Chapter 20

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Meanwhile, Shadow and M were walking through a forest. After they had gone through the portal, they entered another world connected to the other one. "I really hope we can figure out how to get back soon. I'm worried we might be too late." Shadow says. M looked down. Shadow looked at him. "M, I found something in the attic when I was up there getting the journal." He says. M looked at him. Shadow took M's bandages off his eye. It was healed by now but M still had a missing eye. Shadow took out the eye patch he found. He put it over M's eye. M looked at him shocked. "I think that might be better." Shadow says. M hugs him. Shadow smiles and hugs back.

They continue walking through the forest. The ground was wet and covered in plants and sticks. Shadow looked around the forest curiously. He then coughs. M looked at him confused. Shadow coughed violently and fell to his knees. M knelt down. He touched his back. Shadow coughed again and looked at him. M signed, "What's wrong?" Shadow gulped. "I don't know. I haven't been feeling the best. I should be fine though." He says standing up. M stood up as well. He wasn't so sure. Shadow just kept walking. M followed him. He kept looking at Shadow worriedly though. Shadow was sweating some. His breathing had been getting deeper with every step he was taking. M was about to grab Shadow's arm when Shadow suddenly stumbled. M caught him before he hit the ground. Shadow coughs. M looked at him concerned. "I don't know what's wrong with me." Shadow says. M felt his forehead. He gasped. He signed, "Shadow, you're sick!" Shadow looked at him. He sighed. "I'll be fine M." He says. M shook his head. Shadow pushed M away slightly. "I'll be okay. Let's just keep going." He says. He continued walking. M sighed and followed him.

They kept walking through the forest. But then they heard a noise coming from somewhere. Shadow looked up at the trees. He saw nothing though. But then, something zipped past the trees. "Wait. What's that?" Shadow says. M looked back. The thing was gone though. M shrugged. They then hear a squeak. Shadow looked down. A bunny came out of a hole and hopped over to them. Shadow reached down and picked up the bunny. "Well, it seems there is life in this world." He says to M. M nods. Shadow held the bunny in his hand. He pet the bunny's fur. But then he noticed something. Shadow looked at the bunny's side. There was a wound there. "Uh oh." Shadow said. M looks at him. Shadow holds the rabbit closer to his chest. "It's injured." He says. The bunny squeaked. M looked over and saw the rabbit hole. He pointed to it. Shadow nodded. He walked over to the rabbit hole and put the bunny down. The bunny looked at him then it hopped into the rabbit hole. "I wonder why it had an injury like that. It seemed to be an arrow injury." Shadow says. M nods. They both look up. It was starting to get darker. "We should go." Shadow says. M nods. They continued walking.

Eventually, they came to a dark path leading somewhere. Shadow knew they had to find a good place to stop soon as it was almost nighttime. But then he hears a rustling noise. Shadow stops and turns around. M stopped when he realized Shadow had stopped. Nothing was there. M walked closer to Shadow. "What's that noise?" Shadow asks. M shrugs. "Maybe there's-" Shadow stops after hearing the noise again. They look around confused. But then, an arrow all of a sudden hits the ground in front of Shadow. They both jumped back. Shadow put up his arm to defend M. Another arrow then hit the tree next to them. Shadow grabbed M's wrist and pulled him back. They both then turned around and ran. Arrows kept flying towards them. But then Shadow screamed. They both froze. M looked at Shadow. An arrow had hit Shadow in the back of his arm. Shadow noticed something on the arrow. He gasped when it was some sort of poison. Shadow then passed out. M knelt down beside him. He tried to wake Shadow but he wouldn't wake up. Shadow was knocked out cold. But before M could do anything else, he is also shot in the arm by an arrow. M gasps. Then he passes out too. But then a group of people came walking towards them. But before they could do anything, a sword hits the ground in front of them. "That Yellow Steve must be nearby. We'll come back for these two later." One of the people in the group said. The group then ran off. There was a Yellow Steve in a tree and was watching the group leave. He then looked down at Shadow and M worriedly. He jumped down out of the tree and landed in front of them. The Yellow Steve looked at them for a moment. "I better get them out of here." He says.

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