Chapter 58

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Shadow ran back over to where the others are. Twisted Rainbow and Hypno were with M and The Great One. "Are you guys okay?" Shadow asks. They looked at him. "Yeah. We're all fine." Hypno says. Shadow sighs. "Okay, I have a plan for what we can do to destroy all the Cursed Steves after us and to distract The First Curse." He says. "What is it?" Hypno asks. "Let's all get out of here first then I'll explain." Shadow says. They all nod. They run out of there.

They make it back to the hole. "I don't know how easy it's going to be to get up there. Not all of us have wings." Shadow says. "Well, I can climb on walls and The Great One can fly of course." Hypno says. They all look at Hypno. "You can climb on walls?" The Great One asks. Hypno nods. He jumps on the wall. He was able to hang onto it. "Well, that's something you don't see everyday." Shadow says. Twisted Rainbow chuckles. The Great One sighs. "I can try and fly you all out of here." He says. Shadow nods. Hypno grabs Twisted and climbs back up to the entrance with him. The Great One puts M and Shadow on his back then he flies them back up.

They all went back to the main room. The warehouse was still a mess. "Wait. What happened here?" Hypno asks. "We don't know. It was a mess when we first got here." Shadow says. He looks around for a moment. "Shadow, what are you looking for?" Hypno asks. Shadow looks at him. "Some matches." He says. "Matches?" The Great One asks. Shadow sighs. "My plan is. We need to set the warehouse on fire. There's still a lot of Cursed Steves here. A fire should destroy them all." He says. "Where did you get that idea from?" Twisted Rainbow asks. "From Sabre." Shadow says. "Sabre?!" Hypno and Twisted Rainbow exclaimed. Twisted Rainbow started shaking some. Shadow sighs. "I'll explain later.." He says, "Anyway, we need to set fire the warehouse now." "How?" Twisted Rainbow asks. "There's gasoline and matches here somewhere." Shadow says. "Well, we better look around then." Hypno says. They all started looking around the warehouse. Shadow opened a box and gasped. There were containers of gasoline in the box. "Did any of you guys find the matches?!" Shadow calls out. "Shadow!" Someone shouted. Shadow looked over. Twisted Rainbow was there. He threw a box of matches to him. "Everyone! Get over here!" Shadow shouts. They all went back to Shadow. "Alright. Before we light the matches, we need to pour the gasoline all over the warehouse." Shadow says. "I got this." The Great One says. Hypno nods. He grabs a container. The Great One also grabs a container. He flew around the warehouse pouring the gasoline all over the floor. Hypno climbed on the walls and did the same. The warehouse was soon soaked with gasoline. Hypno and The Great One made it back over to the others. "We all need to get out of here right when the place starts to catch fire." Shadow says. They all nod. Shadow looked at Twisted Rainbow. He gave the box of matches to him. "You should do that. You're better at lighting matches than me." He says. Twisted Rainbow chuckles. He takes out a match and swipes it on the box lighting it. He throws the match far into the warehouse. The fire started immediately. Twisted Rainbow lit a few more matches and threw them. The fire started to get bigger. "Let's go guys!" Shadow exclaims. They all started running. Twisted Rainbow followed and kept lighting matches. He threw them as well. Eventually they made it out of the warehouse. But then, Shadow froze. The others turned around. "Shadow, what's wrong?" Twisted Rainbow asks. "I... I can't move." Shadow says. "What?" Hypno asks. But then they were teleported onto the roof of the warehouse. The fire was getting bigger. "Uh oh." Shadow says. He could move again. M looks over and gasped. Shadow looks at him. "M, what's wrong?" He asks. M points somewhere. They all look and gasped.

