Chapter 12

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Shadow was walking around the multiverse. He looked around concerned. "I don't know where that portal is going to be." He says. He looks around at all the portals he sees around him. "Come on. Come on! Give me a sign of which one it is! All the portals look the same." He says. He sighed. "It's going to take me forever to go through one by one until I find it." He said. Shadow stopped in front of one. "I guess it's the only way." He sighed and entered the portal.

Shadow then entered another dimension. The portal closed behind him. The area Shadow was in was a forest. It was night at the time. He began looking around the area. "Uh oh." He says. He ran around the area. It was so dark, he almost crashed into a tree though. "Hello?" He called out. No response. "Anyone here?" He called out again. Still no response. He ran around the area again.  There were no signs of life anywhere, not even animals. Just dead leaves on trees and grass. It was very quiet too. Shadow finally slowed down and stopped. He took out the glass pane and looked through it. However, he saw no messages that time. "Come on! Give me a clue!" He exclaimed. There was still nothing. Shadow sighed and continued walking around. He couldn't find anything or anyone. He was starting to get worried. What if no one was in that world? What if he was trapped? He tried to use his powers to at least try to open a portal but for some reason, his powers weren't working. "Wait. Why isn't this working?" He asks. But then he groaned and leaned onto a tree. He coughed again. "Why is this happening?" He says. He was starting to feel sick again. He fell against the tree. Shadow covered his face with his hands.  His heart was beating loudly inside his chest. The feeling of nausea and dizziness grew worse. Shadow started to lose consciousness. Shadow could hear a rustling noise in front of him.  Shadow groaned and forced himself back to wakefulness. He saw nothing when he looked though. He got up slowly.  Shadow felt his knees buckle underneath him. He fell again and hit the ground this time. He coughed again, this time more violently. But when he stopped, he saw blood on his hand. He had coughed up blood. He sighed. "No... I'm not dying. I'm going to find a way out of here. If it's the last thing I do." He says standing up. He quickly forced himself to run and didn't care about how sick he was feeling. "I don't have much time left anyway..." Shadow thought as he ran. He coughed again. He stopped and threw up some blood. He breathed heavily. He sighed and continued walking around looking for anything that could help him get out of there.

Meanwhile, M was still walking around in the multiverse. He was looking for Shadow. M had a part of Lucian's power that could help find people in the multiverse. Shadow did not have that part of his power. M sighed of relief. He went up to one portal. He took a deep breath and entered.

Shadow walked around aimlessly. He had no idea what to do. If the world he was in was abandoned, he had no way of getting back to the multiverse. He saw nothing but the dark in the forest he was in. Shadow sighs. "This is getting me nowhere. I need to find a way out somehow. I need to look harder." He says. He kept looking. "Look for a clue. A relic." He passed by a red flower, "Or a plant." He stopped and looked at the flower. "A flower?" He said. He then looked over and saw a trail of flowers. Shadow decided to follow it. The flowers were all different colors. They were leading him somewhere. "Why is there a trail of them?" He says. Shadow kept following the flowers. But then he was led to a flower field. Shadow gasps. He walked towards it. A large tree was in the center of the flower field. He was shocked by how the flower trail led him here. But then he heard something. "Who's there?" He says. No response. But then Shadow saw someone approaching the field. He squinted his eyes. But then M appears on the other side of the flower field. M froze after seeing Shadow. They both gasp. They stared at each other shocked for a moment. "M? Is that-" M ran over to Shadow and hugged him. Shadow hugged back immediately. "M! You're alive!" He exclaims. M smiled. He pulled back. "M. I am so sorry." Shadow says. M looked at him confused. "I should've tried to help you. I was just so distracted." Shadow says. M puts his hand on his shoulder and shakes his head. Shadow sighs. "But why are you here anyway? How did you get here?" He asks. M reveals he has some of Lucian's power. Shadow gasps. "He gave you some of his power too?" He asks. M nods. Shadow sighs. "Well, I tried using my powers but for some reason, I couldn't." He says. M signs, "It wouldn't let me either." Shadow sighs. "Let's just explore this world and try to find another way out." He says. M nods. The two walk off to explore the world they're in.

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