Chapter 37

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Hahaha- The angst won't stop

The rain stopped the next morning. The Great One slowly woke up. Shadow was still unconscious in his arms. The Great One sighed and stood up. He winced in pain from his leg. It didn't hurt as much but it still hurt a lot. The Great One began to walk back to the village.

They finally made it back. The Great One growled and grabbed a tree. It was still very hard to walk. Shadow then groaned. The Great One looked at him. Shadow finally woke up. He gasped when he saw The Great One. "Great One! What happened?" He asks him. The Great One sighs. "I'll explain later." He says. He walked into the village and walked back to their house. Lucian walked outside and noticed them. He gasped. "Guys! There you are!" He exclaims. The Great One growls and grabs the side of the house. Lucian gasped and ran over. "What happened to you both?" He asks. The Great One looks down. "Explain later. For now, we need to help Shadow." He says. Shadow looked at him shocked. Lucian sighs and nods. They all walk in.

Twisted Rainbow, M and Hypno were inside waiting. They looked up and gasped. The Great One set Shadow down on the couch. M ran over to Shadow. Shadow looked at him. M signed, "What happened to you?" Shadow sighed. "It's a long story." He says. Lucian walked over to Shadow and began to fix his wounds. The Great One leaned against the wall. Shadow winced in pain. Lucian finished fixing his wounds. "They won't take too long to heal Shadow." He says. Shadow sighs of relief. "Thanks Lucian." He says. He looks at The Great One. The Great One had a sort of sad look on his face. Shadow stood up. "Great One? Are you okay?" He asks. Everyone looked at The Great One. The Great One growled. "I-I'm fine. I just... I need some time alone." He says. He tries to walk out of the room but Shadow grabbed his hand. "Great One." He says. The Great One looked at him. "What's wrong?" Shadow asks. The Great One looked down. "Shadow. I'm fine. It's just..." He trailed off. He quickly covered his eyes. "It's been rough the past few days and I need to be alone for a bit." He says pushing Shadow away slightly. The Great One walked upstairs.

Shadow followed The Great One however. "Great One!" Shadow exclaims. The Great One growls at Shadow. "I'm done with this conversation Shadow. This has gone on long enough." Shadow looked down sadly. The Great One started walking away. "Great One... Don't go..." Shadow says. The Great One didn't listen to him but then he gasped. He slowly looks down. Shadow was on his knees hugging The Great One's leg. The Great One looked shocked. Shadow was hugging The Great One's leg tightly not letting go. "Don't go... Please..." Shadow says. The Great One looked really surprised on Shadow acting this way. Shadow looked really upset. The Great One sighed. He tried to get Shadow off his leg but Shadow was holding on tightly. The Great One growled. "Shadow... Please." He says. He covered his eyes again. "Stop it Shadow. Stop. I can't be bothered with this anymore." Shadow just hugged The Great One tighter. The Great One grabbed Shadow and he gently pushed him off of him. Shadow gasped. The Great One looked down. He walked off. Shadow watched him go. He looked down sadly then he started crying.

The Great One walked into his room. He shut the door behind him locking it. He stared at the ground sadly still upset about what happened. He walked over to the closet and opened it. He began looking through things in it. But then he found something. He picked it up and saw it was a picture frame. He turned it around and gasped when he saw the picture. It was a picture of him and Shadow. They both actually looked happy in that picture. The Great One teared up upon seeing it. He dropped it and fell back on his bed beginning to cry.

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