Chapter 59

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Shadow woke up. He was in a very bright area. He covered his eyes and groaned slightly. He gasped and sat up. The area was completely white. Shadow looked around confused. He slowly stood up. He groaned in pain and grabbed his head. He looked around. There was nothing around. "W...Where am I?" He says. He looks around again. Everything is as empty as ever. "Where am I?!" He shouts this time and starts to walk forward. His footsteps were echoing. A strange feeling starts to creep up on him the further he walks through what seems like an endless hallway. But then, he saw something in the distance. Shadow squinted his eyes. It was that light version of Sabre again. Shadow gasped. Light Sabre walked towards him and stopped in front of him. "Hello Shadow." He said. Shadow took some steps back. "It's... You again." He says. "Yes. I bet you are wondering who I actually am." Light Sabre said. Shadow nods. "I... Am the other Sabre from the first world you visited in the Multiverse. After being sent to the beginning and recreating Origin Steve to continue the loop, one of the Multiverse Watchers found me and just made me into pure energy." Light Sabre says. Shadow looked shocked. "Y...You..." He stopped. He couldn't speak. "I know... I haven't explained so much to you. I couldn't help you as much as I wanted to. I can't even touch anything. Nor can I help out in any other way that I have been. I have been so vague for so long. But only so that you could figure this all out yourself and you have. You and your newfound family. But Shadow, this is your last chance to make everything right. You only have this one chance and if you fail, there's no stopping The First Curse. You have been the one destined to stop him. You and your friends or family. But... If you succeed, you won't live as long as the other Last Ones. I can't say why. You'll figure it out when I send you back. I know exactly what's tended to happen. But I can't say what it is. Or it won't happen. Remember, this is your last chance." Light Sabre says. Shadow looked shocked and scared. "I... I..." He stuttered. "I know it's a lot to take in. But we're all counting on you but remember, you aren't alone in this." Light Sabre says. Shadow looked at his hands. "I... Already failed before..." He says. "You had that chance. You also have this one. Your last one. You've been trying so hard. You haven't given up at all. Even when you were lost. You didn't give up until you made it back. You want everyone else to survive, right?" Light Sabre asks. Shadow slowly nods. "I dont need anyone else getting hurt or killed. I already lost so much already!" He exclaims. Light Sabre sighs. "Oh Shadow. I know you may think you've lost so much. But who you lost are still here for you." He says. Shadow looks at him. Light Sabre points to the side. Shadow looks over and gasped. The Yellow Steves and the Ghost Steves Shadow and M met before were there. Aiden and Lucy were there in front of them. Shadow looked at Light Sabre. "They're all counting on you and so is everyone else in the multiverse. Everyone is here for you. They all believe in you." He says. Shadow looked shocked and emotional. "I..." He trailed off. Light Sabre touches his shoulder. Shadow looks down and lets out a choked sob. He fell to his knees and started crying. Light Sabre stares at him. "I don't know if I can do this..." Shadow says. "You still have to try. If not for yourself, for everyone in the multiverse who's counting on you." Light Sabre says. Shadow wipes his tears away. He stood back up. "You can do this, Shadow." Light Sabre says. Shadow sighs. "I... I will try." He says. Light Sabre smiles. "Remember, you won't see me again after this. But we're all here for you. We always have been and always will be. Good luck Shadow." He says. Shadow takes a deep breath. "Goodbye Sabre." He says. "Goodbye Shadow." Light Sabre says. He touches Shadow's chest and a bright light engulfs them both.

