Chapter 46

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The Great One was looking around for the others. "Guys! Where are you?!" He calls out. But then, Shadow is thrown out into the hallway ahead of him. The Great One gasped. "Shadow?" He says. Shadow looks at him. But then a red laser was shot at Shadow. Shadow screams and was thrown into a wall. The Great One ran over to him and knelt down. "Are you okay?" He asks. Shadow sat up. "I'm fine." He says. But then he gasps. The Great One looked over and gasped too. Assistant Steve stepped out. His eyes were glowing purple and he had purple liquid pouring out from the sides of his body. He shot another laser at them. The Great One grabbed Shadow and jumped out of the way. "M! Where did you go?" Shadow shouts. No response. Assistant Steve fires another laser at them. This time Shadow grabbed the Great One's wrist and yanked him backwards. "What the hell happened?!" The Great One asks. "Assistant Steve got cursed! He's out of control!" Shadow exclaims. Assistant Steve steps out and was about to fire another laser at them but M appeared behind him and pulled him to the ground. Assistant Steve kicked M in the stomach sending him flying across the hallway. Shadow gasped. "M!" He shouts. M sat up. Assistant Steve was about to fire another laser at M but Shadow got up and grabbed him. Assistant Steve punched Shadow in the face. The Great One stood up. M looked at him. The Great One grabbed M. "Great One! Get M out of here!" Shadow shouts. M gasps. The Great One looks at them both for a moment then he pulled M away. Shadow looked at Assistant Steve. Assistant Steve punched Shadow several times in the face. Shadow punches Assistant Steve in the chest. Assistant Steve shot a laser at Shadow. Shadow dodged. He kicks Assistant Steve away. Assistant Steve hit the wall. He rushed for Shadow again but Blue appeared and pushed him away. Shadow gasps. Assistant Steve went for Blue but she pushed him away again. Blue ran over to Shadow. "Don't worry Blue. I'm fine." He says. Blue sighs. Shadow looks up. "Look out!" He exclaims. Blue looks over. Assistant Steve was about to fire two lasers. Shadow grabbed Blue and pushed her away. Then he grabbed her hand and they both started running. Assistant Steve chased after them. Blue turned back and fired a laser at Assistant Steve but it did nothing. Blue gasped.

Shadow and Blue ran into another room and quickly hid. Assistant Steve entered and looked around for them. Shadow and Blue were hiding behind a stack of boxes. Assistant Steve was looking around for them still. Shadow held his breath. Blue was terrified. She peeked over the box at Assistant Steve. The purple liquid was dripping from Assistant Steve like the tears from crying obsidian would. Blue was terrified seeing how he looked now. Shadow grabbed Blue's arm and pulled her back down so Assistant Steve wouldn't spot them. Shadow was shaking. He was terrified too. Assistant Steve came closer to the boxes they were hiding behind. Blue grabbed Shadow's arm. Shadow gasped and held her close. The purple liquid on Assistant Steve was dripping onto the box. Shadow gulped. Blue shook violently. Shadow quickly grabbed Blue's arm and pulled her back up. Shadow knocked the box off and it hit Assistant Steve. Shadow pulled Blue out of the room and they quickly ran.

