Chapter 34

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The group were able to put the fire out on the village but it was too late. The village had been burned completely and there weren't any signs that anyone was alive. Lucian sighs. "I can't believe this..." He says. Shadow looked at him. "Lucian, I'm sorry. I wish we could've sensed this fire but I guess we were just too late." He says. Lucian looked down. "I know. I just wish we could've been here in time." He says. Twisted Rainbow walked over. "This fire seems to have started yesterday actually. M figured out that this wasn't even where the fire started. There was a forest fire farther away from the village that had started a couple days ago. We couldn't figure out how it started though." He says. Shadow sighed. "I'm pretty sure The First Curse started the fire and intended it to spread to this village so it could then spread to the other village. We made it here in time to save our village but we didn't in time to save this one." He says. Lucian let out a choked sob. Shadow wrapped his arm around Lucian. "It's okay Lucian. We'll figure something out." He says. Lucian sighed and wiped his eyes. "We better head back." The Great One says walking over. Lucian looks at him and nods. "Come on." Shadow says. They all left.

Aiden was inside the house pacing waiting for Shadow, M, Twisted Rainbow, Hypno, The Great One and Lucian to get back. Aiden looked over at Assistant Steve. Assistant was powered down. Aiden walked over to him. He touches Assistant Steve's shoulder. "Assistant Steve?" He says. Assistant Steve powered on. He looked up at Aiden. Assistant Steve blinked. "Oh, right. You don't talk." Aiden says. Assistant Steve stands up. Aiden saw that Assistant Steve was taller than him. Aiden backed away a bit. But then Assistant Steve gasped. He looked at the window. He froze. "Assistant, what's wrong?" Aiden asks. Assistant Steve stood frozen for a moment but then he rushed out the door. Aiden gasped. "ASSISTANT!" He shouts. He ran after him.

Sonny looked over and saw Aiden chasing Assistant. "Aiden?" He says. Aiden stops and looks over. "Sonny! Assistant ran off!" He exclaims. Sonny ran over. "Well, the others should be back soon. We'll be able to find him then." He says. "No! We need to find him now!" Aiden exclaims. He tried to run off but Sonny grabbed his arm. "You cant go by yourself." Sonny says. Aiden sighs. "I'll come with you." Sonny says, "I'm very good at navigating." Aiden nods. "Come on." He says. They both ran off.

Shadow, M, Twisted Rainbow, Hypno, The Great One and Lucian then returned. Lucian looked around for Aiden. "Aiden! Where are you?" He calls out. No response. The Great One looked around too. "Aiden!" He shouts. Still no response. Lucian tried to sense where Aiden was. He gasped. "Uh oh." He says. "What?" The Great One asks. "Aiden is heading... To the warehouse?" Lucian says confused. The Great One gasps. "Oh no!" He shouts. "Lucian, Assistant is gone too!" Twisted Rainbow exclaims. The Great One quickly ran outside. Shadow grabbed The Great One's arm. "Hang on Great One! I'll come with you." He says to him. The Great One sighs and nods. "Come on!" He exclaims. They both ran off to the warehouse.

Shadow and The Great One made it there. They began looking around for Aiden. "Aiden!" The Great One shouts. No response. "Maybe he's inside." Shadow says. The Great One nods. They ran into the warehouse.

They looked around for Aiden. "Aiden! Where are you?" The Great One shouts. No response. The Great One looked really worried. Shadow sighed. "He's got to be here somewhere." He says. The Great One nods. He still looked worried though. Shadow looked at him. He touched The Great One's shoulder. The Great One flinched. "It's going to be alright Great One." Shadow says. The Great One sighs. "Right... Of course it will." He says. They continued looking around for Aiden.

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