Chapter 54

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I changed my mind. I'm going to be publishing a chapter today and tomorrow. But from Monday-Thursday next week, there won't be any chapters.

Shadow and M run back over to the others. Hypno helped Twisted Rainbow back up. Assistant Steve walked over. "Are you all okay?!" Someone asks. They look over. Lucian appeared. "Lucian!" Shadow exclaims. Lucian looks around. "Wait. Where's The Great One?" He asks. Shadow looks around. "Great One! Where are you?!" He shouts. No response. Hypno looks up. "Hey! There he is!" He exclaims. The Great One landed on the roof of the warehouse. He still has Aiden's body in his arms. Shadow, M, Twisted Rainbow, Hypno, Assistant and Lucian looked at him. "Oh! Great One, you-" He stopped after noticing Aiden. The Great One was staring at Aiden sadly. Shadow gasped after he noticed Aiden was dead. "Oh my God Steve..." He said silently. The Great One turned away from them. He stared at Aiden sadly. Lucian had some tears in his eyes. He sighed and walked over to The Great One. "Great One, I'm so sorry." He said. The Great One didn't respond. He didn't even glance at Lucian. He just kept staring at Aiden. Lucian sighed. "Maybe you should let me take him." He says. The Great One gasps. But then, he wraps his wings around Aiden and punches Lucian away from them. "NO!" The Great One exclaimed angrily. Lucian fell to the ground. He looked at The Great One shocked. "DON'T TOUCH HIM!" The Great One screamed at him. He was breathing heavily. "Great One..." Shadow says. The Great One growls and looks at Aiden. "I..." He says. They all look at him. "I... AM GOING TO DESTROY THE FIRST CURSE!" The Great One screamed. They all gasp. "What was Aiden doing here anyway?!" Lucian exclaimed. "SHUT UP!" The Great One exclaimed. He was very angry and emotional. They all stared at him shocked. The Great One looked as angry as ever. "I am... I am... NOT GOING TO STOP UNTIL I TEAR THE FIRST CURSE APART!" He screamed. He did have tears in his eyes. Shadow noticed that and gasped. The Great One growled and pressed his forehead against Aiden's chest trying to hide his face. Shadow took a few steps towards The Great One. He didn't try to take Aiden or say anything. He just hugged The Great One. The Great One gasped. He looked at Shadow shocked. The Great One looked like he wanted to hug back but couldn't. He sighed and wiped the tears away from his eyes. The others just stared at The Great One sadly. The Great One did secretly care deeply about Aiden and was very angry that The First Curse killed him. Although, The Great One started to calm down some after Shadow hugged him. The Great One wrapped his other wing around Shadow. The Great One was able to catch his breath and calm down. Lucian looked down. "Great One, I'm sorry." He says. The Great One looked down sadly. He closed his eyes. Shadow remembered something. He looked at the others and gestured for them to come over. M came over and hugged The Great One too. Twisted Rainbow sighed and walked over. He hugged The Great One as well. Hypno followed and did the same thing. Assistant walked over and hugged The Great One too. Lucian walked over as well and hugged The Great One. The Great One looked up and looked at them all shocked. He sighed and looked down. He looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't.  "I... Am not going to stop until the First Curse is destroyed…" The Great One whispered quietly. He sniffed and wiped his eyes again. Lucian sighs. "I need to take Aiden away for now. I promise, I'll let you see him one last time Great One." He says. The Great One hesitates for a moment then sighs. He gave Aiden to Lucian. Lucian stared at Aiden sadly. He sighs and walks off.

I'm so tired...

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