Chapter 19

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Double chapter day! Hope y'all are enjoying the story so far :)

Twisted Rainbow, Hypno and Lucian were waiting for The Great One to get back. Lucian was pacing back and forth. "I really hope The Great One is alright." He says. "I wonder what the problem was." Hypno says. "I don't know. Hopefully nothing too terrible." Twisted Rainbow says. Hypno nods. "You know, The Great One usually isn't worried. When he is, you know it's terrible." He says. "Yeah, usually he's always prepared and never worried but when he is, well... We shouldn't ignore the problem." Twisted Rainbow says. Hypno sighs and nods. But then a caw is heard. They all look up. The bird then flies back landing on Lucian's shoulder. It looked very worried. It was tweeting loudly as if trying to tell them something. It was also flapping its wings very fast. "Is it okay?" Hypno asks. Lucian looks at the bird confused. "I don't know." He says. But then, they all look over and see The Great One walking back. He still had Aiden on his arm. "Great One! Aiden?" Lucian says. Aiden looks at him sadly. Lucian gasps when he saw him injured. "What happened to you, Aiden?" He asks. The Great One gives Aiden to Lucian. "The First Curse attacked him." The Great One says. "WHAT?!" Lucian exclaims. Hypno and Twisted Rainbow stood up. The Great One looks down. "Okay. We'll head to the other village to see what's going on later but first I need to help you all with your injuries. I'll be back in a moment." Lucian says. The Great One nods. Lucian walked off with Aiden in his arms.

The Great One sighed and turned away from Twisted Rainbow and Hypno. Twisted Rainbow looked at him. "It was Aiden you were sensing?" He asks. The Great One nods. "So, you went to go save him?" Hypno asks. The Great One nods again. Twisted Rainbow sighed. "Well, at least he's safe. Friends do always go to save each other." He says. The Great One gasps and looks at them. "What're you talking about?" He asks. "Isn't Aiden your friend?" Hypno asks. "No." The Great One says. "You both seem to care about each other though." Twisted Rainbow says. The Great One shook his head. "He isn't my friend.'' He says, "He's just... An ally." He turns away. Twisted Rainbow and Hypno look at each other confused. The Great One hasn't ever understood friendship as he's never really had any friends. He thinks it's just a waste of time anyway.

But, Aiden was looking outside the door. He had overheard them. He felt bad for The Great One. He sighed and went back into the house.

Later on, Lucian was treating The Great One's injuries. He sighs after looking at his arm. "All the bones are broken in your arm Great One. I don't think they will heal properly." He says. The Great One sighs. "Darkness entities can heal their bones but it takes a very long time. But with an injury like the one I have, they probably won't heal very well." He says. Lucian nods. Aiden sat down next to The Great One. His injuries had been treated as well. He stared at The Great One sadly. The Great One looked at him. "What's wrong Aiden?" He asked. Aiden, all of a sudden hugs The Great One. The Great One gasped. Aiden looked up at the Great One. He had tears streaming down his face. The Great One looked at him confused. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks. "I hate that you're in pain!" Aiden exclaimed. The Great One gasped. "I don't want you to be hurt!" Aiden cried out. Lucian looked at him shocked as well. "Aiden, I think you should-" Aiden slapped Lucian's hand away. "No! I'm not leaving him!" He shouted at him. Lucian didn't understand why Aiden was acting like this. The Great One didn't either. "Since when have you cared about me this much?" He asks. Aiden doesn't respond, he just hugs him tighter. Lucian stared at him confused. Twisted Rainbow and Hypno were in the room as well. They were confused too. The Great One touched Aiden's head. A small red cloud of smoke appeared when he did. The Great One sighed. "He's terrified." He says. "Why?" Lucian asks. "The First Curse attacking him frightened him a lot." The Great One says. Aiden cried into The Great One's chest. "I hate the pain!" Aiden exclaimed.

The Great One held Aiden close. "Aiden, calm down. It's okay." He whispered. Aiden shook his head. "No, it's not! How can anything be okay?!" Aiden cried out. His voice became louder. The Great One hugged him. "We will take care of it. You are safe now." He says. Aiden was starting to calm down. The Great One rubbed his back. Aiden slowly calmed down. He looked up at The Great One. He sniffled. "I'm sorry." He says. The Great One wiped Aiden's tears away. "You don't have to apologize." He says. "I just want to protect you." Aiden says. "I'm the one who has to protect you Aiden." The Great One says. Aiden shook his head. "I want to protect you like how you protected me!" He exclaimed. The Great One shushed him. "Calm down Aiden." He says. Aiden looked like he was about to cry again. "I just don't want you to get hurt." He says. The Great One rubbed his back again. "It's all going to be okay Aiden." He says. "No it won't! I keep getting this feeling that something bad is going to happen to you! I don't want you to die!" Aiden cries out. Lucian looked down. "Red Steves get feelings like that sometimes. Especially at a young age." He says. The Great One sighs. "Aiden, I'll be fine. I promise." He says. Aiden looks up at him. "Promise?" He says. "I promise." The Great One says. Aiden sighs. Twisted Rainbow and Hypno looked at each other sadly. Lucian looked at Aiden sadly. The Great One just comforted Aiden trying to keep him calm.

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