Chapter 17

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The next morning, M woke up first again. He sat up and stretched. He then looked over but then saw something in one of the windows. It was a black cat. It was staring at him. M looked at it confused and stood up. He slowly walked towards it. The cat didn't move. When M was close enough, he reached out to pet it. The cat rubbed itself against M's arm. M smiled. He looked at the cat's collar and saw there was writing on it. M looked at the collar closely. It said, 'Lucy' on it but there was also some smaller writing underneath the name. M could barely read what the writing said. He shook his head and looked away from the collar. M looked at Lucy again. Lucy meowed at him. M pet Lucy again. Lucy was purring. She then noticed Shadow. She jumped down and trotted over to Shadow. Shadow was still asleep. Lucy rubbed herself against Shadow trying to wake him up. Shadow groaned while moving a bit. Lucy put her paws on his arm and meowed. M seemed to laugh a bit even without any sound coming out of his mouth. Shadow finally woke up and noticed Lucy. Lucy meowed again. Shadow looked at her confused. M walked over. Lucy meowed again. She rubbed her head against Shadow's neck. Shadow laughed a bit. Shadow stood up. Lucy meowed at him and M. Shadow smiled. "Where did this cat come from?" He asks. M shrugged. He picked Lucy up and showed Shadow the tag on her collar. "Lucy." Shadow says. M nods. Lucy meowed again. "Well, we need to look around this place and hopefully find some information on what the world is and why it seems abandoned." Shadow says. M nodded. He put Lucy down. Lucy ran off somewhere. "Come on M." Shadow says. M nods.

Shadow walked down a hallway in the house. He looked up and noticed something. It was an attic door. "Oh. Maybe there's something up there." He says. He quickly reaches up and pulls the door down. Steps came down after he pulled the door down. He quickly walked up the steps and into the attic. It was very dusty though. Shadow coughs from the dust. He stood up and looked around. There were a couple boxes in the attic. Spider webs were everywhere in the attic and it was full of dust. Shadow looked around. He looked down at one of the boxes. He opened it and saw a few books inside. But one caught his eye. It said, "Raiden's Journal." On the front. He picked it up. "It's this guy again." He says. He looked at it curiously. "Maybe this will explain what happened." He says. But then a meow was heard. Shadow gasped and turned around. Lucy was standing near the attic door. "Lucy?" Shadow said. He then chuckled. "You followed me here, didn't you?" He asks. Lucy meowed and trotted over. She looked up at him and meowed. She then looked over at the wall and ran over there. Shadow turned around. Lucy poked her head into a hole in the wall and pulled something out of it. It was a piece of paper. Shadow walked over and Lucy gave it to him. Shadow looked at the paper and saw that it said, "Lost." On the paper. Shadow looked at Lucy confused. Lucy meowed and ran out of the attic. Shadow was about to follow but then he noticed something else in a box. He reached into it and grabbed an eye patch. Shadow sighed and followed Lucy.

M came back into the living room. Shadow then entered with Lucy. Lucy hopped up on the couch sitting on the arm of the couch. "M. I think I found something." Shadow said. They both sat down on the couch. Shadow opened the journal. "There's been a lot of things happening these past few days. Villagers kept saying they've seen some things in the forest. But they can't figure out what it is. I went to look but nothing was there. Although Lucy has been acting strange. She keeps looking at the front door and looking out the window. But when I look, nothing is there. She'll just sit there looking at nothing." He reads out loud. M looked confused. Lucy was listening too. Shadow turned the page. "Nothing seems right anymore. Steves have been going missing and Lucy has started going to the forest herself and sometimes doesn't come back for days. But when she does, she's panicked or injured. My brother Leroy has been worried about what could be out there. Nobody can figure it out though." He read out loud. M then signed something. Shadow looked at him. "Huh?" He said. M signed again. "You said the name Leroy sounds familiar?" Shadow asks. M nods. "Hmm. The name doesn't ring a bell to me." Shadow says. He looks at the next page. "We found a Steve dead in the forest. He was from our village. He went missing a couple days ago and we just found him. He had severe burns and stab wounds all over his body. We still can't figure out what attacked him though. Lucy keeps disappearing into the forest several times. We sometimes go looking for her. But she returns when she does." He read out loud. Shadow looked confused. Lucy meowed. Shadow looked at her and pet her. He looked back at the page. He decided to skip to the last few pages. "Hang on. He's talking about The First Curse." He says. M gasped. Shadow looked at the book shocked. "We figured out what was attacking us. He calls himself The First Curse. He began attacking our village and killing the Steves there as well as other Steves in this world. Me and my brother went to hide but we don't know how long we are going to last." He read out loud. M seemed shocked. Shadow turned to the last page. But then he gasped. "Oh my God Steve..." He said quietly. M looked at him confused. "My brother was killed a few minutes ago. I'm the last one left. I'm writing in this for the last time because I'm giving myself up to The First Curse. Even if I survive, I'll be all alone. I'm sure Lucy was killed too because I haven't seen her. I'm hiding this and leaving everything I have made here at our house and just letting The First Curse kill me. Goodbye cruel world." Shadow read out loud. M looked shocked. Shadow dropped the journal. Lucy meowed sadly. "I can't believe it." Shadow says. M looked down sadly. Lucy meowed at Shadow. "Yeah?" Shadow says. Lucy jumped down and gestured for him to follow him. Shadow got up and followed Lucy.

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