Chapter 6

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That evening in the other world, Twisted Rainbow, Hypno Steve, The Great One, Assistant Steve, Lucian and Aiden were back at the house they were staying at. The Great One looked very angry currently. "So, what are we going to do about The First Curse?" Twisted Rainbow asks. "We're going to have to fight him to keep him from trying to destroy this world. I don't know where he is currently though. I went back to the warehouse earlier and he was gone. He may be hiding out somewhere." Lucian explains. "Well, we better find him soon before he does anything bad. Or at least anything else bad." Hypno Steve says. "Maybe we could go search for him tomorrow." Twisted Rainbow says. The Great One growled a bit. "Possibly. We at least need to keep him from trying to attack the people here or trying to destroy the world in general." Lucian says. "Do you have a way to find him easily, Lucian?" Hypno Steve asks. "I could possibly be able to track him down using my powers." Lucian says. He then notices The Great One. "Great One, are you alright?" He asks. The Great One growls. "I'm fine." He says. "You don't seem fine." Lucian says. Aiden took note of this as well. "Ugh! Listen, I can't take this suspense right now. I'll admit, I'm worried about what might happen. The First Curse is the most powerful being in the world from what we know so of course I'd be worried about what could possibly happen. I'm not letting anything bad happen at all so I'm going to fight him myself tomorrow." The Great One says. They all gasp. "Great One! What do you mean? You can't go out there alone." Lucian says. "I can! And I will! I don't care about the consequences!" The Great One exclaims. "Great One, you're going to die if you go out there yourself!" Twisted Rainbow exclaims. "Whatever! I am going out to fight The First Curse tomorrow and that's final!" The Great One exclaims. The Great One began walking away. He was muttering some things to himself but then he stopped. "What? What do you want?" The Great One asks him. Aiden was standing there. He was holding an apple. He then gave it to The Great One. "You will need your strength." Aiden says. The Great One looked at the apple shocked. "Oh. Umm. Thanks." He says. Aiden nods. The Great One sighs and walks away. Aiden sighed sadly. Lucian looked outside the window. "Looks like another storm for tonight." He says. "Lucian, The Great One could die if he goes out there alone. Are you going to let him?" Hypno Steve asks. Lucian sighs. "I don't control his actions. He's brave but reckless too from what I can see. I'm definitely seeing some side to him that maybe no one else saw. It's his decision on his actions though." He says. "So you're just not going to stop him?" Hypno Steve asks. "I could and of course I'll try. But the only actions we could do is follow him." Lucian says. "He's got a point." Twisted Rainbow says. Hypno Steve nods. Aiden sighed. They all went to bed.

But that night, a big thunderstorm was going on. Aiden woke up from the thunder. He looked out the window and he saw a lightning flash. He gasped and backed away from the window, scared. He started shaking in fear. Aiden walked out of his room and began walking to The Great One's room. He peered inside his room. The Great One was asleep on his bed. Aiden stood outside the door. The Great One then woke up. Aiden walked over to his bed. The Great One looked at him confused. Then Aiden got into the bed with The Great One shaking in fear from the thunderstorm. The Great One looked at him shocked but he didn't even try to make him get off or push him away. The Great One then realized Aiden was scared of the thunder. So, he put his hands over Aiden's ears trying to block out the noise from the thunderstorm outside. Aiden looked a bit shocked that The Great One was trying to help him not be scared when usually The Great One would try to make all the Steves fear him. Aiden eventually fell asleep since he could no longer hear the storm. The Great One stared at him shocked. Aiden was fast asleep now thanks to The Great One. But The Great One couldn't sleep. He looked around the room. He kept his hands over Aiden's ears as to keep him from hearing the thunder. The Great One didn't know why he was helping him or why he even cared. Why did Aiden even like The Great One? Even after he told his story, Aiden didn't treat him badly at all. Not even after learning The Great One was the leader of the darkness. Aiden didn't attack him once. All the Steves hated The Great One for what he did. He made The Steves afraid of him. He destroyed many of their homes. Yet here he was giving comfort when Aiden was scared of thunder storms. He wanted to hate Aiden but he couldn't stop himself from caring about the boy. Maybe there is a whole new side to The Great One that no one ever figured out. Maybe there is a side of good for The Great One. He just wants to find it.

