Chapter 15

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Meanwhile back in the other world, Shadow and M were looking around trying to find a way out of the world they were in. "Since we both have Lucian's power. Maybe we can open a portal somehow. Well, if we can use our powers." Shadow says. M nods. They then come up to a hill. "Wait. Where does this go?" Shadow asks. M shrugs. They both walk up the hill. After getting up the hill, they realized they just left the forest. M looked over and seemed to gasp. He tapped on Shadow's shoulder and pointed towards where he was looking. "Huh?" Shadow says. He looks over too. There was a house in the distance. "Oh. Maybe someone lives there." Shadow says. M nods. They rush over to the house. Shadow opens the door and the two enter. Shadow takes off his scarf. "Hello?" He says. No response. M looked around for anyone. Shadow then noticed a book on the table in front of the couch. It was a journal of some sort. Shadow picked it up and began looking through out. M walked over. "Maybe someone else did live here." Shadow says. M nods. Shadow puts the journal down. "Let's look around the house." He says. M nods.

M walks into another room. He looked over at something and gasped. He walked over to a table. It had some books on it as well as pieces of paper with writing on them. He cleared the dust off the books and saw that they were journals and diaries. He picked one up and opened it. He saw that some of the pages were torn and a few of them were torn out. He looked at the pieces of paper and saw they were the pages that got torn out. M grabbed the pieces of paper and looked at them confused. He looked at what the writing said. He saw they were talking about a certain person. A person named Raiden. 'I will do everything I can to keep you safe brother.' One of the pages said. As he was looking through the torn pages, he then came across a specific one. It said, 'I wrote this song for you, Raiden.' M looked at the next page and saw the last few pages were lyrics sheets. M sighed and put the pages down. Then he saw a mirror against the wall. He walked over to it and looked at his reflection. He sighed sadly when he saw the bandage over his eye again. M walked over to the mirror and put his hand on it. But then he noticed the cut on his neck. He gasped and backed away. The cut was in a rainbow color. He sighed sadly. M remembered how Twisted Rainbow removed his voice and now he could only use sign language to talk. He looked at himself again. But then he gasped remembering something. He remembered how he helped Professor Red build Assistant Steve in the other world. But he remembered something Professor Red said after he gave M an extra chip for Assistant Steve. "You have a great voice M and I know one day, you will help everyone in this world." He remembers Professor Red saying. After remembering this, M put his hands over his mouth. Those words made him tear up some. He walked back over to the table. He sighed.

"M!" Someone shouts. Shadow then entered the room. M gasped and turned around. "M? Are you okay?" Shadow asks. M wipes away his tears and nods. Shadow walked over and looked at the papers and the books. M sighs. Shadow looked at him. "M, are you sure you're okay?" He asks. M stared at the lyrics sheets. Then he huffed and hugged Shadow starting to cry. Shadow looked at him confused. He looked up and saw the lyrics sheets. "Oh." He says. Shadow sighs and hugged M back. M then gasped remembering something else. He pulled away and reached into his pocket. Shadow looked at him confused. M then pulled out a picture. He handed it to Shadow. Shadow looked at it and then gasped. It had M and Professor Red in the photo. Shadow looked at M. "He was your best friend?" He asks. M nodded. He was about to sob again. Shadow sighed and hugged him again. M started to calm down. He finally took a deep breath and calmed down. He pulled away. "It's late M. We should probably get some rest." Shadow says. M sighs and nods.

Shadow and M walked back into the living room. It was still dark outside. M had his arms crossed. Shadow looked pretty sad that M was sad. "So you saw it all happen?" Shadow asks. M nods sadly. Shadow sighs. "I'm sorry M." He says. M looked at him sadly. He hugged Shadow again. Shadow hugged him back. "We need to find a way out of here tomorrow." He says. M nods. Shadow sighed and lied down on the rug. M walked over to him. Shadow looked at him. "You okay M?" He asks. M nods. Shadow sighs. M lied next to him. Shadow looks at him. M looks back. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asks. M nods. Shadow sighs of relief. M then sat up and looked at something. "What are you looking at?" Shadow asks. M sighed shaking his head. Shadow sat up and looked at him confused. "Is everything alright?" He asks. M nods. Shadow sighs. Then he yawns. M yawned too. Shadow lied down on the rug again. M looked at him for a second. Then he lied down too but his head was on Shadow's chest when he lied down. Shadow looked at M shocked. M had fallen asleep. Shadow just sighed and fell asleep too.

The Last Ones part 2 | A Twisted Rainbow AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now