Shadow pulled Blue into another room. Twisted Rainbow and Hypno were there. "Guys!" Hypno exclaims. Shadow looks at them. He was out of breath. "We need to stop Assistant. He's gone crazy!" He exclaims. Twisted Rainbow gasps. "What happened?!" He asks. "Assistant was cursed by The First Curse. Now he's going crazy." Shadow says. Hypno and Twisted Rainbow looked shocked. "Where are M and The Great One?" Hypno asks. "I told them to leave." Shadow says. "Why?" Twisted Rainbow asks. "So they could be safe." Shadow says. Blue stepped over. "Who is she?" Twisted Rainbow asks. "This is Blue. A robot Sam built." Shadow says. "Oh." Hypno says. A laser hit the wall behind Twisted Rainbow and Hypno. They all looked over. Assistant Steve was back. "Oh shoot." Hypno says. Blue ran over to Assistant. "Blue! No!" Shadow shouts. Blue pushes Assistant Steve to the ground. Assistant Steve kicks Blue into the wall. Blue sat up. Shadow ran over. Assistant Steve grabbed Shadow by the throat and pulled him to the ground. Shadow gasped and tried to get him off but couldn't. Twisted Rainbow ran over and pushed Assistant Steve off Shadow. Shadow sat up. Assistant Steve grabbed Twisted Rainbow and slammed him against the wall. Hypno gasps. "Twisted!" He exclaims. He ran over and grabbed Assistant Steve. Assistant Steve turned around and punched Hypno into the wall. Hypno fell to the ground. Shadow got back up and punched Assistant Steve in the face. He stumbled backwards. Assistant Steve punched Shadow. Shadow fell to the ground. Assistant Steve was about to punch Shadow again but then someone shouted, "Hey!" Assistant Steve looked over. The Great One and M were back. The Great One threw a knife at Assistant Steve's arm. Assistant Steve staggered back. M ran over and helped Shadow up. "I told you to leave." Shadow says. M shakes his head. Twisted Rainbow ran over and helped Hypno back up.

Assistant Steve got back up. He ran over and punched Shadow to the ground. Shadow groaned. "Assistant! That's enough! We need to get that virus out of you!" He exclaimed. Assistant Steve went to punch Shadow again but M grabs Assistant Steve's arm. Assistant Steve looked at him. M looked at him sadly and shook his head. Assistant Steve twitched but then punched M in the face. Shadow gasps. M sat back up. He had an injury near his left eye after being punched. He looked hurt. Not physically but mentally. Shadow was shocked. He looked up at Assistant Steve who turned to look at Shadow. "Alright! That's it!" Shadow exclaimed. He punched Assistant Steve in the gut. Assistant Steve twitched a lot and hit the wall behind him. Shadow quickly grabbed Assistant Steve by the arms. M sat up slowly. "Shadow!" Someone exclaimed. Shadow looked over. Sam was there. He tossed something to him. Shadow looked up. It was another chip. Shadow quickly caught it and plugged it into Assistant Steve. "Systems frozen." Assistant Steve said. "NO!" The First Curse shouted from him. Shadow sighed and quickly pulled Assistant Steve up and began removing the virus. Assistant Steve screamed out while Shadow was doing so as if he was in a lot of pain. Shadow was using a lot of energy to remove the virus so it was hard work for him too. M watched, worried about what was happening. Sam was worried too. Shadow was getting very dizzy. Finally after a moment, something flew out of Assistant Steve. It screamed and flew off. Shadow put Assistant Steve down. He looked around shocked. M stood up. Shadow turned back to Assistant Steve. Assistant Steve laid on the ground without moving for a second but then he moved his head and opened his eyes. They were back to normal. He slowly sat up. Sam sighed of relief. "That's a relief." He said. M hugged Shadow. Shadow sighed of relief too. Assistant Steve looked around blankly. "This isn't over yet. We still have a lot of problems to deal with. This was only the first one." Shadow says. M nods and walks off. The Great One, Twisted Rainbow, Hypno and Sam followed. Shadow looked at Assistant Steve. Assistant Steve blinked and looked at him. Shadow sighed. "You're better hidden back here." He says. He was about to turn and leave but then, Assistant Steve grabbed his arm. Shadow looked back at him confused. Assistant Steve stared at him for a moment but then, he hugged him. Shadow gasped. Assistant Steve had never understood what was happening throughout the entire time they were a team. This was a shock to Shadow that he had showed a thank you to him. Shadow looked at Assistant Steve, shocked. Shadow hesitantly hugged him back. Assistant Steve pulled away after a moment. He blinked and then walked off. Shadow sighed and went with them.

The Last Ones part 2 | A Twisted Rainbow AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now