Chapter 43

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Shadow, Lucian, Sam, M, The Great One, Hypno and Twisted Rainbow landed in a dark area. "Where are we now?" Shadow asks. "I don't kno-" Lucian gasps and looks over. "Lucian, what's wrong?" Shadow asks. Lucian didn't respond. He quickly started running and turned a corner. "Lucian!" Shadow shouts. Sam touches his head. "Hang on. I know where he's going. I'll teleport you all." He says. "Wait but isn't teleporting dangerous in this world?" The Great One asks. "He's not going too far. It depends on how far you're going with teleporting." Sam says. Twisted Rainbow sighs. "Alright fine." He says. Sam teleports them all quickly to another part of the area they were in.

When they teleported to where they were going, Shadow looked over and gasped. Lucian was holding Sonny. "Sonny!" Shadow exclaims. Sonny looks over and gasps. "Shadow!" He exclaims. He squirms out of Lucian's arms and ran over to hug Shadow. Shadow hugs back. "Oh. I'm so glad you're okay!" He exclaims. Sonny lets go. "Not yet. Aiden is still down here!" He exclaims. The Great One and Sam gasp. "Why would you two come out here?" Shadow asks. "We wanted to know where Assistant was going. Aiden was really worried and I went with him to try and protect him. But The First Curse has him now." Sonny says. Lucian walks over. Sonny looks at Sam. "Wait a second." He says. He lets go of Shadow. "Who are you?" He asks Sam. Sam steps up. "I'm Sam." He says. Sonny stared at Sam confused. "So, you're working with them as well?" He asks. Sam looked at Shadow, M, Twisted Rainbow, Lucian, Hypno and The Great One. "No, I'm the teleporting uber and mechanic for a bunch of multiverse travelers." Sam said to Sonny. Sonny tilted his head. "Oh." He says. "Yes! I'm working with them!" Sam exclaims. Sonny sighs. Sam face palms. "Listen. I'll take Sonny back to the village. For now, you all need to find Aiden." He says. Shadow sighs. "Alright." He says. Sam grabs Sonny and they teleport. Shadow turns around and looks at the others. "Alright, we should-" He stops. Lucian was gone. "Lucian?" Shadow says. No response. "Where did he go?" He asks. "I don't know." Twisted Rainbow says. But then, Shadow looks through the glass pane and saw arrows pointing somewhere. "Where are these leading?" He asks. They all follow the arrows.

But then, they come to another room. The only light in it was a couple torches. "Where are we now?" Hypno asks. Shadow shrugs. "Hang on." He says. There were symbols on the wall. They all walk over to it. "What do those mean?" Twisted Rainbow asks. Shadow was shaking slightly. He sighed. He took the glass pane and looked at the wall through it but then he gasped. "Half Alive and... Already Dead?" He says. "H-Half Alive?" Twisted Rainbow says. "Already Dead?" Hypno asks. "What does that mean?" The Great One asks. "It means you." Someone said. They all gasped and turned around. Lucian was standing there. He had an upset look on his face. "Lucian?" Shadow says. Lucian stepped over. "What does that mean? Half Alive and Already Dead mean two different things?" Twisted Rainbow says. Lucian put his hands behind his back. "I know. But... That's what you all are." He says. They all gasped. "What?" Shadow says. "Look at yourselves. How can anyone survive a full world destruction?" Lucian asks. Shadow's hands were shaking. "What did you do?" He asks Lucian. Lucian crossed his arms. "You did die. I'm... What you call a multiverse watcher. I watched your world for a long time but when I saw you all being attacked by Sabre. I rushed in and collected all of your souls before Sabre could take your lives. Then I recreated your own bodies and placed the souls inside. You really did die. But you were revived by me. However, me placing your souls in your own bodies didn't revive you completely. You still have... A lot to recover from... and some of those scars won't heal. So, take it as in you're half alive..." He said.  There was silence for a few seconds as everyone processed what Lucian had just told them. Shadow had tears in his eyes. "No... So, we're half alive and already dead?" He asks. "Theoretically and sadly, yes." Lucian says. "That doesn't make any sense..." Shadow says. He looks around at his friends. "This has to be a joke!" Shadow exclaims at Lucian. "It isn't Shadow. You couldn't ever survive the destruction of that world. But I knew that you were the only true ones who could stop The First Curse." Lucian says. "But... Sabre... You revived him too?" Shadow asks. "No. I didn't. The First Curse revived Sabre. I don't know what his plan is to do with him. But it doesn't sound good." Lucian says. Shadow just looked shocked. They were all alive but also not alive. Half Alive... They were dead and alive at the same time and since they couldn't escape, they had already died before. Lucian looked down. "For now, you need to go find Sabre and The First Curse. Aiden is nowhere down here. I feel like The First Curse has him. You guys need to look for Assistant, Blue, Aiden, Sabre and The First Curse. When you find Aiden, Assistant and Blue, bring them back to the village." He says. Shadow sighs. "Alright. We will." He says. Lucian nods. "Good luck out there Last Ones." He says, "Please be safe." They nod. Lucian teleports them all somewhere else.

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