Chapter 42

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TW: Blood and Gore

Sam and Shadow were still trying to find the others. They turned a corner and saw Lucian. "Lucian!" Shadow shouts. Lucian looks over and gasps. "Shadow and... SAM?!" He exclaims. He ran over. Sam ran over. Lucian and Sam hugged. "You're alive!" Lucian exclaimed starting to cry. Sam pat his back. "I'm sorry." He says. Lucian pulled away. "How are you though? We saw the village was on fire!" He exclaimed. Sam sighs. "Well, I made it out with Blue and Axel. I hid Axel somewhere where he could be safe but I lost Blue a while ago and I'm trying to find her." He says. Shadow nods. "We need to find her and Assistant Steve. If we don't, it won't be good." He says. Sam nods. Lucian sighed. "I'm just glad you're alive." He says. He hugs Sam again. Sam smiles. "Sam?!" Someone says. They all look over. Twisted Rainbow and Hypno were there. "Oh. Guys!" Sam exclaimed. Lucian let go of Sam. Hypno and Twisted Rainbow ran over. "Where's M and The Great One?" Shadow asks. "We've been looking for them. We can't find them though." Twisted Rainbow says. "We better go find them." Sam says. They all ran off to find them.

M was walking around in another part of the warehouse. He was moving his hand across the wall as he walked. But then, someone grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the ground. M gasped and looked up. But then he looked terrified. A purple Steve was standing above him but most of its face had been melted off and it had many cuts and bruises all over it. M backed away, terrified but then he backed up into the wall. The Steve raised its hand to punch M. M quickly got up and ran. But then he ran back into the main room and tripped over a box. He looked up and saw the Steve had followed him. He tried to get back up but fell back down when the Steve swung it’s arm around his throat, choking him. M gasped. But then, all of a sudden, the Steve was blasted open from the inside. M fell to the ground trying to catch his breath. The Great One was standing behind the Steve. He had punched it through the back and tore open its body. M looked at him and gasped. The Great One threw the Steve into the shelf and it dropped dead. The Great One sighed of relief. He looked at M and reached down to help him stand. M took his hand and stood back up. "Are you alright, M?" The Great One asks. M nods. He looked at the Steve. He still looked terrified. The Great One looked at the Steve too. "I have never seen a Steve like that before." He says. M nods. The Great One sighs. "Come on M. We need to find the others." He says. M nods. They both ran off.

Shadow, Twisted Rainbow, Hypno, Sam and Lucian were still looking for M and The Great One. Shadow gasped. "Hang on. Maybe the glass pane can tell us where they are." He says. "You still have that?" Lucian asks. Shadow nods. He takes out the glass pane and looks through it. "Hang on. What's that?" He says. "What?" Twisted Rainbow asks. Shadow turned around and gasped. Something was behind Hypno. "Hypno! Look out!" Shadow exclaims. Hypno turns around and gasps. Something grabs him by the throat and lifts him up. Shadow growled and ran towards them. Another Steve like the one that attacked M was there. Shadow quickly kicked the Steve away. Hypno fell to the ground. Twisted Rainbow knelt down to help him up. Shadow attacked the Steve. Lucian gasped. "What the hell is that?!" He exclaims. Sam looked shocked too. Shadow quickly grabbed the Steve by the head. But then, the Steve's head exploded. Blood splattered onto Shadow. The Steve dropped dead. Shadow sighed of relief. Lucian stared shocked. "Shadow, did you-" Shadow turned around and shushed him. He beckoned for them all to follow him. They all followed after him. Shadow was looking through the glass pane while walking. "Shadow, how did you do that?" Lucian asks. "Long story." Shadow says not looking up. Lucian sighed. But then, M and The Great One ran from behind a corner. Shadow gasped. "Guys! There you are!" He exclaims. He began running towards them. The Great One looked over. "Shadow! Stop!" He shouts. Shadow froze. He looked down. There was another hole in the ground. "Huh?" Shadow says confused. M walked over and signed something to Shadow. "We saw another one when me and Twisted Rainbow came here. It lead to an underground area under the warehouse. We don't know who made it though." Shadow says. Lucian walks over. "I know for a fact no one in this world made that. It's definitely new." He says. The Great One sighs. Shadow put the glass pane up and looked through it. "Hang on. There's an arrow on the wall pointing down into the hole." He says. "Wait. We should probably go down there then." Twisted Rainbow says. Lucian sighs. "Alright. Lets go." He says. They all jumped down into the hole.

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