Shadow woke up. He looked up and gasped. The warehouse was completely destroyed. He looked around for the others. M, Twisted Rainbow, Hypno, Assistant and The Great One were on the ground around him unconscious. They were all severely injured. Shadow slowly stood up. "Guys!" He exclaims. M looks up. Twisted Rainbow and Hypno woke up too. Assistant Steve twitched. "Rebooting..." He says. He sat up. The Great One slowly woke up too. He gasped. "We're alive?" He asks. Shadow nods. "Apparently." He says. The others stood up. They looked around. The fire was out but the warehouse was completely destroyed. Shadow looked over. The people from the village including Sonny all surrounded the rubble of the warehouse. Shadow looked around shocked. Lucian and Sam ran over as well. They looked shocked. But then, footsteps were heard. Shadow looked up and gasped. A wounded First Curse stepped out of the smoke. He looked really angry. Everyone gasped. Shadow looked at him angrily. "I... Have had it!" The First Curse shouts. He looked at Shadow and the others angrily. "How were you able to stop that?!" He shouts at them. Shadow looked at himself then at the others. He looked back at The First Curse. The First Curse screeches at them. "I'm done!" He shouts. He flies up and was ready to attempt in destroying the world again. But then someone ran past The Last Ones and jumped at The First Curse kicking him to the ground. The First Curse fell to the ground. He looked up angrily and gasped. Sabre was there. Everyone gasped. Sabre was injured and had severe burns on him but he didn't seem very affected. Sabre quickly attacked The First Curse. The First Curse punched Sabre to the ground. He grabbed him by the throat. "That's too bad, Sabre. I really thought we could've been allies." He says. Sabre looks at Shadow. He quickly signs something. But then, The First Curse took out a dagger and sliced Sabre's chest open. Shadow gasped. The First Curse then began absorbing all of Sabre's powers. Sabre screamed. Everyone watched in horror. Shadow wanted to do something but he was frozen for some reason. "No..." He whispers. The First Curse absorbed all of Sabre's powers and threw him on the ground. Sabre landed. He had had the life completely sucked out of him. It was too late to save him now. Shadow and the others looked shocked. Shadow took a step back. The First Curse looked at him. "Anyone who tries to stand in my way, I will take your lives with me!" He shouts. Lucian stared at The First Curse angrily. He looked at Sam and hugged him. Sam gasped. Lucian let go. He charged towards The First Curse. Shadow gasps. "Lucian! No!" He shouts. Lucian attacked The First Curse. He punched him several times and used his power on him a couple times. He wasn't as strong as he was as he's slowly dying. The First Curse roars and grabs Lucian by the throat. Lucian growls. He looks at The First Curse's chest. "Give that soul back!" He shouts. He touches The First Curse's chest and took something from him. The First Curse gasps. Lucian turned to Shadow. "I'm sorry..." He says. Lucian then shot his power at Shadow. Shadow screamed. He was absorbing all of Lucian's power. Lucian forced all of his power out of his body and at Shadow who absorbed it all. Shadow grunted and hugged himself. The power was too much for him to handle. Lucian breathed heavily. He was fully weakened now. "Anyone can be a hero..." He muttered. The First Curse growls angrily. He took out his sword. "I'm done with you Lucian." He says. Lucian looked at him. The First Curse roars and cuts off Lucian's head. Lucian dropped dead. Everyone gasped. "LUCIAN!" Sam screams. The Last Ones looked shocked. Shadow fell to his knees. M, Twisted Rainbow, Hypno, Assistant and The Great One looked at him. "I... Can't handle this..." Shadow says. The First Curse looked at him and chuckled. "It was wise of Lucian to give up all his powers and souls to you Shadow. But he knew you couldn't handle it. You can die in any second." He chuckles again. "Shows how truly weak you are." M and Hypno helped Shadow stand back up. Shadow growled in pain. M stares at him worriedly. He looks at the others then back at Shadow. M touched Shadow's shoulder. Twisted Rainbow looks at him for a moment then he touches Shadow's other shoulder. Assistant Steve reached out and touched Shadow's arm. Hypno grabbed Shadow's other arm. The Great One touches Shadow's back. Shadow coughs. He gasps. The First Curse looked confused. "What?" He says. Shadow looked at his hands. He looks at his friends. Then he realized what they were doing. Shadow growled then he shared his power among all five of them. They all looked at The First Curse angrily. The First Curse backed away some. "No..." He says. He growls and fires his power at them. But a shield formed around all six of them deflecting the shot. The First Curse looked shocked. "What?! No." He says. Shadow nods to the others. They all nod back. Then they all started using their powers all together. "No!" The First Curse says. Shadow, M, Twisted Rainbow, Hypno, Assistant and The Great One all fired their power at him. The First Curse screams. "NO!" He shouts. Shadow and his friends kept their stance and fired a stronger blast at The First Curse. The First Curse screamed in pain as he was being destroyed. With Shadow and his friends all working together with Lucian still by their side, they could finally stop The First Curse once and for all. Finally, The First Curse disappeared. Shadow and his friends stopped firing their power and they were all panting. Shadow looked up. The First Curse was gone. All that was left was a purple star. Sam ran over and picked up the star. Shadow sighed of relief. Sam looked at them. "Are you guys okay?!" He asks in a panicked voice. Shadow sighs. "Yeah. I think we're all okay." Hypno says. Shadow growls in pain. They all look at him. "Shadow, are you-" The Great One stopped when Shadow fell to the ground. M gasped. "Shadow!" The Great One exclaims. M, Twisted Rainbow, Hypno, Assistant and The Great One surrounded him staring at him worriedly right before Shadow blacked out.

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