Twisted Rainbow was sitting on the couch at their house. He looked pretty upset. Hypno then walked in. He looked over at Twisted Rainbow. "Oh, hey Twisted. Are you alright?" He asks. "Not really." Twisted Rainbow says. Hypno sat beside him. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I'm... just worried. What if we can't stop this and what if Shadow and M don't come back? I'm worried that we won't be able to stop this. We only have one more chance." Twisted Rainbow says. Hypno sighs. "Twisted, it'll be alright. We'll be able to fix this. I know we will." He says. Twisted Rainbow looks at him. "No you don't. You don't know if we'll be able to fix this at all!" He shouts at him. Hypno pushes him away. "Twisted, calm down." He says. Twisted sighs. "I'm just not a very good fighter. Never really have been." He says. Hypno touched his shoulder. Twisted Rainbow looked at him. "You are a great fighter Twisted. You were very brave these past few days. It's all going to be okay." Hypno says. Twisted looked down sadly. "Why do you care about me? Especially after what I've done." He says. Hypno sighs. "We may not have been on good terms before and I know I pulled you into a situation that could've got us killed but you're still my friend." He says. Twisted Rainbow sighs and lies down on the rug. Hypno lies down on the rug too. "It doesn't feel like anything is going to get better anytime soon." Twisted Rainbow said. "It's going to be okay Twisted. I promise.  We're almost through with this." He says. Twisted Rainbow sighs. "I don't know." He mutters. "Trust me Twisted. It's all going to be okay. You'll be okay." Hypno says. Twisted Rainbow sighs and looks up at the ceiling.

That night, Sam snuck into the house the group was staying at. Twisted Rainbow and Hypno had gone to bed. He walked over to Assistant Steve trying not to wake anyone up. He looked down at him. Sam then kneeled down and picked Assistant Steve up taking him somewhere. Sam carried Assistant Steve to a different house. He entered and set Assistant Steve on a table. Sam sighed. "Let's get you fixed up." He says. Sam grabbed some tools and began working on Assistant Steve. He quickly cleaned the vines off of him as well as washed the rust off of Assistant Steve's body. Sam then tightened some loose screws on Assistant Steve and replaced some parts that he had lost in his system. He patched the broken wires and fixed some of the coding inside of his system. Sam sighed, tired after finishing all of that. "Come on Sam. You can do this. You've done it before." He says to himself. He continued working on Assistant Steve trying to at least fix his coding and his body so he's stable. Sam then realized Assistant Steve was still missing a hand. He sighed and put down his tools. "How can I improve him?" Sam asks himself. He began pacing thinking about what he could do to make Assistant Steve work better. But then he gasped. He then went down to the basement of the house they were in. Sam had many spare robot parts down there. He grabbed some extra pieces and a small box before walking back up the stairs to where Assistant Steve is. Sam finally replaced the outer parts Assistant Steve was missing. Then he opened the small box. There was a small chip inside of it. Sam looked at it closely. "Don't fail me." He says. Sam then put the chip on Assistant Steve. Sam looked away praying that it would work. "Systems rebooting." Assistant Steve says. Sam looked at him. He backed away a bit. Assistant Steve sat up on the table and looked at him. Sam stared at him. Assistant Steve looked at Sam confused. But then Sam looked at Assistant Steve's arm and saw the red skin on it. Sam gasped. Assistant Steve looked at his arm then back at Sam. Sam walked over to him. But then he grabbed Assistant Steve's hand and pressed a button on it. Assistant Steve gasped. "Downloading new file." He says. Sam looked at him. "File downloaded. Loading file name: The Last Ones." Assistant Steve says. Sam nods. "Perfect." He says. He sighs of relief after. "I'll be back for you in a second." He says. Sam walks away. Assistant Steve stared blankly for a second. But then he said, "01000110 01110010 01101001 01100101 01101110 01100100 01110011 00111111." Then he shook his head. "Please."

The Last Ones part 2 | A Twisted Rainbow AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now