Chapter 51

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Okay. I need everyone to know. I added a head cannon I made a while back in this chapter. I made a drawing of it as well. You will see what I mean when you read the chapter. I apologize for how quick some things are going. I'm trying to make sure this story doesn't go on for much longer than it has to. The next few chapters will be the last few chapters as well. Get ready for the finale y'all. Testing is next week for me so if chapters are delayed again, I apologize.

The Last Ones teleported to the warehouse roof again. Shadow stood up. "What the hell did we just witness?" He asks. He had tears in his eyes. M stood up and shrugged. "We just learned that the person who revived us all is a god." The Great One says. Twisted Rainbow looks at Shadow. "Shadow, are you okay?" He asks. Shadow wipes his tears away. "It's just... I can't believe Lucian never told us this and he's telling us only a little while before he is going to die?" He says. Hypno sighs. "It's a lot to take in and we'll figure everything out eventually. Right now, we need to focus on finding Aiden and Sabre and The First Curse. Although, I don't know how we are going to find them." He says. Shadow sighed. Assistant gasped. "Curse detected." He says. They look at him. "Oh boy. Not again." Shadow says. "Wait. If he's detecting a curse then that must mean-" Twisted Rainbow stops. Assistant Steve looked over. The First Curse was standing there. "I've sure enjoyed the fight I've been bringing you all into. Now I think it's time we end it here." He says. Shadow growls at The First Curse. He rushed towards him. "Shadow! Wait!" Twisted Rainbow shouts. Shadow doesn't listen. He punched The First Curse. The First Curse growled and grabbed Shadow. He slammed him onto the ground. Shadow got back up and fought back. The First Curse punched Shadow in the head. Shadow staggered back. M ran over and quickly punched The First Curse away. The First Curse growled and punched M in his other eye. M backed away. Shadow gasped. The First Curse grabbed him by the throat. Shadow growled and tried to get free. Twisted Rainbow and Hypno quickly rushed over and pushed The First Curse to the ground. The Great One was about to come help but then he cried out in pain. He clawed at his back trying to stop it from hurting but it didn't. He backed away. He quickly ran.

The Great One quickly rushed to another part of the roof. He screamed in pain from his back. He had been having his back pain for days and it never stopped once. Not even with the pain reliever. This time, it was hurting much more then before. He fell to the ground and continued screaming in pain. The pain would not stop. In fact, it got worse. The Great One roared out in pain as blood splattered onto his head. But then he gasped. The pain suddenly stopped. The Great One looked at his back and sighed of relief. "Finally." He says. But then he gasped when he heard something. The First Curse and Shadow were fighting each other. Shadow kicked him back. The First Curse looked back up but then he grabs Shadow and began flying high up in the air. "Shadow!" Twisted Rainbow exclaims. The Great One stares up at the sky for a moment. "Hang on Shadow!" He exclaims. The First Curse held Shadow by his throat. "Sorry Shadow. This is it for you." He says. The First Curse then drops Shadow. The others gasp. M quickly ran to try and catch Shadow. The First Curse smiles. Shadow tried to find a way to stop himself from falling but couldn't. He closed his eyes preparing for the impact.

But before Shadow could hit the ground, something catches him. "What the!" The First Curse exclaims. Shadow held his hands over his head but when he looked up, he gasped. The Great One had caught him. Shadow was on The Great One's back though and they were still in the air. Shadow looked back and noticed The Great One had wings! Shadow was shocked. "Great One, you have wings?" He asks. The Great One looked at him. "Yes. I do Shadow." He says. Shadow was shocked but impressed too. The Great One's wings were big, red and spiked. They were like dragon or bat wings. Shadow held onto The Great One's back as to not fall off. The Great One flew back to the roof of the warehouse and landed safely. Shadow jumped off his back. "I didn't know you had wings Great One." Hypno says. M nods. The Great One looks at his wings. "This was why my back hurt. My wings were growing in at the time." He says. "But how come we never saw them? If they were growing in, we would've seen them." Twisted Rainbow says. The Great One looked at his wings again. "Because they-" The First Curse lands on the roof again. "You have wings now, Great One? Well, even they won't be able to make it any easier for you to stop me. Why are you even trying? There isn't any possible way!" He shouts at them. The Great One glared at him angrily. He rushed at The First Curse. The First Curse growled and tried to punch The Great One but he dodged. The Great One tackles The First Curse and began punching him several times. The First Curse kicks The Great One in the stomach and threw him to the ground. The Great One sat up and shot a projectile at The First Curse. The First Curse staggered back some. He roared and punched The Great One through his chest. Shadow gasped. "GREAT ONE!" He screams. The First Curse punched The Great One back over to the others. Shadow grabbed The Great One. The Great One growls. He stood back up. The First Curse stares at him confused. "How?" He asks. The Great One growls at him. The First Curse laughs. Shadow looks over. Sabre was there. Shadow gasps. "Guys. I got Sabre!" He says. Shadow ran towards Sabre. Sabre held up his sword. He tried to slash Shadow but Shadow dodged. Shadow punched Sabre away. Sabre grabbed Shadow and threw him to another part of the warehouse roof.

Sabre approached him. Shadow got back up. "I'm ready for this to end Sabre." He says. Sabre chuckles. "No. It's okay. You can just die." He says. He kicks Shadow in the stomach. Shadow caught himself. Sabre stares at him angrily. Shadow sighs. "Alright Sabre. You want a fight? Let's fight." He says unsheathing his sword.

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