pointed outside the window. Twisted Rainbow walked over to him. "What are you pointing at?" He asks. Assistant Steve looked at him again. "G-Great One." He then said. Twisted Rainbow gasps remembering The Great One wanted to fight The First Curse himself. "Oh no!" He exclaims. He rushes off somewhere. He ran to Lucian's room. "Lucian! The Great One left to fight The First Curse!" Twisted Rainbow exclaims. Lucian gasps. "What?!" He exclaims. They both rush back into the room. "I think Assistant Steve tried to stop him but I don't know where The Great One went." Twisted Rainbow said. "I guess he wanted to wait until none of us were here." Lucian says. "What're we supposed to do?" Twisted Rainbow asks. Lucian thought for a moment. "Go get Hypno. We're all going to go after him." He says. Twisted Rainbow nods and goes to find Hypno. Assistant Steve stared at Lucian. Lucian looked back at him and saw the chip. He sighed. "Sam. What did you do?" He muttered.
A few minutes later, Twisted Rainbow and Hypno Steve entered the room again. "So, we are all going after The Great One?" Hypno Steve asks. Lucian nods. "Why would he leave anyway?" Hypno asks. "To fight The First Curse." Twisted Rainbow says. "I know that. I meant why would he leave without telling us?" Hypno asks. "So we couldn't stop him. Like he said yesterday, he wants to fight The First Curse himself." Lucian says. Twisted Rainbow sighs. Hypno nods and went outside. Lucian was about to leave too. "Twisted Rainbow, you alright?" He asks. "Well, I know you're going to be with us and The Great One is pretty strong. But I'm still a bit scared." Twisted Rainbow says. "We all are. But you definitely need some armor." Lucian says. He walked off to another room. "Armor?" Twisted Rainbow asks. He followed Lucian off to the room he went in. Lucian was looking through a closet. "Lucian, where did you get all this armor?" Twisted Rainbow asks. "One second." Lucian says. He takes out some armor. "Put this on." Lucian says. "Uhh, alright." Twisted Rainbow says. He puts on the armor. He also put gloves and boots on as well. Twisted Rainbow looked at himself. "Why are you giving me this?" He asks. "You'll need that to protect you. We don't know how long we'll be out there so you should use whatever you can." Lucian said. He walked over to Twisted Rainbow and tied a bandana around his neck. Twisted Rainbow pulled it up over his mouth. "Alright. You should be ready." Lucian says. Twisted Rainbow looked at himself again. He chuckles. "I'm pretty sure I still have a chance of dying immediately." He says. Lucian laughs too. "We all have that chance. But you should definitely be prepared. Actually, we all should." He says. Twisted Rainbow nods. Lucian grabs a sword and hands it to Twisted Rainbow. Then he walks past him. "Come on Twisted." He said. Twisted Rainbow looked at the sword for a second then followed Lucian.

Hypno was waiting outside with Assistant Steve who had also decided to come as well. Twisted Rainbow and Lucian came outside. "Alright. We need to hurry before anything bad happens to The Great One." Lucian says. Twisted Rainbow nods. "Alright. Then let's get going. Also, nice look Twisted." Hypno says. Twisted Rainbow blushed a bit and laughs. Lucian gestures for them to follow him and they all rush off to the warehouse.

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