Chapter 29

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Double chapter day! Anyway, after these chapters, I will stop uploading chapters for a little while because I need to delay the story for a bit to fix some things.

The First Curse approached The Great One, Hypno, Twisted Rainbow and Assistant Steve. "There's nothing you can do to stop me now!" He exclaims at them. The Great One growled at him. "This needs to stop!" He shouts at him. "You're right. It does and it will." The First Curse says. The Great One growled again. "No!" He exclaims. He pushes The First Curse to the ground. The First Curse growled at him and kicked him away. The Great One hits the wall hard. "Great One!" Hypno exclaims. The Great One winced touching his back as it still hurt really bad. "I'm fine. Don't worry." He says standing up. "You won't be for very long." The First Curse says. "You can't do this!" Twisted Rainbow shouts. The First Curse laughs. "Oh, I can do this! Besides that, there's nothing stopping me! Not even Shadow who couldn't even survive his trip in the multiverse!" He exclaims. They all gasped. "Wait what?!" Twisted Rainbow exclaims. The First Curse laughs. "How could you think he would've survived?" He asks. The group look at each other shocked. The Great One looked distraught by that. "H-He's not dead! You're tricking us!" He exclaims at The First Curse. The First Curse chuckled darkly. "I'm not tricking you this time." He says. They stare at him angrily. The First Curse laughs loudly. But before he could do anything, a sword then hits his arm. He screams. The group gasped. "What the hell?" Twisted Rainbow says. "Ugh! Who threw that?" The First Curse exclaims.

"FIRST CURSE!" Someone shouts. They all gasped. They slowly turned around. They all gasped when they saw who it was. Shadow was standing there with M by his side. Sonny wasn't there. "SHADOW?!" The Great One exclaims. "How?!" The First Curse shouts. Shadow and M ran over to them. They stood in front of the group. "How did you survive?!" The First Curse shouted at them. "It's going to take a lot more than Sabre tricking me and you having cursed hunters after us." Shadow says. "What?" Hypno says. "It's a long story." Shadow says. M nods. The First Curse growled. "You know what? Whatever! I'm going to take you all out right here!" He exclaims. "Enough!" Shadow exclaims. The First Curse stared at him angrily. "I'm through with you!" Shadow exclaims. "And I'm through with all of you!" The First Curse exclaims, "In fact, you should be killed for all your misdeeds." "What did we do to deserve this?" Twisted Rainbow asks. "Oh please. From what I've heard, you all have done quite a lot. There was a lot happening in that old world. The darkness spreading, the Twisted infection, the destruction of the Red Kingdom, Professor Red's death and of course-" "P-Professor Red?" Assistant Steve then says. They all look at him. "Assistant, what's wrong?" Shadow asks. Assistant Steve then looked at his arm. But then he says, "F-fa-Father?" They all gasp. "What's the machine talking about?" The First Curse asks. Shadow stared at him confused. "Assistant you-" But then out of nowhere, Assistant Steve all of a sudden starts glitching and a loud scream emitted from his system. Assistant Steve also held his arms over his head as if memories were flooding back to him all of a sudden. Surprisingly, when he started screaming, tears started emitting from his eyes even though he was a robot. The others backed up. The First Curse was just shocked. "What the heck!" Twisted Rainbow exclaims. Assistant Steve finally stopped screaming and then looks at Shadow Sabre and M recognizing them both finally. While Assistant Steve has been on this journey with them for a long time. He failed to realize who all of them were as his systems were very broken. Assistant Steve had finally recovered them somehow as if Professor Red was still with him and giving him strength. Assistant Steve looked at The First Curse. "Self Defense activated." He says. He then puts up a shield. "Oh my. I think he finally figured out what is happening." Shadow says. "I think so." Twisted Rainbow says. The First Curse growls. "I can easily break through that shield!" He exclaims. He ran over and punched the shield Assistant Steve was holding up. The ground shook when he did. But the shield didn't break. The First Curse kept punching it. But then it shattered. It knocked Assistant Steve back. M caught him before he fell. "We gotta go." The Great One says. Shadow sighs and nods. They all ran off. The First Curse watched them. He smiled.

The Last Ones part 2 | A Twisted Rainbow AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now