The First Curse was fighting with Blue and Assistant. Blue gasps. She pushes Assistant out of the way. The First Curse grabbed her by the throat. "Blue!" Shadow exclaims. The First Curse stared at Blue. He chuckles. "Pathetic." He says. Blue tried to get free but couldn't. But then The First Curse rips off her head. Shadow gasped. "No!" He shouts. Assistant Steve stared in shock. The First Curse tore Blue apart piece by piece and tossed everything that was left of her into the fire. Assistant fell to his knees looking down. The First Curse looks at him. "Wasn't expecting this." He says. He was about to destroy Assistant too but Shadow ran over and tackled him. The First Curse growled and kicked Shadow away. Shadow almost fell into the fire but M ran over and caught him. Shadow coughs and stood back up. The First Curse laughs. "You think you'll be able to stop me before I tear you apart and toss you in with Blue?" He asks. Shadow growls angrily. "That's enough from you!" He shouts. He ran to The First Curse and attacked him. Shadow punched him several times. The First Curse grunted and grabbed Shadow by the neck. He slammed him onto the ground. Shadow screams. "SHADOW!" The Great One shouts. He ran over and threw The First Curse off of Shadow. The Great One immediately started punching The First Curse several times. The First Curse roared and flew past him. Hypno gasped. The First Curse grabbed him. He punched him several times until they were at another part of the warehouse. The First Curse quickly punched Hypno to the ground. Hypno landed hard. He groaned in pain. The First Curse quickly flew down and landed on Hypno. The First Curse growled. "I'm going to crush your skull!" He shouts. He grabbed Hypno by the head and began smashing his head against the floor. Hypno tried to get away but couldn't. But then a sword hit The First Curse in the shoulder. He cried out in pain. He looked over and saw Twisted Rainbow. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" He shouts. The First Curse growled and ran towards him. Twisted Rainbow tried to fight back but The First Curse tripped him. Hypno groaned and slowly sat up. He was bleeding a lot from his head. Part of his head had been smashed open and was bleeding profusely. He slowly looked over at The First Curse and Twisted. He gasped. The First Curse had his sword out and was about to kill Twisted Rainbow. Hypno growled and got up. Then he rushed towards them. The First Curse was just about to kill Twisted but Hypno jumped in front of Twisted. The First Curse hit Hypno instead of Twisted. Hypno screamed in pain. Twisted slowly looked up and gasped. "HYPNO!" He shouts. The First Curse ripped his sword out of Hypno's chest. He stabbed it into him again and thrusted it forward. Hypno let out another scream as The First Curse pushed the sword through him again. Hypno fell backwards. Twisted Rainbow gasped. Hypno fell to the ground. He was bleeding a lot from his chest. Twisted Rainbow stared at Hypno shocked. "No... NO! HYPNO!" He shouts. He crawled over to Hypno and grabbed him. The First Curse stared at them and chuckled. "Wasn't expecting Hypno to do that." He says. Twisted didn't look up at him. He just kept staring at Hypno. Hypno had fallen unconscious. The First Curse walked off. Twisted Rainbow was about to start crying. "Twisted! Hypno!" Someone shouted. Twisted Rainbow looked over. Shadow ran over. M, The Great One and Assistant were behind him. "What happened?!" Shadow asks. "He was attacked!" Twisted Rainbow shouts. Shadow knelt down next to them. "Oh my God Steve..." He mutters. He touches Hypno's chest. But then a light flashes over Hypno. Twisted Rainbow gasps. The wounds on Hypno were gone. Hypno gasped and woke up. He sat up slowly. Twisted Rainbow hugged him. "Thank God Steve you're okay!" He exclaims. Hypno looked down. "Shadow, what did you do?" The Great One asks. "I did the same thing to Sonny. It's healing powers from what I know." Shadow says. Hypno sighs of relief. But then a laugh was heard. They all look over. The First Curse was back. "Good to see you six are all together again." He says. Twisted Rainbow helps Hypno stand. The fire was big enough that it had surrounded them all. "THIS ENDS NOW!" The First Curse screams. He flew up. He was about to blow up the world. M looked down. He grabbed Shadow's hand. Shadow looked at him. "Form a chain guys." He says. Twisted Rainbow grabs Hypno and M's hand. The Great One grabs Assistant and Shadow's hand. The First Curse growls. He roars and slammed his fist on the warehouse blowing it up.

THE E- Nah I'm just kidding. There are two chapters left. Hope you all are ready for the finale.

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